XII: Twelfth Hour

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    (Y/N) watched with a keen eye from the second floor, silent in the shadows. Her target moved cautiously through the warehouse, clearly aware that something was different.
He spun around, a hearty laugh emitting from him as he saw his companions. Two men, similarly dressed in black, emerged from behind the cargo boxes.
The three exchanged handshakes and welcomes. They talked to each other for a few minutes, the chatter reverberating across the concrete of the building.
(Y/N) rolled her eyes, slightly loosing her patience. If it was going to take this long, she would've left a bit later.
(Y/N) continued to glare at them, the chatter beginning to get onto the subject of what she was after.

"So, you brought the thing?" The tall one mentioned, looking around the facility as a double check. (Y/N) focused on the conversation now, her mission finally drawing near its end.

"Yeah of course I did." Her target responded a big sarcastically. He reached behind him, drawing out of his pocket the ring (Y/N) was set out to get. It had a silver detailing on it, an ember jewel engraved into the ring. Ancient lettering—most likely Persian—lined the band. The other two eyed it's unorthodox appearance, but shrugged it off.
    (Y/N) smirked beneath her mask, dropping from the second floor to the first.
She landed silently, dust just barley collecting around her feet. She drew herself up to full height, keeping her eyes narrowed and trained on the trio.
The third one, who hadn't spoke yet, snapped his head, worry crossing his face. He turned back to his companions, looking between the two of them. "Did either of you hear something?"
The two glanced towards him with dirty looks, before brushing it off. "Caz, it's a windy night, you're going to hear shit." The tall one reassured him brashly
The small one shook his head. "No Kai, I'm being serious, someone's here." The frightened look on the man's face make (Y/N) cackle with joy.

"He's right," She spoke out threateningly, "Someone is here." Her deep voice resonated in their ears, all shocked.
They begun spinning their heads around, looking for the source of the voice. Caz looked around, his eyes landing directly on (Y/N). His mouth dropped in horror as he recognized the assassin.
   "Put the ring away, Jac!" Caz yelled out to his companion, beginning to back away. "It's Red Spider!"
     Jac and Kai looked to each other frightened, and began to follow their comrade out of the building.
    Red Spider laughed at their poor attempt to escape, making her way swiftly across the building grounds, her blades in each hand.
Kai and Caz were behind Jac, struggling to keep up with the leader. Jac was the only one (Y/N) was determined to catch, so knocking out the first two would be a piece of cake.

  (Y/N) sped up, her elbow going to Kai's jaw, knocking the man down. Caz screamed, a new phobia coming out of the shadows for him.
(Y/N) kept hot on her trail, following the two out of the warehouse and into the black blanket of night.
Caz struggled to keep his breath stable as he ran from the assassin, tripping over his own feet and landing face first into the wooden dock.
(Y/N) watched the stumble play out, and snickered gently. This is just making my job easier.
She trained her dark eyes on Jac, who maintained a good distance from the woman. He panted, dipping between containers and trying to disguise himself in the shadows.

   He ran for what felt like about 2 more minutes before he realized he wasn't being chased anymore. Jac slowed down, looking frantically at his surroundings and making sure it was safe for him to actually sit down.
He slid behind a metal cargo box, catching his breath and sighing heavily. His heart pounded in his ears, blood rushing through his entire body. His mind was racing with the millions of outcomes that could happen right now, the main ending result: Jac's death.
He searched through his pockets again for the ring, and let out a chuckle when he still had it.
He examined the jewelry in his hands, looking over the foreign language written on it, trying to to see if he could discern it.
He was so focused on the ring he didn't even notice that Red Spider was right next to him. "You'll never understand it, it's Persian." She spoke out matter of factly.
Eyes wide, life flashing in his mind, Jac craned his head slowly to (Y/N), his bottom lip quivering. He took a step back, tripping on his own feet and landing on his back with a thud.
The ring was tossed from his hand, making a rolling beeline for the edge of the dock. (Y/N) snatched it up swiftly before clutching it in her gloved hand.
She towered over the man, her eyes narrowed in spite. She strode towards Jac as he scrambled back until his head made contact with another metal shipping container.

