"En Monaco..."

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Oscar's POV:

After that day in Miami, I knew it.

Lando's last race with the team was great as he finished P1 and I ended P3 with Max between us. Lewis was left P4 unfortunately, but he seemed to enjoy his last race. Di was in the orange multitude in the bottom of the podium and I could just smile and stare at her, even smiling to some pictures she took of me. Thank god Zack was next to her, so it wasn't too obvious.

We celebrated and we even traveled a bit around England after Monza was cancelled. But now we were in Monaco, her first race as a full position driver. I was so proud of her, she didn't do great on Friday but she ended up in P4 for the start just two places behind me. She had been pretty distant, but I got it, she was focused on doing great and she was usually either with her engineering team or with Zack. Even Lotte and her only communicated by text or email, since she was extremely busy. On Sunday morning I decided to send her flowers which she thanked me for as we arrived at the track, but she seemed nervous. She kept bouncing her leg and spacing out. I knew that if I texted her to meet me in my room, she would not be even respond, so when I saw her in the lunch zone of the hospitality alone I went to join her.

"Di, what happened?" I said going straight to the point.


"You're not ok and we both know that, I think even Paul can tell."

"It's just the pre race nerves that's it." She said evading me.

"No this is not, you were not this nervous the when you had to race when Lando got hurt."

"Well no...But it's not the same."


"In that race I didn't have to finish in the podium, I didn't even had the pressure to do great. I mean of course I wanted to and I did, but as a reserve I didn't have the pressure to finish on the top. Now that I'm an official driver I have the pressure and not only to do good, I need to do great. Zack and I have an agreement."

"I get that, but...what agreement?"

"If I do great, well more specifically end in the top 10 of the championship, I can get a longer contract."

"Wow well, I get that you're stressed. But I can't really understand that feeling. So maybe I can try and cheer you up because you'll definitely do amazing, I know it." I said as we stood up to go to the garage before the race and I hugged her.

"Thanks Ossy."

"No need Di, I'm here for you. Always."

"The same goes from me."

"I know." I said as we arrived to the garages and had to go our own ways.

I got in the car and I relaxed as I always did before a race, I got out and the formation lap started. The lights went off and we were racing, I stayed in my place and everything was great. I made two pitstops and I didn't know how Di was, I wish I could.

Andrea POV:

I was shit at the start, I fell back into 8th place and it wasn't after my first pit stop that I was able to move over to 6th after passing Carlos and Alex. Many started to pit when a yellow flag and safety car were placed, so I moved up to 3rd. After many laps I pitted again in lap 35/57. Getting me to 8th again, fuck.

I wasn't focused.

"Andrea please, you have the pace sweetheart."

"I know Paul! Don't talk to me while breaking!"


I was pissed, but then I remembered that kid that I met with Oscar while we went on our first "date", not only him but the girls that were inspired by me. Not only them believed on me, the team believed in me, Paul, Carlos, Lando, My dad...Oscar believed in me. I didn't know what happened to the car, but it suddenly felt so much faster. On turn 39 I passed George, then on turn 45 I passed Charles and Lando while they were fighting with each other. On turn 48 I was able to pass Carlos and on turn 50 I passed Checo, so I was now in 3rd place. I had Max in front of me and only because of the team strategy was I able to pass him in turn 54, Oscar was in front of me not so far but I was ordered to protect position since Max was still hunting me. Turn 57 arrived and I he was finally dropping back, meaning a 1-2 for mclaren which could only make me cry.

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