Wesley Drunk Every Night

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Despite the fact that our father was an alcoholic addicted to beer my brother chose and likely chooses to this day to drink 10 beers a night every night with fireball shots in-between.

When I lived with my brother in 2017 to 2018 I was subjected to his addiction to beer and alcohol. Every night as soon as he got home from work he began drinking. He didn't play with his kids, or walk the dog, or play a board game with the family, instead he drank. He would tell me his condition in that he was always exhausted and was strung out but refused to cut back on his drinking, seek treatment or at the bear minimum buy a multi-vitamin. He once told me over the phone that he has never met anyone smarter than himself, that is a delusion given he doesn't see his behavior or character from an outside perspective. Also he is a textbook narcissist, but more on that later.

Whenever my brother would drink in his living room after his wife and children went to bed he would brag to me about how much money he was making as a manager at chilis, yet in sobriety he claimed he had zero money and that he needed help from me, his 7-year younger brother on disability. By the end of the night probably at beer 9 or 10 he would begin dropping his phone every two seconds but it wasn't that big of a problem because he had dropped it enough that the screen was already cracked. He would hum to himself in the kitchen as he prepared food, essentially living in a different world and his vison only focused upon himself.

One night when I decided to drink, I drink two beers max, I asked my brother about getting one of his and he had to look in the fridge and do a count on how many he had left which was over a dozen yet he told me to take one from Kila. Kila drank, but nowhere to the degree as Wesley. From my perspective one or both parents need to be sober in case there is an emergency with their children, neither ever was. They would ask me for $160 a month for rent to which they would take that money and get shitfaced at one of the three places to drink in Enid Oklahoma. I don't know how much money he spends regularly on alcohol but $40 a night covers his ten beers and fireball, he could have been spending more, but I never asked his financial situation.

My so-called brother has turned into our father. Ron would work all day then when he got home he would drink and sit in the recliner until bed and repeat the next day, 6 days a week. My grandfather Gerald who was strictly against drinking told me that Ron would drink up to 20 beers a day, but being 7 years younger than Wesley he was more exposed to that than myself. Ron was in his mid thirties when he had Wesley, I only knew him in his fifties. It's frustrating seeing my brother follow down that route but what are you going to do, he's already heavily addicted. I think one of the main catalyst that makes myself prone to not drink is physical as much as mental. In my youth and throughout I have always had a weak stomach, throwing up regularly. Fast forward to the future, when presented with a drink that has alcohol in it I always decline because I know it will make me vomit and feel worse more than better.

Throughout my entire life I not once ever saw my mother or her parents Gerald and Wilma take a drink of alcohol. They understood that once you are a parent you need to be sober for your children, it's time to grow up. 

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