III: Date with a Demon

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    Dazai watched from the bar, finishing his wine. What a strange introduction. Why couldn't she have been here earlier if she's the Co-owner of the casino? Dazai watched with a keen eye as (Y/N) began walking through the casino and waving gently to the men who looked her way.
   But something was off about her. The way she held herself and graced the room was not how a typical woman would look.
   She eluded confidence and power; regardless of the fact she was the second owner of the casino. But she also mentioned she had another job. So why take on role of Co-CEO?
   It was very perplexing. Her walk was graceful, smooth, alluring. How could one be all three at once? It was invitingly strange. Dazai almost liked it.


(Y/N) continued to glide across the casino floor, checking in on her guests and making sure they were having a great time during the grand opening.
She grazed her eyes over towards the bar, and landed on Dazai. She slinked her way over, sitting in the leather chair next to Dazai, but drifting her eyes away from him.
The handsome bartender from earlier walked up, the same towel draped over his shoulder and the exact same charming smile on his face.

"What can I getcha, Mrs. CEO?" He chuckled while grabbing a wine glass, as if already knowing her answer.

"Red wine will do, thank you Mark." (Y/N) responded with a chuckle of her own. Her deep voice reverberated into Dazais ears, filling his head with a secret melody.
Dazai's eye dropped down her body, glazing over her slender thighs peeking through the slits in her dress. Her heels rested on the floor beneath her seat, one folded neatly over the other.
(Y/N) sat mostly upright in the chair, her shoulders rolled back and her head looking straight ahead. Her eyes were glinting in the blue and purple hues on the lights above her, but it wasn't to good kind of glint. It was an eerie look, like if you got lost in the depths of her [E/C] eyes, you'd drown yourself.
The smirk on her lips remained as Mark slid her wine glass to her. "There ya go, sweetheart!" Mark gave her a teasing wink, and (Y/N) chuckled. "Thank you, Mark."

(Y/N) wrapped her fingers around the transparent glass, placing it to her red lips and tipping the liquid slowly into her mouth.
Dazai watched with a close eye, his brain noting every action she made. They were smooth, with practiced grace. They were deliberately slow, as if she were trying to make her movements timed and human like.
What a strange thing to do. It reminded him of a vampire series he had read a few years back.

The drink fell into her mouth gently, her eyes closed in enjoyment. (Y/N) swallowed, the burning in her throat graced a smirk to her lips again.
(Y/N) lowered the glass back down to the counter, letting out a breath. "Are you going to introduce yourself or will you just stare? Not that I mind..." Her deep voice filled Dazai's ears, rattling his mind and drawing him back to reality.

Dazai snickered, looking back to his whiskey before grazing his eye over (Y/N) again. "Well, that would depend on which you'd prefer."
This earned a light chuckle from (Y/N) as she took another slow sip of her wine. "I'd prefer the introductions than the staring."

"Well then in that case," Dazai finished off his whiskey, turning to look at (Y/N) completely, "I'm Osamu Dazai. Pleasure to make your acquaintance." He held a bandaged hand out to her, expecting her to take it. She glanced down to his hand, turning her body to face him as well.
(Y/N) seemed astounded at Dazai's gesture, and took his hand in hers. The feel of her smooth skin in his rough palm was almost electrifying. It was like a cool porcelain doll had been the original creation of (Y/N) herself.

"Never have I met a man as polite and respectful as you. It's my pleasure to meet you here on the night of our big opening." (Y/N) spoke proudly to Dazai as she shook his hand. "I hope everything is going swell for you?" She inquired, giving Dazai a captivating smile and drawing her hand back to her drink.
Dazai chuckled again and nodded his head. "Indeed. It looks amazing. Who can up with the designs? It's a very euphonious style."

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