XXII: Double Digits

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  Mori sat at his desk, hands folded and propped up on the wood in front of his face. The sunlight streamed in through the magnificent window to his right, but it wasn't creating a good mood for the Port Mafia Boss.
  His black hair was slicked back with little gel out of his face, a strand or two slipping out. He was clad in his typical black suit, a red scarf draped around the collar of his coat. 
    Elise was on the floor, coloring away, and muttering to herself. Her blonde hair bounced on her back every time she moved, and basking in the sun.
     Mori was lost in his thoughts, dark eyes shut. He breathed heavily, shifting in his seat. There was just something going on inside the building. An eerie twist in the atmosphere. And Mori wasn't liking it.
   The halls were usually busy with Chuuya and Dazai's arguments, or reports being passed back between superior and subordinate. Sometimes his employees would even go out in groups for fun.

But it was silent.
       Not the "there are missions going on" silent.

   The silent that something happened and no one is happy about it at all. And Mori has the suspicion that Dazai has something to do with it.
    He has been absent very often these days, and while Mori knows that he's in the process of getting his target, there's been a too much distance with Dazai. Who would've known there was such a thing as too much distance.
   Mori and Dazai haven't always been close, yes, but this was a harsh distance. Mori believed that Dazai was purposefully ignoring him, to hide something.

  Nothing was ever hidden from Mori for very long. Dazai would slip up. He'd find out. He always did.
    A knock on the door disturbed his thoughts, and Elise was already up and running towards the large oak and pulling on the brass handle.

   "It's Dazai!" She shouted back to Mori, a grin on her face. Dazai indeed, did emerge into the office once the door had opened before him.
   He bore his regular black suit and coat draped on his shoulders, and the same bandages covering his left eye.
   There was a slight smile on his face as he glanced down to the little blondie. He produced a red lollipop and handed it to her. Elise's eyes went wide with joy, snatching the great from his fingers. She skipped back over to her crayon and paper pile, falling to her knees and dropping the lollipop wrapper to her side.
   Dazai chuckled and walked closer to Mori's desk, standing a good 15 feet from him. "You wanted to see me?" Was all he said in the expected monotone and bored voice.

  Mori flashed a crooked smile to Dazai. "Yes indeed I did." He spoke, his words crafted to sound almost cheerful and sincere. Dazai knew how fake this whole conversation was going to be.
   And Dazai also knew exactly why he was even called to the boss's office. He'd been purposefully avoiding his boss for the past two and a half weeks just so that he could get shit done with his mission.
Of course, it didn't get very far, however there was still some progress being made. But Mori's suspicions were very clear the second he started speaking. It was a no brainer regardless how you looked at it.

"So, Dazai," Mori glared at Dazai with that awkward smile, "How's the mission going?" Dazai nodded his head in response. "It's going well."

"That's good." The black haired man responded. He glanced to Elise on the floor, his eyes gleaming with pride.
   He brought his gaze back to Dazai, leaning back in his seat. The executive before him stood like a statue, not moving a single inch and waiting to be dismissed.
    Mori could sense the little discomfort Dazai was experiencing, and it brought a sadistic feeling to the Boss.

  "Is there anything you would like to share with me regarding the mission?" Mori inquired, leaning back in his chair. He watched Dazai's body language with a sharp eye, the younger seeming to decipher Mori's words with quick haste before responding.


Mori was nearly flabbergasted, shocked even. No!? That's very unusual. His mind jumped to conclusions before Dazai was done. "I'd rather you figure out once we actually have Red Spider in our chains."
    Mori smirked wickedly. That was something he should've expected from Dazai, seeing as the two were so similar in their ways. It almost warmed Mori's ice cold heart.

  "I see..." He responded, a sneer warping his words. "Well, then you shall see yourself out." Dazai acknowledged the dismissal, lowering his head to his boss and turning on his heel.
   Dazai had made it a foot to the door before Mori spoke out. "Oh, and Dazai?" The brunette shifted so his head was looking back to Mori, the same deadpanned look in his eye.

  "I'll have a double digit code sent to you. It's from me to you, and I hope you'll enjoy it."
   Dazai nodded his head, turning around and walking out the door. The door shut with a click, and Dazai sped his way down the hall.
   Dazai already knew what the code was for. Mori was gifting him an actual apartment. He knew what was going on between him and (Y/N). That fucking bastard.
   Dazai would have to accept it though. Maybe it wouldn't be too bad for however long this mission will take.
   Next thing he knows, Mori is going to grant him a week off or who know what. He wouldn't be surprised if he was in cahoots with (Y/N)'s employer. They were more than likely going to ruin the both of them.

  Who fucking knew at this point?



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