The storm

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Andrea's POV:

I was so freaking excited, I got up at 6 in the morning, went for a run, had my favorite breakfast, and got ready with my favorite music. I was so nervous too, but I chose to think of the bright side.

I got to the track and Charlotte took me to a couple of interviews, less than yesterday's, thankfully. I got into my garage and while walking past my room I got pulled into it.

"WHAT THE F-" I shouted until I felt a hand covering my mouth.

"Shhhh, it's me!" Oscar said lightly.

"What is it?"

"I just want to wish you good luck and of course talk about that meeting tomorrow."He said the last thing a bit shy.

"Well I don't know what's better for you...The plane leaves at night so maybe breakfast?" I asked

"Sure! I'll pick you up at 9." He said standing there, while I grabbed my suit.

"You know this is my room right?"I said confused.

"Oh right, sorry." He said quickly, gave me a kiss on the cheek and left.

I looked up at the mirror that was in front of me and I was literally so flustered. What is this boy doing to me? I kept staring at myself until there was a knock on the door, so I went to open it.

"Hey Char! What's up?"

"Well they need you to get into the car, they want to give you some feedback and make you feel more comfortable and confident in it."

"Coming then!"


I was finally ready to leave for the formation lap, every engineer left after giving me good luck. We started warming up the tires, just to get to the start again and my heart felt just like yesterday, everything was going so slow, my mind blank.

After getting into the start I could barely feel anything, but my eyes staring at the lights.

"Come on Andi! Come on!" That radio got me into my zone.


I got a good start by staying in my position, I had Alonso and Verstappen in front of me, but I knew that an attack this quick would be so unnecessary. I kept my cool and went with the strategy, passed Alonso on the 19/50 laps and was excited, but after some laps it was time to pit. The pit kind of fucked my times up and got passed until I got out of the pit by 5 cars. But I wasn't far from them, I could still attack. I passed Lewis, then George , Oscar and Sergio. The one I was missing to get on my position before pits was Carlos.

He was driving exceptionally, so if I wanted to get him then it would have to be quick, since I only had 13 laps to do so. I kept growing closer and getting the fastest lap, even improving it myself. On lap 48 I had finally reached the attack distance.



"Are you sure? You know the strategy and the best way to pass him, but are you sure you can do it?"

"Of course Paul! I'm always sure!"

"Then get him, girl!"

I waited for the DRS zone while turning into lap 49 and finally attacked, Carlos was defending but I still passed him. Max was over 5 seconds ahead, meaning I just had to protect my position and get to the end. On the last turn of lap 50, I could see the garage team on the fence congratulating me, while I was in shock.

"P2 ANDREA, LET'S GO! GOOD JOB GIRL! GREAT JOB!" Paul yelled on the radio.


When I got out of the car I ran straight to the papaya crowd and hugged them. I couldn't believe it, first race, first podium, and first woman in f1 after over 40 years. Let's fucking go! My big brother was also around and hugged me so tight.

"Im so proud of you Andreita! My parents are proud of you too, I'm sure! Te quiero muchísimo hermanita. " He said making me cry even more.

"Thank you, Carlitos, me too."

I took off my helmet and went to the interview which was filled with excitement and some teary eyes, until I got to the back of the podium into the driver's room and took a seat with my water bottle.

"Felicidades truly Andrea, great drive. Next time you're on track I'll make sure to pass you too." Carlos said making me laugh.

"Ay, no Carlitos."

"Oh yeah, if he doesn't do it then I will." Max said with a laugh.

"How are you going to do it if you're always at the front all alone sweetheart?" I remarked sarcastically.

"Haha, then I'll overlap you just to do so. But honestly, I'm impressed, great job, Andrea." We all laughed until we were called for the podium.

When I was on top of the 2nd place step I turned to look at the papaya crowd and could see someone with their suit tied to their hips. Oscar, we made eye contact for a long time and he kept smiling and winking at me. He didn't even go to his garage but stayed to see the podium, one in which I was standing.

I got my trophy and immediately, tears ran through my face. I got this and I wasn't going to let it go. Then it was time for the champagne spraying and I did, until I looked at Oscar signaling me to spray Zack, making me drop the bottle to one of the engineers so they could do it.

The day was great, everything was great and I couldn't wait for the next year so I would maybe become a full-time driver. I was really tired after about 15 interviews and signing stuff for people, so I just went to my garage room and changed my clothes. I drove to my hotel and casually bumped into Oscar in the elevator.

"I know you didn't get a podium, it would have made McLaren an even better day. But you were great, I saw some videos in the garage, and passing Russel was amazing."

"Yeah, I did my best." He said as we got to the floor where both our rooms were. "Congratulations on the podium again, you were exceptional. Oh and remember, tomorrow 9 am sharp."

I smiled and nodded as we both got into our rooms, I took a shower and as my head hit the pillow I fell completely asleep.

I smiled and nodded as we both got into our rooms, I took a shower and as my head hit the pillow I fell completely asleep

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