IX: Divine

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   Ivan watched with a close eye, scanning the crowd for any signs of (Y/N). He couldn't believe she had dragged him into this. But, as her cousin and only other form of family, he didn't really have a choice.
    Ivan was (Y/N)'s only cousin, and he was the only son to John B. (L/N)—also known as the CEO of some of the most preferred companies here in Yokohama. This included the Casino.

  The tall man let out a sigh, running a hand through his auburn hair. He just wanted to get this done and over with. Why (Y/N) was obsessing over this one guy like her life depended on it, Ivan had no clue.

   Then again, her life did kinda depend on how this whole thing went down....


   Thirty minutes.

Dazai walked a bit proudly through the casino floor. He had the most gorgeous—and most dangerous if he might add—woman on his arm.
Be jealous. He said to himself, glaring his left eye over everyone in the crowd. A few of the men traded dirty looks and aimed them at Dazai.

    They probably think they're all better than Dazai. (Y/N) made a mental note in her mind of all the men glaring their drunken filled eyes at Dazai. She just snickered.
    It was funny really how men could get so easily jealous. Especially when men are drunk jealous. It makes for the perfect situation; a situation where (Y/N) had all the control and power in the situation.
  It's how most of her missions ended up; the men going to their wits end with each other and (Y/N) finishing them off with a single blow—a stab or gunshot to the chest.

   Sometimes she would pretend to play it off as a run in with the Port Mafia—if she ended up using two more bullets than she really needed to, she'd smash her victim's head into the cement, shattering their jaw.
   It was fun sometimes, how the Police were so blind to the whole thing and bought the act. It almost wanted to make (Y/N) cry and laugh out like a madwoman.

Regardless, she and Dazai continued to walk through the Casino together, bathing in the evil stares of the men—(Y/N) even spotted a group of women staring and gossiping to the left of her.
(Y/N) focused her hearing on them as she and Dazai walked by. It also wasn't too hard since they were speaking louder than they probably intended too.

"Oh my gosh..." A blonde whispered. Her dress was a bright red, very tight fitting against her slightly thicker frame. It wasn't exactly a good match for her. And her excessive amount of jewelry didn't correspond with her either. Poor woman. Maybe (Y/N) could help her....nah let her suffer.

"There's no way Mrs. Big time CEO has a boyfriend..." Another one of the women whispered. She was small in stature, short brown hair that framed her face well enough she looked good. Her blue dress fit snugly to her and she looked overall good.

"Isn't that Osamu Dazai? I heard he's with the Port Mafia...." All the women looked to the red head who spoke up, eyes wide and jaws agape.

"Oooh someone likes 'bad boys'...." The women snickered amongst themselves, glancing questionable and smug looks to each other.
(Y/N) smirked at their antics. It was funny how they thought they were better. She turned to face Dazai and muttered into his ear. "You see that group of women?" She used her right arm—which was still looped through Dazai's left—to guide his gaze to the women.
Dazai glanced his eye over to (Y/N), who had a smug look on her face. He followed her sharp gaze to the group of women who seemed to be mocking the two. "Yeah?"

"They think we're a couple. And that you're waay out of my league." (Y/N) turned back to face Dazai with an evil look in her eyes. Dazai smirked with her.

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