Tires & Ticket

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Once I was accepted into OSU I knew that the tires on my grandmother's car wouldn't be able to make the daily drive from Enid to Stillwater and so I asked my sister if she could take care of it during one of her visits and I thought she would have had me go, but this was my mid-twenties and before medications and medical marijuana so I slept until the afternoon. My sister wanted to get it done in the morning and her only mistake was she went with Walmart instead of a tire specific place. This resulted in her waiting something like over 2 hours of her limited time in Enid when she should have been visiting granny like she wanted. I still feel terrible to this day about that time that she missed out on that she should have gotten with granny. Another result of that was some asshole cop gave her a speeding ticket when she was going to fast in a traffic zone on her way back to drop the rav4 off. To this day I have note met one single cop that I thought "hey you know what, this is a good guy." Fucking not one. She had out of state tickets and told him the situation she didn't even know she was in a construction zone and the speed limit dropped and the piece of shit gave her a ticket. Again this was my mid to early twenties and when I was getting terrible mental health services. The meds I was on and not being able to smoke cannabis made me so miserable in myself that I couldn't help others. If it were to happen today, of course I would wake up early and get it done myself and make arrangements, but I was again young and foolish. I have been and was until the age of probably 28 or 29, and for sure by now at 30.

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