Fly, but never to high

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Oscar's POV

After Zandvoort we had Monza and Singapore, we did well in both, getting important points which led us higher in both championships. I was now 8th and Di 11th, just one more and she would be driving for McLaren, which is all she wanted.

Suzuka was coming up Friday practices went weirdly, with more speed came more control which I had familiarized myself with after some time with the updates. FP3 was nice, I finished 2nd and I was ready for Qualy.

I'm speaking mostly of the good outcome, but in reality, we were all on edge. Danilo, a kid had just crashed a few days ago and unfortunately passed away, this really threw Di, Charles, and Pierre off the plank. They weren't focused, they were scared and nervous to get to the qualy and even more to the race.

In qualy we all did great until Lance crashed and ended it with a red flag, this could only get me more anxious and scared. I wanted to talk to Di but she got P9 for start, which wasn't the best she could, as I got P5. I wanted to wait for her, but she insisted on staying and that she would arrive later, so I left for the hotel. I was worried about her, the weather might be rainy tomorrow, I knew I had to focus on myself, but I could not stop worrying. As she arrived, she went to the bathroom and took a shower not saying a word to me, as she came out in her pajamas I went to her and hugged her.

"Everything will be okay."

"I hope so Ozzy, it's a dangerous track and I just pray for no one to get hurt." She said laying on the bed and falling asleep in my arms.


We woke up and went to the track, we had some interviews and I just went with it.

"How are you, Oscar?"

"Good good."

"Well thank you for giving us some of your time."

We continued normal questions about the track, the updates, and the race in general. It was just like any normal interview, or at least until he asked something randomly.

"There had been some rumors of you having a secret girlfriend, are you in a relationship right now?" I didn't want to lie, so I just answered something simple.

"I would like to keep that information inside my private life." I said a bit more serious.

"That's okay, let's keep going." He said a bit uncomfortable but still moved on, they were now suspicious, which wasn't a good sign.


The race was beginning in 2 minutes, I was just breathing in the car and calming down. The lights turned off and we were out and away. The first laps were difficult which made me lose a position. There had been a crash that caused a yellow flag and security car, both McLarens pitted and changed to wets.

"Why are we on wets, Tom?" I asked.

"Rain has been reported in some parts of the circuit, it'll be fine, but be careful, Oscar." He answered through the radio.

Lap 37/53 was becoming rough since the rain was now hitting the whole track, many were sliding and spraying making it difficult to actually push. I hadn't seen Di, so she was back in the grid. I was driving through the last 2 corners when a red flag hit.

"Red flag Oscar, red flag! Come back to pits now." He said worried, that someone had crashed harshly if he was on edge. I arrived at the pits after the last turn of the track and got into the garage. I got down and saw the whole team looking at the screens. I was weirded out since when someone crashes it is really tense but many in the team were even crying. Paul immediately took his headset off and ran to Zack, that's when I saw the two cars that had crashed. One was a pink alpine, while the other one, which was in the worst condition had some orange...and I realized who that was. I immediately began praying that she would be okay. As she was trying to get out of the cockpit it started to get some smoke, fuck. It was lit on fire, I saw Pierre get out of his car and try to get to her, he took her arm and tried, but the cockpit was too crashed, making it unable to get her out and it was too late, the car immediately lit which made Pierre back off of the whole shock that was happening, everything was in fire for a few seconds until we saw her out of the car. She was grabbed by the arms and as she was walking to the ambulance she fainted.

The race wasn't resumed, I ended P3 but I felt nothing but panic. I didn't want to celebrate and left the track immediately. My driver wasn't there so I'd have to wait until I heard someone calling me.

"Hey Piastri! Let's go!" I heard. Carlos was almost crying and came to me.

"Huh?" I asked.

"She's in the hospital, come on, what are you doing? Now!" He said as we rushed to his car and drove to the hospital that she had been transported to. We didn't talk the whole way there, we were both too scared to speak. As we arrived, we were able to see Zack, Paul, and Lotte. The last two crying in the waiting room.

"Donde está mi hermanita?" (Where is my little sister?) Carlos asked roughly as we arrived.

"Please Carlos, calm down." Zack said. "She is asleep right now, she woke up in the ambulance but was too tired to remain awake. She'll be fine, she won't drive the next race, but she is not in danger anymore." He said.

"How did it happen?" I asked, to which Paul looked up.

"Pierre was behind her, in the braking zone he couldn't control the car and hit her. The gasoline valve broke and that created the fire. They both slipped and hit the wall as she spun." He said tensely.

"Someone has to spend the night..." Lotte said.

"I will, she's my sister." Carlos said immediately, I was going to refute and say I would stay, but he had the whole right.

"Alright, let's go let the doctor know..."

I sat there for some minutes, Lando had also arrived but left since he had to go back to the track for some checks with Mercedes. I knew DI was fine, but I couldn't just leave, I didn't until Carlos was in the room and a nurse asked me to come back tomorrow. I was scared to death, when the person you love is in danger it is always scary, I would even switch places with her just to make sure she's safe, I would die for her, god! I would even kill for her! But right now there was nothing that I could do other than go to the hotel and fix her suitcase for the flight that was now moved until Wednesday, when she could leave the hospital. Knowing that I had something to do really took my mind off of it and it was a bit better, I was still worried and hoped she would be able to drive as soon as possible, the season was almost over and she was still in 11th, I just hoped she could get some points back and get her spot at McLaren. She was an amazing driver and she deserved it.

My parents called to check on her and also myself, they were really worried after they saw it on TV, they already cared for her and Cari was worried about her. I told them everything was fine, but I lied...When they hung up I lay in bed and started crying, I couldn't stop, it felt even worse to know that she was not by my side and that she was hurt, I was so stressed about something happening, I knew it was not my fault, but it did hurt my heart just seeing the whole scene. She is the love of my life and I would not leave her for the world.


Yeah...Sad chapter again, please remember to vote and  comment 🤍

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