XVIII: Reasonings

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   All was going just swell for (Y/N). In her dream that was. She was sitting atop a throne servants rushing to her every command and cowering away in fright.
Much obliged, (Y/N) was very pleased with the way things were going. But they decided to head straight for the deepest and darkest part of the ocean.

(Y/N) was startled out of her slumber by a slight raise in someone's voice, as well as the absence of a significant others body heat which she wanted on her at almost all times when she could.
She turned her head slightly, catching Dazai's back in the corner of her eye. He was storming across the room, on the phone with someone-more than likely from the Port Mafia.
He already had his pants back on, and some of his bandages were fixed and clinging to his body. (Y/N) watched the muscles on the executives back flex as he moved his arm around to stretch it out.
(Y/N) bit her lip, the sight of Dazai like that making her blush and fantasize about what could happen if he would only just climb back in bed with her. She brushed it off though, wanting to fall back asleep.
With (Y/N) not having any reason to listen to the conversation, she resumed her previous position and closed her eyes, snuggling under the blankets.
Oh who am I kidding? Of course she eavesdropped. It was practically second nature for her other than killing and self-destruction. However, she did stay in that same position with her eyes closed as to not draw unwanted attention.
    Dazai was silent as he listened to the person on his phone, who he was clearly angry with. While (Y/N) could sense that Dazai was pissed off, he spoke like normal, though his tone was slightly darker and more stern.

  "What do you mean?.....No, of course nothing happened. It began raining, so we just dropped into the first hotel we came across. You'd be amazed at how well a woman can run in heels...." Dazai waited for the person on his phone to finish speaking, letting out an agitated sigh.
   (Y/N) covered her mouth to stifle a laugh. She didn't run in heels last night, but Dazai was correct that she could run in heels. Maybe she should show him what exactly she could do in heels.
    Her mind went off into her own fantasy world before realizing she needed to get back to reality before Dazai ended his phone call. She focused her mind on the executive behind her, stray thoughts floating in the side and crossing her attention every so often.
Dazai was still listening to the person on the other end of the phone, sitting on the bed by this point. "No, Mori, we didn't sleep in the same bed. There was a couch and I let (Y/N) sleep on the bed." His voice was stable and unwavering, lying coming as easy to him as it would the devil.
(Y/N) smirked to herself, feeling butterflies in her stomach. She had no clue why, but the way Dazai lied was attractive to her. Even if it was to his own boss, it was still intriguing how so many pretty lies could run off his lips.
She was confident she had listened to those lies from him before, her subconscious telling her he was lying, but still letting him do it.
    She wondered what it would be like if she asked him to lie to her...probably wouldn't go well. But it was funny to think about it.

   "Yes. I'll come in as soon as I can. I just can't raise suspicion for (Y/N) though. I'll more than likely be late." Dazai extended his lie as well as his stay with (Y/N). She figured that Dazai's boss would know he wasn't telling the truth, but still played along anyway.
Or even better, they were talking in a code only they understood. (Y/N) would be surprised if that's what was happening. Who knew how many times Dazai had to have missions like this where he had to backstab someone.
(Y/N) nearly gagged at the thought. She didn't want to know, as a matter of fact. She couldn't bear the thought of knowing just exactly how many women Dazai had fucked, let alone fucked then used to his own benefit.
   She was definitely going to be the hardest one he was going to turn against though—turn against what was she saying? He was already on the opposing side. It was only a matter of time before Dazai revealed exactly what he was planning.
    She still didn't have possession of the ring that was stolen by the same man who'd railed her last night. She still felt a bit of hatred for him. She was supposed to obtain it last night, but instead she obtained Dazai inside of her.
   Not like she didn't mind a little bit of dick every now and then, but if that was the outcome from a plan that fell through, she wasn't always the happiest person.
   (Y/N)'s thoughts were interrupted when Dazai spoke again, this time a bit harsher than before. "Mori, it's all going to plan, believe me. She'll submit to me and we'll take her in. Just let me take care of it."
And with that, Dazai ended the phone call and tossed the device to the nightstand. He sighed, letting his head fall to his hands. The brunette sat there for a minute or two before turning to (Y/N), who was still faking being unconscious.
Dazai climbed over to her, his hand slinking around her waist and tugging (Y/N) closer to himself. Dazai's nose snuggled against the back of (Y/N)'s neck, his lips gently pressing against the hickeys he left the night before.
His breath was hot on her neck, and (Y/N) felt her face heat up from the contact. Her heart fluttered and she smiled, still keeping her eyes closed.
   Dazai knew (Y/N) was awake the whole time he was having his conversation on the phone, but let her assume what she wanted. He did have to go, but he wasn't going to leave soon.
He wanted to spend time with his woman like this. He wasn't one to do sweet things, seeing as his job was a mafia executive and that would ruin his reputation, but he found this nice.
It brought him a warmth he'd only ever experienced once before, but that was a chapter book for another time.

