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Is it a call from hell?


Did (Y/N) really care?

No not at all.
  In fact, she'd rather listen to whoever was on the other line than watch her cousin try to knock her down.
  She'd gladly turn herself in than watch this poor soul try to throw a proper punch. There were also a lot of other things (Y/N) would rather be doing than witnessing this.
  It was almost a disgrace to her, causing the second hand embarrassment reach new levels of embarrassment. This was depressing to watch.

"Gimme a sec, Ivan." She plucked her phone off the table, answering the unknown caller and walking into a different room. "Hello?" She spoke into the receiver.

"Hi," An unexpectedly energetic male voice rang through. (Y/N) shuddered at the sound of joy. It almost sickened her core. "Is this (Y/N)?"

"Yes this is her. May I help you?" (Y/N) spoke a bit too threateningly into the phone, her patience with her cousin showing through the phone call. "Yes you can! I'm calling because I have some business with a specific person you may know.."
    The mysterious person's voice darkened slightly, trying to make himself a bit frightening to listen to. (Y/N) rolled her eyes, annoyed by the antics.
    "And who might that be?" She responded with a bland voice, clearly not interested in who it might even be on the other end. The speaker seemed slightly confused as to why she didn't sound like she was panicking. Regardless, he continued his call. "Do you perhaps know someone by the name Ango Sakaguchi?"

"Call the fucking city hall if you're looking for him." (Y/N) hung up angrily and stormed back over to her couch, plopping down onto the cushions.
  Ivan watched her from a careful distance. "Who was that?" He questioned, referring to her phone call just moments before.

"Some fucker wanting to find my boss. Now, try the whole tactic again. If this is going to work you need to be better than perfect at this."
   (Y/N) commanded of her cousin, and Ivan sighed. This was going to be one hell of a day if he couldn't follow her directions to the exact end of the sentence.


"Is she for real?" Dazai scoffed as Mori told him the story. His boss nodded, hands folded beneath his chin and elbows resting on his desk.
Dazai began laughing. (Y/N) was something else, and he was enjoying these little debacles between the two of them.

Mori had called (Y/N) as a simple joke—or that's what he had said it would be—asking if he could speak to Ango—and she told him to call city hall. Dazai chuckled darkly as he thought about it.
City hall didn't have Ango—but (Y/N) didn't have to know that Mori knew that. Maybe Dazai should prank call (Y/N) more often just to hear her words.
    He couldn't deny the way she spoke when she was wearing thin was attractive. The curse words that left her mouth, or just her speaking in general with no filter was beautiful.
   How Dazai wished he could make (Y/N) speak just to shut her up. It would be a beautiful sight to him. Dazai chuckled at the thought and ran a hand through his brown locks, leaning back in his chair.
Although, there are other ways Dazai could make (Y/N) shut up—but that would never happen. Not in any lifetime Dazai would have to bear through.
Regardless, the look of shock on her face would be the best. Dazai chuckled again, closing his eye and interlocking his fingers.

Mori noticed this, and looked smugly at Dazai. "Something funny?" The older man asked, leaning forth onto his desk and tilting his head to his subordinate.
Dazai opened his eye, glancing to his boss before looking to the window, watching the sun begin to fall in the sky. "Just a thought."
Mori raised an eyebrow, chuckling gently to himself. "Alright. You are dismissed." Dazai stood up and bowed to his boss, turning towards the door and walking out.

                                *        *       *

   Dazai sat on the edge of the large shipping container, looking out over the ocean. The sun was dipping below the horizon, painting the sky in orange and pink hues, with splatters of deep purples and the last speckles of sky blue.
    The ocean glittered in the sun set, like those sunset scenes from movies. It's rough waves smoothed over the bank, wetting the patches of grass that were scattered on the sand. Dazai sighed and pulled out a cigarette, lighting it and taking a drag.
   He blew the smoke out, watching as it floated into the air and dissipated. Dazai sighed and looked to his left, where the city of Yokohama was sprinkled in the mirrored hues of the sky. The silver of the building metal held the first signs of the darkness spreading across it.
  Dazai placed his cigarette in his mouth before looking to the right. A silhouetted figure jumped across the buildings, avoiding landing for too long and keeping her speed.
  Dazai snickered and rolled his eyes, taking a puff of his cigarette and letting the smoke fall out of his mouth.
     (Y/N) was still Red Spider. Dazai had to keep reminding himself that. He thought about their first encounter, before he knew who she was.

   It was a good 3 months ago, and Dazai was to investigate some recent events regarding the assassin. Stolen weaponry, a drop in money deposited into the banks, specifically with the Port Mafias treasury.
    And in each case, someone had been brutally murdered. Dazai heard rumors of a mysterious assassin, but had brushed it off to be some sort of story parents told their kids to scare them into listening.
  But oh boy was he wrong. She came in, slipping through the security like it was nothing, smirking darkly at Dazai and disappearing just like that.
  Next thing Dazai knew, there was a mark on the outer wall; it was red, and reeked of copper—it was blood.
It wasn't big, but it was a medium uneven circle with jagged lines stretched across the bricks. A spider. That was when the name started to circulate for the assassin. News Reporters named her as Red Spider, and the public just let it stick.
If it made sense to them, then they believed it. That's how the world was though, believing everything that made the most sense.

It had taken nearly a full 2 weeks to finally remove the stain and even longer to get rid of the nasty smell that came with all the rotting bodies she had left behind.
Dazai smirked and put his cigarette out, pushing the nub it had become into the metal of the shipping container.
His eye was still trained on the now disappearing silhouette of Red Spider, her form moving swiftly against the sky.
Maybe Dazai should visit the casino again. It'd be a good interaction for him. At least he wouldn't be bored with her. And maybe he would get something from (Y/N).

Dazai smirked as the rest of the sun claimed sleep, the crescent moon finding its way into the sky and illuminating a part of the night.
That's what Dazai would do. He'd go to the casino and manipulate his way into her heart. It was a shame she was gorgeous as well.


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