Spain & Brothers

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Andrea's POV:

Everything had been going smoothly since that day, I could not feel better. Even though training was rough, it was easier to do when I had Oscar around. Both of our PRs knew about the situation and only important members of the team knew, making us have to be extremely careful around everything.

Spain was coming up, and Oscar and I decided that we wanted to make a soft launch of our relationship, but for that we wanted our families to know beforehand. Being in Spain sounded quick for both of us, but we knew that if we didn't do it now, we would never have the balls to do it after.

Oscar had to arrive earlier to the track for a dynamic and interview, so I stayed in the hotel room and rested for a while until it was time for me to arrive. As I got to the first floor I saw Carlos, I had already asked my parents and sisters to dinner, but I did not have the bravery to tell my brother.

I have always loved him with my whole heart, he had always been protective of my sisters and me, but since they were older than him, he could not do a lot about it. On the other hand, he could be with me, he always kept guys away and protected me from everything he saw as dangerous or not good for me. Which in his eyes had Oscar on the list, he hated him for no reason. I mean, yeah...He had crashed him out once and that sucks...But as a mature person, he should be over it by now.

As I was thinking about this, he was going out to meet his driver and he saw me.

"Mi niña! How are you doing? Do you need a ride?" He asked as always, caring.

"Si Carlitos, please." I had forgotten to call my driver and I was going to Uber there, but he had offers. It also gave me a chance to tell him.

We both got into the car and I was pitch silent.

"There's something going through your mind, huh?" He asked, how did he know so quickly?

"I...I have a question to ask you..." I said nervously.


"So, tomorrow I am having dinner with my parents and well, the girls..."

"Why haven't I been invited?" He said utterly confused and a bit angry.

"Well...It's something complex, Carlos..."

"Andrea..." He said tiredly just wanting to know.

"Oscar is going to be there too." I let out roughly.

"What?! Why would he be invited, he is not your boyfriend or anything, he's probably just a fling from yours, he probably invited himself to bother me, I hate him so much-" He was saying but I interrupted him.

"No! He did not invite himself..." I said looking to the window, ignoring his hard stare.

"Andrea, why did you invite him before me?" He asked angry.

"I'm going to introduce him to you all, after all, you are my family and you deserve to know-" I started but now he was the one who interrupted me.

"Know what?" He said and made a quick stop until something clicked in his brain. "Andrea...There's no way..."

"He is my boyfriend now...We decided to introduce him to my family because it was the safest opportunity." I said as we arrived at the track and we both got out of the car. He grabbed my hand and took me to his driver's room in the Ferrari Hospitality.

"He can't."


"He can't be your boyfriend, I don't approve and I'm sure Dad won't either."

"He has already done it. If you can't be mature enough to spend a few hours in dinner with him and the rest of your family then just don't go! I thought you could at least think about how I feel and how important it was for me for you to be there. If you don't want to go and try and be mature and do something nice for me, then just don't. I have already made the reservation, your seat will be there...Just..." I sighed. "It's nothing..." I said as my eyes filled up with tears and I left.

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