Dazai tugged the assassin closer, smirking against her skin. "You're horrible at pretending to sleep." Dazai said, chuckled into her ear.
"Anyone else would've fallen for it." (Y/N) spoke back, shifting her body so she was now facing Dazai. She was smirking, but the red on her nose and cheeks told Dazai something else.
He snickered darkly, moving his hands across (Y/N)'s body and to her hips, the contact between his finger tips and the smooth surface of her skin stimulating his nerves and melting into her warmth.
He ran his thumb over her soft skin, feeling her move against his hands slightly from where they were placed on her body.
He chuckled, bringing his head closer to hers and capturing her lips in a passionate kiss. He breathed in the lingering scent of her perfume, the aroma following up his nostrils and arousing him.
Dazai brought one of his hands from her lower body up to her jaw and cupping her face in his palm. He began inching closer, wanting to feel the warm connection of her body under his again.
  Dazai tossed his leg over (Y/N)'s, pressing closer into her body. He slipped his tongue past his own lips, seeking entry into her cavity.
    (Y/N) groaned as Dazai slid on top of her, his hands gliding down her arms and holding her in place so he could do whatever he wished.
   The two lovers stayed like that, pressing close against the other in a battle of kisses and tongue. A light tapping of rain could be heard against the window, and a faint hum of the traffic outside several floors below them.
   The two kept making out, not giving a damn in the world about anything else. Not their missions, not their rivalry, not anything. Just each other and the passion shared between the two.

   (Y/N) felt the butterflies aggressively pound in her stomach, her breath hitching and her heart increasing its bests per minute.
   Dazai could hear her arousal, gliding his hands all around her torso and massaging her skin in most places. He loved the way she groaned and shivered beneath him while his tongue dueled with hers.
    Dazai was almost desperate at this point, yearning for more from the woman. He gripped her wrist and forced them above her head.
Her reaction to this was to arch her back and let out a pleasurable sound, seeing as Dazai's hard-on beneath his pants was grazing against her bare skin.
Dazai felt just how aroused (Y/N) really was, and it pained his groin to the point he let out a breathy grunt and exhaled deeply.
Dazai began to grind his hips into hers, the friction causing both their minds to become hazy. (Y/N)'s train of thoughts drifted back to last night, and her now sore thighs and lower stomach.
She enjoyed every moment she got to spend with Dazai, but if she wasn't able to walk, then she didn't know what she was even going to do.
Dazai could sense a bit of hesitation in her, and not wanting to bring harm to his spider, he loosened his grip on her pinned wrists and steadied his body to a still point while remaining on top of her.

"Are you sore from last night?" He rasped into her ear, almost a low growl from his throat. (Y/N) drew in a sharp breath and nodded her head.
Dazia chuckled, bringing his lips to her neck for a third time. "As much as I'd love to fuck you til you can't walk, we both still have work..."
Dazai fell to one side and held onto (Y/N), his lips still exploring the curve of her neck and the indents on the base of her throat and collarbone.
(Y/N) sighed. She didn't need to be reminded. But it just felt so damn good to be with her organization's sworn enemy.
Maybe it was the thrill she got from ignoring the rules and the off chance she could get revoked of her position and loose her job.
Or maybe it was the fact Dazai fucked like a damn god—well, close enough to it. He was better than any other man, in any type of situation.
(Y/N) looked to the brunette, smirking gently to him. "While that's a good reason to not screw me again, I'd let you do it anyhow."
She taunted him a little by dragging her hand across her body, feeling the way her frame would dip down to form the perfect curves she knew she had and proudly showed off.
Dazai laughed gently. "Reasoning with you will never end, I can guarantee it." He pulled her close to him, and they lay there, holding one another for who knows how long.

But again, neither cared.


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