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Zandvoort was the next race, the car had been doing way better and it all felt amazing. The car had gotten some updates and changes and it was giving the Redbulls some fight. Right now I was waiting for qualy with Lotte, we hadn't talked much about our personal lives because of how busy we were.

"Hey Lotte, when do you think it's appropriate to launch the relationship?" I asked.

"When you have a spot for next year."

"Until then?" I asked unbelievably.

"I'm sorry, I know you want to...But you wanted to prioritize your career, that's what we're doing." She said.

"And what has been going through your mind? You haven't been the fun Lotte since before the summer break." I asked curiously.

"It's just...Marc and I broke up." She said leaving her phone away.

"Why? Is everything ok?" She looked at me and then to my driver's room door, which I understand as speaking in private. We went there and closed the door so she could open up.

"I know I shouldn't, but you're my closest friend Andi." She said with eyes ready to drop a huge amount of tears. "I never thought I'd be able to do something like that." She said to which I gave her a confused look. "Remember the 1-2?" She asked.


"I went to the team party and well I got a bit tipsy. Paul as the gentleman he is decided he would not let me go to the hotel alone, so he took me there. Well...things got heated and...I didn't want to cheat on Marc, but it also didn't feel that wrong...I feel like an awful person." She said those last words as I hugged her.

"It wasn't right to do that, but if you feel that with Paul, I think you shouldn't treat yourself like this. Yes, you did something bad, but you realized it. Now it's time to move on." I said as we heard the call for the Qualy.

"Thank you." She said hugging me again and staying in the room as I got to the garage.

I ended up P6, not bad, well not as bad as Oscar. P18, dear god, he is going to be pissed. The updates were causing him lots of trouble and he still did not get along with them. As he got out of the car I went and spoke to him.

"It's ok, you can still do better at the race." I said calmly.

"Yeah...Thanks Di." He said as we looked at each other.


The race was amazing, I ended P4, I wish it was a podium, but it was really hard to pass Fernando. Oscar DNF'd, unfortunately, he was having a rough week. I was really sorry for him, but he would get better, I know it. He wasn't feeling great but he loved his family, so he had dinner with his family and arrived late to the hotel. As he opened the door I was in the small living room, watching a movie.

"How did dinner go?" I asked.

"Good, but it would have been better if you'd gone." He said tiredly while sitting on the small couch next to me, passing his arm around my shoulders.

"I didn't want to intrude, how are you taking it?" I asked as I knew he was avoiding the topic to which he sighed.

"I don't know, I just want to forget it. The updates were hard to control, maybe you could help me." He said running his hands through his face.

"I'll help you in anything I can." I said smiling at him.

"Then maybe you could also help me get a kiss from the prettiest driver." He said with a slight smirk.

"Who? Mark Webber?" I asked jokingly.

"So you have a thing for Aussies, now I get it. Lucky me." He said laughing.

"Apparently, I do. But my heart goes only for the one that looks like a koala." I said before he kissed me softly.

"I love you Di." He said after we separated.

"I love you more, honey." I said before we continued watching the movie, we laughed and had some deep talks too. He made me feel the better version of me which I would always thank him for.

"Did you compare me with a koala?" He said after some minutes into the talk.

"Maybe." I said and we both laughed.



I know many of this chapters will be small, buuuuuuuuut, theres a huge chapter in progress, so enjoy dears.

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