XXIII: Off and Odd Days

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     (Y/N) sat on her couch, holding nothing but her remote in one hand, and a bag of chips in the other.
She had no motivation to do anything--granted this was her day off--, and wore only pajama pants and a bra. She was in her house, by herself, so who would honestly give a damn about what she wore?
     Regardless, she lay, bored on her couch and flipping through different channels. nothing seemed to interest her anymore.
What would be interesting to her? Now that she thought about it, probably nothing by staying inside.
    But she was so worn out from working, and it was rare for her to even be granted a day off without asking.
Sure she was the best assassin in the government, but that didn't mean she got to slack off. She was at the top for a reason.

The sky was blue, gray clouds scattered across its hues. the sun beat down onto her lawn, threatening to set fire to her already dead plants. not like she cared.
    (Y/N) let out a sigh, shutting off her television, setting her half eaten bag of chips onto the coffee table next to her.
    She closed her eyes, wanting to sleep off the rest of the day. It was only 10:00 o'clock in the morning, and she'd surely need this regeneration of her body for the next hundred or so days that she wouldn't be getting off.
   But much to her displeasure, someone had to visit her. It was probably Ango, back with some god knows what. That man was honestly starting to annoy her with all these frequent visits to her place.
     First it was after she had tricked Dazai into giving up the name of their thief, coming to her house in a fuss and bitching to her.
She had watched the whole fuming side of his speech, crossed armed and nearly laughing. He was clearly not happy with how she was reacting to him either, and that only added to his anger towards her.
(Y/N) had then instructed the overworked man once he was done to leave her house so she could sleep peacefully, chuckling to his face as he stormed out the front door.

Sliding off her couch, (Y/N) trudged to her front door. Surprisingly through the tinted glass, it was not Ango's frame.
Instead, it was someone else. Probably the only person she would gladly want to see. She grasped the handle in her fingers, twisting and turning the knob.
The door opened with a click, and (Y/N) was greeted with a dark eye trailing up and down her figure.
    He was wearing his typical black suit, tie, with some sneakers, but the black coat was gone and not on his shoulders.
   Dazai smirked for a sec before before realizing he was gawking at (Y/N).  He cleared his throat, looking back up to (Y/N), the smirk still on his face. "(Y/N)." he greeted the assassin.
She smirked back to him, letting her door open all the way to let him in. "Dazai." She responded back, moving to the side.
The brunette waltzed in, a brisk pace in his steps. (Y/N) glanced slightly confused, but regarded it.
She shut the door, locking it and turning towards Dazai. Much faster than she could blink, Dazai already had her pinned to the door, hoisting her up by his hands on her thighs off the floor, his lips smashed against hers in a desperate kiss.

(Y/N) gasped and allowed the kiss, feeling Dazai's emotions drive his passion. His kiss was always aggressive, yet it still had that lingering effect that was soft.
But this kiss was harsh, spite drawn over his lips on hers. She didn't understand completely what was going on, since it had been a week when they last saw each other.
   Whatever it was, Dazai would tell her. They had been oddly enough telling each other a lot. Whether it was the fact they had to lay low for each of their jobs or just the fact they couldn't see each other that often, neither knew.

  Dazai pulled away from the kiss, still holding (Y/N) up against her front door. He was panting, his left eye glaring into hers.
   "I'm going to take a guess and say your boss also gave you the day off?" Also!? It clicked in (Y/N)'s head instantly.
    She scowled, glancing to the side. "That damn bastard." She seemed to want to get out of Dazai's grasp, and he let her.
    (Y/N) brushed past the executive, turning on her heel, disappearing behind the wall and skidding to her basement door. She peeked back behind the wall to Dazai, who was still standing there, unknowing of what to do.

  "You comin or what?" Dazai followed her as (Y/N) tugged the door open and flew down the staircase, the thumping of her feet resonating through the concrete walls.
   It smelled of year old dust and cobwebs wisped in the narrow hall. Dazai took his time going down the small stairs, (Y/N) already a good 20 feet ahead of him and flicking on the lights.
    They were pretty dim, only lighting up a few spots a orange-yellow color you would typically find in old homes.
   And the lights were nothing special either; they didn't have a cover to it at all. Just the bulb and the socket it belonged to.
   The cement was cold, freezing up the entirety unlike the rest of the house, which was warmly insulated.
    (Y/N) scrambled her way over to a specific section of the basement, turning on the light switch so that it came into full view.

   There was a large black mat on the floor, to separate one's feet from the actual floor. On top of the mat were equipment meant to train.
   Dazai wasn't surprised in the least. Of course the most skilled assassin had an at home work out station. Why wouldn't she?
    There was a bench with two metal bars on the side, holding a long bar on one of the pegs on each one. Weights were placed on either side of the bar, both weighing a total of 40 pounds; 20 pounds for each weight. Bench Press.
   In the far corner, different weights were stacked up, each in it own category of how much each was. Next to that, dumbbells and kettlebells.
     Dazai was definitely amazed by how much his spider seemed to work out. Not that it wasn't expected, but it's more than he originally thought.
   But in the center of it all, was a giant punching bag. (Y/N) stood next to it, wrapping bandages on her hands.

  "Now you're really like the female version of me." Dazai chuckled out loud, joking at the sight of (Y/N) with the bandages on her hands.
   He knew that they were to keep her from breaking anything, a vast difference to the reason Dazai had bandages on himself, but it still brought a smirk to his face thinking about it.
   They indeed were very similar to each other. Differences in tactics and strategy, sure, but they were mostly of the same intelligence and capabilities neither of their enemies could compare to combined.
   And those were the reasons they belonged in jail cells, if they were to ever end up getting caught by the police.
   Which is a very low probability as of yet. They've been out about for years, and the police have nearly given up on their endless and pointless chase for these two dangerous criminals.

  Regardless, (Y/N) looked up from the bandage wrapping on her hand, smirking briefly and turning back to her action of protecting her hands.
Once she had finished both hands, she turned to Dazai, smirking darkly. "Do you need anymore or are you all set?" Dazai narrowed his eye at her, scoffing but shrugging his shoulders.
"I think I'll be fine." He responded, dismissing her question like it was nothing, like it wasn't scraping away at his insides similarly to a parasite.
(Y/N) chuckled in response, rolling her eyes and stretching out her arms. Dazai's gaze fell over her form, watching carefully as she leaned down towards the ground, stretching out her legs.
She continued moving in a couple more directions to feel the satisfying pull of her muscles, and it reminded Dazai of how flexible Chuuya was.
It was almost terrifying to Dazai, even just thinking about Chuuya's flexibility made a shiver run through his spine.
Dazai brushed the thought away and focused on (Y/N), who was already cracking her knuckles and finishing her stretches.
She glanced at Dazai, hands on her hips, and a devious glare on her face. Dazai smirked back to her, already knowing what she wanted to do next.

"You ready?"

"Not quite, but I'd like to try."


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