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Andrea's POV

I was just driving carefully, I was racing but I still was being careful of the rain. I was P10, awful, I know, but I was still trying my best. On lap 34/53 the rain began falling harder, I thought Piere, who was behind me, would be more careful, but instead, he began to be more aggressive. In one sudden movement 3 laps later he crashed on my back and made me spin, I crashed with the wall and the cockpit was pressed, I was stuck, I was taking my time to get out when I saw smoke, Pierre ran and tried to get me but 5 seconds later all I saw was orange everywhere, my hands hurt like hell and especially my back, as I tried to get us I ripped some parts of the suit, letting the fire touch my back. I knew I had to be strong so Pierre and a Medic took me by the arms, everything suddenly went black and I woke up in the ambulance. I arrived at the hotel, got my hands and back treated, and had some checks. I had no concussions which meant I could sleep peacefully.

I woke up in some pain in my whole body and I turned around and saw Carlos sleeping in the small bed that was in the room, he heard me move, sighed from the pain, and jumped out of his sleep.

"Oh dear god! Mi niña, you scared us so much. Are you feeling better?" He said as he grabbed my face.

"I'm in a little bit of pain, nothing I can't handle." I said smiling.

"I'm going to call Oscar, he told me to call him when you woke up."


"Oh, he brought me some clothes to stay with- No, we're not friends, we just share the love for you, that's all...I hate him..." He said a bit angry as he called him, he was starting to like him. "He's on his way." He said as the doctor came in.

"Miss Sainz, you have suffered several types of burns around your body. More specifically in your back and hands. Fortunately, that is all, you'll have to fully rest for a week, then you can start some exercise but really carefully." She said.
"Thanks, Doc." I smiled at her as she left.

"I'm going to go take a shower in the hotel, I'll be back later, alright?" Carlos said as he gave me a small kiss on the head.

"Yep, can you just pass me my phone please?" I said as he did and left.

After a few minutes, the nurse came to the room and gave me some breakfast, she was nice and even got me some coffee which I loved. While I was eating, Oscar arrived.

"Darling..."He said as he walked inside and gave me a quick peck and sat on the edge of the bed. "How are you feeling?"

"Better."I said with a big smile.

"So how long will you have to rest?"

"I'll be completely back at México." I said sadly.

"Woah, that's a lot. Well at least Pato will be able to drive for two weekends I guess." He said and smiled.

"Yeah..." I said tiredly while looking at him, he hadn't slept, he had big eye bags and he looked tired. When I finished eating I moved the tray to the side and myself to the right side of the bed and patted the left side.

"Huh?" He asked.

"Come, you haven't slept well."I said as he smiled at me and lay on the other side of the bed.

"I'm so happy that you're okay, you'll still come to the races though?" He asked.

"I couldn't miss seeing my boyfriend killing it."

"Then I'll do even more than my best." He said before we fell asleep.

After a week in Suzuka, I was able to leave the hospital. I wanted to go to Qatar, but I felt really tired, so I stayed at my apartment in London. It was not boring since Charlotte stayed with me the whole week and we became even closer. We talked a lot about her and Paul, as they were now talking things through and they were having a date as soon as possible. We also talked about Oscar and I, she was always recommending ways to handle the whole secret relationship around the media without denying it. I know, it would be easier to deny it, but we were not liars and we also did not want to hurt each other's feelings. Yeah...It was an interesting pair of weeks since we left as soon as I got a thumbs up from my doctor that I could do more things.

We both arrived in Austin a week before the race, we had many gym sessions together and she spoke to me when I was practicing a bit on the simulator which kept me from getting too bored. Pato did great on the last race and we also went to get breakfast on Tuesday and talked a lot about our usual topics of choice. Mick was noticed to be retired from the Mercedes driver's program and now one of Oscar's ex-teammates, Frederick, would be taking his spot. I was sorry for him, but right now he was enjoying Bali with his girlfriend. After spending many days with Lotte, I was able to switch rooms and stay with Oscar starting on Thursday. We went out a lot in Austin and had some fun. I also became more friends with Daniel, well, first with Heidi, she was an angel and our personalities matched so amazingly. After that, we became close friends and Daniel joined the group. Right now I was talking with her in the paddock restaurant and he arrived.

"Hey, love." He said as he gave a quick peck to her. "And Andi, nice to see you two."

"Nice to see you as well."

"How did the parade go?" She asked.

"Meh, as always. Nobody lets me get close to PR phones anymore." He sighed. "I also tried to convince some lads to get a tattoo since I got my license on the summer break, but nobody wanted..."

"I'll do it." I said

"Wait, what? Really?" He asked surprised.

"Yeah, something small and a bit hidden though. In case it goes wrong." I said with a smile.

"Sure! Thanks! What at 6:00?" He proposed.

"Wait, like right now? You sure you won't, well...fuck up?" Heidi said scared.

"Nah, she'll be fine. What do you have in mind?"

"A number five, like me. In the back of my head, around the ear. That's good?" I asked him.

"Sure, I'll tell my buddy who owns a shop here that we'll be there at 6."

"I'll send you the address, babe." Heidi said and winked at me before they left.

What did I get myself into? I asked myself as I began to panic a bit, meh, it would be fine.

As I was thinking about it, still sitting there, Oscar arrived.

"Di! It was so funny Lando fell and hit his face, I have it on video." He said laughing until he realized my anxious face. "You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah...I will get a tattoo today, woo, a bit scary. Can you take me to the studio when it's time?" I asked him.

"No problem sweetheart, at what time?"

"Daniel and Heidi are going to see me there at 6."

"Why are they going?" He asked weirded out by the fact.

"Daniel is doing the tattoo." I said.

"Dear lord, you sure he won't...fuck up?" He said nervously.

"Yeah, I trust him."

"Alright, if that's your choice then I'll take you." He said and we remained silent for a couple of minutes.

"Yeah, show me the video right now." I said as we got excited to see it like little kids.

We went to the hotel to get ready and we got to the studio. As we arrived we had to do some explaining to both, they got that we wanted to keep our relationship a secret and we got to the tattooing part. It wasn't painful as it was really quick, it looked amazing and I got something to cover it while it healed. I thanked Daniel and quickly took a photo to post.

 I thanked Daniel and quickly took a photo to post

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