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Andrea's POV:

I was nervous, to say the least. I woke up at 7 am, took a shower, and got into some nice and clean comfortable clothes with a McLaren cap that had my number on it. Oscar had texted me yesterday to go comfortable but I didn't see the message until today.

At 9 am sharp, just like he said, there was a knock on the door which I answered.

"Hey Di, are you ready?"

"Yep." I said closing the door behind me and walking with him toward the elevator. "May I know where you're taking me for breakfast?" I asked while smiling at him.

"Mmm,'ll have to wait till we get there."


"I'm sorry, but I know you'll like it."

"Hey! What about your family?"

"Oh they have gone home, we have always lived in the outskirts of the city. So they left yesterday's night."

We went into his car and drove for a few minutes until we got to Melbourne's downtown. I had visited it once but not for long since it was only to go to Lando's birthday dinner here. We got out of the car and started walking.

"Come oooon! I want to know where we are going."

"We're actually here." He said signaling with his head to a pretty coffee shop. "I used to come here with my sisters."

We went in and ordered some coffee and something to eat while sitting at an outside table.

"So, congratulations again. You were just great." He said with a smile.

"You weren't far from me and were truly flying, I was kind of scared that you would pass me at some point." I said with a small giggle.

We kept talking about the race and Lando's crash until a little boy with his mother came running and hugged my leg.

"Alex, you can't do that, she is busy." His mom said looking at me with an apologetic expression. "I'm really sorry, he's a big fan of you."

"Hey, Alex! I love your cap." I said looking at his McLaren cap.

"Thank you! I loved you yesterday and every day you are so great at racing!" He said. He was probably around 6 years old since his cap was as tight as it could be but it still was too big for him. "Can you sign my cap?" He said giving me his cap and the marker.

"Mmmm, what if we do this? I give you mine and I sign both so that your mom can have one too and you are matching?" I said taking the marker and my cap and signing it, then placing it onto his head and signing the other cap. "See! There we go! If you're going to support me, you better look good to do so!"

"Oh my! Thank you so much, he's such a great fan of you two. Well of course of you more Miss Sainz." His mom said to both Oscar and me.

"Oh no, please I don't like all that formality. Call me Andrea." I said with a smile.

"Well, we got to keep going, say bye to Andrea, Alex."

"By Miss Andrea, I hope we can be friends." He said and kissed me on the cheek, which was so cute. They left and waved me goodbye.

"So apparently you're taken huh? That kiddo was faster than me." Oscar said with a laugh and then got serious. "Right! The date purpose! Let's go!" He paid the bill and grabbed my hand towards a really pretty balcony that was directed to a cliff, not far from the cafe.

"I want to talk to you." I looked at him with a small smile. " I...I don't know if you've noticed, but as well as you I have been focusing on my career. But I still can't get you out of my head, I like you Di, a lot. I know that it's hard to have a relationship with an f1 driver, especially if we are both drivers and because of the privacy and pressure, we get. And even though it's hard, I want to try it with you."


"I know, I know...I just can't help it, since the first time Lando talked to me about you. I fell for you and then when I saw you, I fell even harder." He said so quickly.

"I like you too...I am also willing to risk it for you, but you need to know and understand that...we are in different worlds. We might be f1 drivers, but as a woman, it's easier to lose my seriousness and even my spot. I need to assure it first. We also met like less than 3 months ago and even though I have always thought it's the person, not the time you've known each other I still think it's way too fast."

"Let's do this then... let's go on a date." I gave him a confused look. "A real one, not like this one. A date where I take you out for dinner and get to know each other even more. Then you choose if you want to keep the dates going, if it works then we'll keep it private for as long as we want. If it doesn't then, I would love to be your friend."

"Alright, I'm in." I said with a huge smile.

"Well, we have to get to the plane for Shanghai. But what if we go out there? I know a place you'll love. What about April 13? Thursday after the driver's parade?"

"I'd love it." I said. "Hey, just changing the topic quickly. Are you doing anything for your birthday? It's on 4 days."

"Mmm, well my parents and sisters are going to travel there and have some lunch with me. But at dinner time I don't want to go to a club, so I guess I'll just watch a movie."

"Let's have a date then. Before the serious one."I said excitedly. "You get to your room from lunch, get some comfortable clothes, and watch that movie in my room. I'll cook you whatever you like and we'll have a pretty cake."

Oscar's POV:

She was the cutest, she planned this in 3 seconds and it was perfect. She was a great cook and a movie would be amazing.

"So what shall I cook for us? Just to start planning." She said so excited while we walked back to where the car was picking us up to get to the airport, since the suitcases were already sent to Shanghai.

"Pasta...Just like the one you cooked the night of the party, if it's okay." I said and she nodded with a big smile.

We arrived at the car and it took us to the airport, Lando was let go of the hospital since he would be resting for a week and then he could drive in the Chinese Grand Prix. When he saw us arrive together and holding hands, Di was distracted and didn't notice, but I did. I sent him a glare and we all boarded the plane, we sadly had to sit separately since she was going to have a small meeting with her PR.

 I sent him a glare and we all boarded the plane, we sadly had to sit separately since she was going to have a small meeting with her PR

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