X: The Dead Have Called

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Ivan looked for his cousin, and he spotted her [H/C] hair bounding through the crowd, with the brunette she had promised right behind her.
   It seemed that so far, everything was going smoothly, but he would see how that went. (Y/N) warned Ivan to look out for the Black Lizard—They'd be arriving about the same time that the big surprise would be happening.
Ivan knew how ruthless they could be, but he had never experienced it up close. Only (Y/N) could tell him what to prepare for.

  Now was phase two of the whole thing: once (Y/N) took Dazai to a room on the second floor, Ivan was to kill Amy Dunchien.
She worked in the Port Mafia—clearly. Ivan remembered (Y/N) said she was employed in the Foreign Intelligence Department of the organization. Ivan wasn't too sure why the Mafia needed a Foreign Intelligence Department, let alone an employee for it.
Nonetheless, (Y/N)—more like Red Spider—was assigned this assassination, but she knew Dazai would be coming. So she needed Ivan.

Amy was a short petite woman, and (Y/N) said she was wearing a blue dress tonight. Her hair was a short brown bob, and according to (Y/N) she looked decent enough.
Typical of her to judge someone's looks. She has always done that, ever since the two were kids. Talking all this smack about fashion and shit.
Regardless, she was the target tonight. And Ivan was the one to execute it.

He spotted the blue dress (Y/N) had described, and his eyes followed the fabric up to the face of the owner. And lo and behold, Amy Dunchien.
Ivan placed a hand on the gun handle beneath his blue button up shirt. He approached his target with caution, but instead of going straight for her, he walked to the bar and sat down.

6 minutes left.

He had to wait. "9:45pm is when I should hear the gunshot. Not a moment before, not a moment after. Understood?" (Y/N)'s rough and demanding words rang in his ear. Ivan checked the watch on his wrist. The time read 9:39 pm.
  His anxiety was starting to get the best of him. The thoughts started crowding his mind, making him overthink this whole thing.
   What if it didn't work out? What if he was late? What would (Y/N) do if either of them were caught? Enough. He mentally yelled at himself. (Y/N) wouldn't have asked you if she didn't think you were capable enough. You have to do this for her.

  It seemed to calm Ivan down a little bit, and he looked back at his wristwatch. 9:41 pm. Alright. Time to get into position.
   (Y/N)'s instructions had guided his feet over to the edge of hallway leading to the wooden door and the second floor staircase.
   If (Y/N) was right on this, Ms. Dunchien would begin walking over to the bar at roughly this time, giving him the perfect opportunity to shoot.

His only problem: Her friends. He A.) Had to aim directly for Ms. Dunchien's head without harming any of the other women with her. And B.) The most important thing: Don't get caught!

  "Getting caught or even being seen will cause you major problems and have everyone and everything at your back." (Y/N)'s voice crowded his mind again. (Y/N) assured him that Mark was to go into the back for "extra glasses" around the time Ivan had gotten up.
   And thankfully, Ivan couldn't spot any signs of the bartender. Ok, now for the moment I've been waiting for.
  Ivan looked back out to the crowd, and there she was. The brown-haired Ms. Amy Dunchien. Much to Ivan's luck, she was walking by herself.
   Ivan took a deep breath, pulling the gun out from under his shirt and sheltering it in his hands.
   He took a few paces back just so that he could have a little bit of coverage behind the wall. It wouldn't provide much but a little bit was better than nothing.

  The woman continued walking forth towards the bar. 1 minute. Ivan held the gun up by his face, his brown eye glaring down though the tiny nub of the scope.
   She stopped in front of the bar, looking for the bartender, but decided she would wait until he reappeared. Perfect.
   Ivan cocked the gun and waited for the minute to change, gun raised to her head. His finger was on the trigger, all his senses honing in on this one moment.

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