XI: Check it once, Now check again

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Ivan tipped toed his way down the stairs, trying to avoid the creaks in the flooring as best as he could. But to no avail.
Each step he took resonated with the sound of the old and nearly deteriorating wood. He let out a sigh and gave up.
Ivan walked to the kitchen without a single care anymore, just wanting to eat something already. While it was the middle of the night—3:15am to be honest—Ivan hadn't really even gotten sleep anyway.
   He opened the fridge door, scanning his tired eyes over the assortment of leftovers, and closed it, not finding anything to satisfy his nightly hunger. He sighed and rubbed his face, flicking on the light and trudging over to the cabinets, opening the mini wood door.
He spotted a pack of ramen, and decided he felt he was in the mood. Just as he took the package out and shut the door, he felt an eerie presence behind him. He spun around and tossed the orange package in his hand, and it flew through the air and was caught by (Y/N).

"Nice to see you too, Ivan." She remarked sarcastically, tossing the package onto the island in front of her and walking around to the fridge. She ducked her head down and pulled out the jug of orange juice, flicking off the cap and tugging her mask down below her chin.
She placed the jug to her lips and gulped down half of it before resting her head back at the regular 90-ish degree. She found the cap and twisted it back on, shoving the half empty bottle back into the fridge and sitting on the island counter.
Ivan sighed and snatched the ramen off the counter and dipped down to the floor, looking through another set of cabinets for a pot. He eventually pulled out the cookware and set it in the sink, turning the tap on and letting the water run into the pot. "So how was Dazai?" He asked blatantly, not bothering to turn around and look her in the eye.
She chuckled. "It was fine." She responded, kicking off her shoes and letting her [H/L] [H/C] out of its ponytail. Ivan rolled his eyes, glad that his back was to her. He couldn't believe this was the cousin he had to have as family, but he couldn't really blame the woman; she had been doing this even before living with him and his father.
Ivan shut the tap water off and moved the pot to the stove, igniting the fire and letting it begin to boil. "Was his dick shoved down your throat?" Ivan spoke with a bored and disinterested look, mostly expecting (Y/N)'s next answer.

"No. But something of that sort was mentioned." She said with an evil chuckle, and Ivan rolled his eyes once again. "I don't think I even want to know." (Y/N) just shook her head with the same dark smirk on her face.
(Y/N) jumped off the counter, walking over to the staircase leading up to her room. She turned around and glanced at Ivan with a stern look. "You could've done better today, but I'll take what I can get." And with that, she trapezed up the stairs, avoiding all the creaks as so not to wake her uncle up.
Ivan felt a sort of pride when he realized what she told him. He smiled to himself and dumped the package of ramen in, the water sizzling and splashing over the sides. A few droplets landed on Ivans hand, and he cursed under his breath and seethed, looking around for some paper towels or a hand cloth.

(Y/N) chuckled darkly to herself as she just barely made out the sound of Ivan burning himself. Typical. She continued down the hall and opened her bedroom door, walking in and locking the wood behind her.
She thought back to the events of tonight, and figured there would be another one just like this. (Y/N) fell down onto her mattress, nearing her only escape from the world. She smirked as she drifted off to sleep, wondering what Dazai could be doing....


[ 4 Hours Earlier ]
[ Yokohama East Port, Quadrant 8A ]

Dazai walked briskly through the shipping containers, examining each metal box. His eye scanned the dock, an evil determination in his brown hues.
The moon glittered behind him onto the ocean, the waves splashing against the wooden beams holding up the dock.
Sea salt wafted through the air and the sounds of the city were hidden away in the distance. Right now, it was Dazai and the eerie night.
His coat flared out behind him, his eye still searching for something. He glided backwards and glanced up, spotting his target.
Dazai's scowl turned into a smirk as he walked toward the shipping container. He began his climb up the metal, bandaged hands gripping the horizontal bars and hoisting himself up.
His brown hair appeared above the top of the container, and he heard a dark chuckle.

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