XVI: Its Relative

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Her mind buzzed with what could happen between her and Dazai. She wasn't too sure where he would be bringing her, but definitely not his residence.
She figured that he had a clue that she knew, but Dazai still wanted to impress her anyway and take her to a nice hotel or something.

And her conclusion served her correct.
Dazai led (Y/N) to her uncle's hotel, Ruby Hotel, named after her and Ivan's favorite jewel. He's doing this on purpose She thought, smirking as they approached the large multi-level building.
The outside was decorated in large pillars with several 360 degree doors, the windows tinted black and just barley letting the light out. The only illumination they got was from the surrounding buildings and street lamps.
  Visiting families left or entered the hotel, the little kids walking tiredly next to their parents and holding their hands. Some were even passed out on their mothers shoulder, wrapped snuggly in blankets and gripping their favorite stuffy.
   Dazai and (Y/N) walked along the crowd, approaching one set of the spinning doors. The inside was much different than the exterior, made up of an oddly detailed and "grandma" style carpeting, one set of matching chairs and sofa, a wood center table with magazines, and down the way, the lobby desk and a couple receptionists. 
    The couple walked forth, meeting one of the ladies at the front desk, her face buried in stacks of papers and three pens in her otherwise neat hair.
   She looked up, smiling as she realized who was standing in front of her. "(Y/N)! What a nice surprise! What brings you here?" She asked, her voice cheerful and bright.
   (Y/N) smiled just as brightly at the woman, leaning onto the desk. "Hey, Bae~, I need the suite for tonight." She winked towards her friend, and she nodded her head, a funny grin on her face as she turned around.
     She stood up from her office chair, walking over to the wall of hotel keys. She climbed up on the ladder that was nailed to a rail, giving access to move about and get the higher level of the shelf.
    She grabbed the key off the very very top left, holding it close to her as she stepped down from the ladder and walked back over to (Y/N) and Dazai.
    (Y/N) reached her hand out and took the key from her friend. "Thanks, Bae. I owe you one." The employee shook her head, giving (Y/N) a gentle smile. "No it's ok. Just remember to give the key back."
   She winked to (Y/N), who blew an air kiss back to her. She turned to Dazai, who watched the whole interaction with an amused look.
   They began walking towards the elevator, (Y/N) picking up her dress so she didn't trip walking into the large metal box.
   The door closed, and Dazai waited til it began moving before pressing (Y/N) to the wall. She seemed slightly shocked at the action, but composed herself quickly.
   Dazai glared at (Y/N), his right hand on her waist and the left on the elevator wall by her head. Their faces were only inches apart, and (Y/N) could feel Dazai's breath hot on her neck.

"An air kiss?" He asked, the corners of his mouth curling upwards in a sneer. "A fucking air kiss? What? Was that the best you could give her in front of me?"

"Why? Is someone jealous?" (Y/N) teased, giving Dazai an air kiss. "What I did or even who I did before you is nothing of the matter." Dazai moved his hand from her waist to her thigh, massaging it gently.

"Is that so?" He captured (Y/N)'s lips with his own, kissing her softly and breathing in her orange blossom perfume.
   He pulled away, looking at her with a hungry eye. "It shouldn't matter to me? When you basically flirted with someone—a woman—in front of me? That shouldn't matter right?"
   He trailed his lips down her jawline, running his tongue across her neck. He felt her draw in a sharp breath, and his ears picked up the sound of her heart pounding in her chest.
   Dazai snatched her skin between his teeth, biting down on her gently before releasing the sensitive spot. "No...it shouldn't matter to me."

  "Like how it shouldn't matter if a woman who I'd fucked in the past came up to us and began flirting with me, and I reciprocated those actions." Dazai's right hand gripped her thigh at this point, dragging his bandaged hand to her inner thigh and pushing her legs apart.
   He slipped his hand beneath the slit, goosebumps on her body from his touch. She breathed heavily, her hand palming the wall Dazai had her pinned to. "Dazai.." She groaned out, a bit of sternness in her voice.
     "You wouldn't like that, would you?" He snickered against her skin, suckling on her sensitive spots and biting her gently. "But it doesn't matter though, because she happened before you."
     Dazai became a bit more forceful in his actions, pushing (Y/N) harder agaisnt the wall. "You are my spider. No one else's." Dazai growled into her ear, biting her lobe and dragging his tongue along her skin again.
   His fingers slipped farther up her inner thigh and brushed against the fabric of her panties. He felt how damp the cloth was, snickering lightly before glancing up to (Y/N).
   "Is that from me? Or is it your bae down at the front desk?" He sneered, pressing his fingers harder on her clothed nerves. (Y/N) tilted her head back onto the wall, her hands searching for something to hold onto.
    The elevator bar finally came into her grasp, and she gripped it with close to everything she had, knowing she could potentially leave cracks in the carefully constructed metal.
       (Y/N) held herself up as best as she could, Dazai's fingers not helping her at all. "Dazai..." She breathed out again, her eyes fluttering to stay open as Dazai teased her clit through her underwear.
    Dazai brought his face up to hers. Holding her body in his left while he placed his palm to her womanhood. "Who's name are you calling out?" He asked, his voice husky and almost threatening.
     (Y/N) felt her breath leave her body, her chest heaving up and down and leaving her mind scrambled. "Da-...Y-Yours...." She whimpered out, pressing herself down onto Dazai's palm, arousal filling every nerve in her body.

  "Say it." He demanded, dragging his hand across her throbbing folds, still not pushing past her panties. "Say my name."
   (Y/N) gasped and pressed her brows together, biting her lip as she tried to find her voice. Her face was coated in a pink blush, a complete contrast to the confident composure she had back at the casino and down in the lobby.
    The elevator rang three times before stopping at the floor they were designated to be on. Dazai pulled away, his hands going behind his back and clamping them into a fist.
     (Y/N) let out the only breath she held in, pushing off the wall of the elevator and fixing her dress. The doors opened, and the couple stepped out of the contraption.
    It closed behind them as they exited. The elevator had dropped them off on a one way hall, the only other place to go was the door at the end of the hall.
    Dazai snickered, looking to the assassin. "Is this the suite?" (Y/N) glanced back to him with a snicker, her tongue dragging across her bottom lip. She didn't say anything, and began walking towards the door, the key ready in her hand.
   Dazai followed her, his hands going to her rear and trailing up her back, the dress giving him full access to her skin due to its style. She always knows exactly which dresses to wear for me Dazai thought, feeling a sense of desire and urgency for (Y/N).

   They reached the door, and (Y/N) stuck the key into the lock. She smirked to herself as Dazai heel onto her from behind, his hands running all over her body.

   "It's weird having permission to be here instead of having a Bobby pin to do it for me." She remarked, her tone that of sarcasm and jest. The door unlocked with a click, and (Y/N) turned the brass handle, pushing open the wooden door.
   Dazai chuckled at the joke, still holding onto (Y/N) as they walked inside the room. The door shut behind them, silence filling the hall. A camera shuttered and zoomed in on the door, the memory card saving the image of the two entering the room for someone.


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