V: Tracking

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  (Y/N) walked through the halls briskly, mask over her face, [H/C] hair falling down in loose tendrils around her head.
   She was clothed in her "work" uniform—, a white button up with black pants that fell to her ankles and combat boots laced up. A black harness wrapped over both her shoulders and pocketed a knife in the side by her ribcage.
A belt wrapped around her waist to hold it all together, leather gloves snug against her fingers.
A gun holster was strapped to her thigh, the handle of the gun glinting in the fluorescent lights in the ceiling.
    The only thing of her facial features anyone could see was her sharp [E/C] eyes, snapping from one side to the other in a threatening manner.

   Her loud boots echoed in the metal hallway, alerting the agents down the hall who was coming.
   They watched her from a distance, whispering to each other like she couldn't hear them. Which she did. She heard everything.

"Look it's Red Spider.." One of the lead agents whispered to her subordinate. She was a petite woman, with short brown hair and central heterochromic eyes. Maria Livell.
  She glanced over to (Y/N) as she walked by, a bit of fear and awe in her eyes. Livell's subordinate, Casey Chaes, followed her gaze and looked back to Livell with a sharp breath of fright.
  It was his first time actually seeing the infamous assassin in person, and he had no words. It was absurd something like this could happen, yet here he was in the same hall as Red Spider.

"Wow....she's even more intimidating in person.." Chaes whispered back to Livell, who nodded in agreement.
   (Y/N) smirked beneath her mask, but made sure it didn't show. She kept walking past the duo, confidence and danger sounding in each loud and hasty step she took.
    (Y/N) had some business to take care of with Ango, regarding a specific situation with The Demon Prodigy.

  She moved with a graceful swiftness, brushing and weaving her way between the lower ranking agents and rasping on the large door to Ango's secluded office.
   A simple, "come in," was heard from the other side, and (Y/N) opened the door, slamming it behind her.
   Everyone outside knew this was an important and private conversation with the way Red Spider shut the door. The agents all migrated away from the office, scared of what might happen.

"Red Spider, it's nice to see you too." Ango commented sarcastically, noting the way she slammed the door. He didn't bother picking his head up from the paper he was marking up, flipping it to the side and typing into his computer.

"Very funny." (Y/N) said, sliding the extra chair out and sitting lazily in it. "I've actually got something to tell you."

"Oh?" Ango responded, not paying too much attention. He figured this was some kind of new invention or irrelevant thing that never pertained to work. She was always going to him about a new method of attacking, or some new weapon that was released.
This was probably just another one of those times. He almost felt bad for the girl though. She really had no one else to talk to since her uncle left them to take care of her.

Key word, almost.

Despite being in the comfort of Ango's office, she didn't want to take the risk of there being hidden cameras he didn't know about.
The government was always trying to find ways to get (Y/N) to fess up her true identity, or sneak it from her. She was used to it at this point it was second nature. They couldn't outsmart her, no matter how skilled their agents were. She was the Red Spider. No one could get to her. She was at the top for a reason.
She glanced her eyes around the room to double check, and lo and behold a hidden camera.
(Y/N) stood up and smashed the little gnome, the camera lens breaking in its eye. "Dazai knows." She said, a smirk forming beneath her mask.
Ango snapped his head from the computer, looking at (Y/N) in complete and utter shock.

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