"I want you to give me one reason as to why I shouldn't paint these containers with your blood." She threatened to him, her blade pointed out towards him.
She snooped down, one hand going to grasp his hair roughly, the other positioning her knife at the base of his throat.
He gasped, tears filling his eyes, breath erratic, fear established in every nerve of his body. The infamous murderer that Yokohama's fear is built off of is right in front of his face, and he was nearing deaths door himself.

"I..I...no...please..." He begged, but it was pointless. She scoffed and rolled her eyes, pulling her head back slightly to slide her blade across his throat.
His body went limp, eyes rolling to the back of his head. The copper smell of blood wafted into the air as it spilled from his throat and down into the fabrics of his shirt.
  (Y/N) let go of Jac entirely, glancing at her knife that was stained with blood. She rolled her eyes and flicked her wrist, the force of it splattering some of the red droplets onto the large metal in front of her.
   She pocketed her blade into its holster again, looking at the scene before her. Either the Port Mafia or Police will find the three of them soon.
   She turned around, and much to her displeasure, Ango stood there with his arms crossed. She rolled her eyes and strolled up to him.
   Realizing she was covered in blood, Ango backed away, hands in front of him in disgust. "Stay the fuck away from me, you're covered in blood." His threat left no impact on (Y/N)'s stride, and she walked right past him.
   Ango let out a sigh, spinning on his heel and following (Y/N) out of the Port. He looked between each large metal canister, examining the scene.
From what he could tell, not much blood was shed, but there were going to be remnants of the event by the morning depending on when the Police or Port Mafia found them.

"You get Caz, I got Kai." (Y/N) commanded, storming off to the tall unconscious man. Ango scowled at (Y/N) as she barked orders at him, but complied anyway.
This woman had just gotten done with her mission in less than half an hour, and she was still ready to kill anyone at first glance if she so desired.
Ango wanted to keep his life, so he followed her instructions, cautious of what he said or did. (Y/N) flipped Kai over her shoulder, carrying him with ease. Ango, on the other hand, struggled to drag Caz, who had smashed his nose in and was bleeding all over.
The two of them brought their catch to the back of the SUV Ango drove to get here. (Y/N) flung the metal door open and tossed Kai into the back, brushing off her hands and waiting for Ango.
She stood with her hand on her hip, her eyes narrowed at Ango. He hobbled over to her, both his hands clasped around Caz's wrist and pulling him like a wheelbarrow.
"Can—Can you...?" Ango panted out, clearly exhausted from doing more than he was hired for. (Y/N)'s eyes went skyward and brushed Ango away, picking Caz up with ease and tossing him next to Kai. She kicked the door shut and walked around to the passenger seat.
Ango nodded a 'thanks' to the female as he slugged his way to the drivers side, slowly falling into the leather seat and catching his breath.
(Y/N) sat next to him, her foot up on passenger seat and scrapping off the dried blood on her clothes.

"Hey! Hey! Could you not?" Ango snapped at her, not wanting the SUV to get dirty. He couldn't stand things being messy or unclean.
(Y/N) looked at him, her eyes bearing no emotion and pulling her mask down to speak clearly. "Go to the car wash if it's going to bother you so much." The sarcastic tone of her voice clearly suggested she didn't give a deities damn about Ango's pet peeve or the condition of the SUV.
Ango sighed. She was being difficult, but he couldn't do anything about it. They most certainly couldn't go to the car wash, that would lead to suspicion.
He would go on a different day and have the blood and dirt taken care of. He shivered as (Y/N) kept picking at her soiled clothes, flicking the pieces off her fingers and onto the floor.
Ango stuck the key into the ignition, the SUV revving beneath the both of them. He began driving the car, eyes stuck on the road as they made their way back to headquarters.

They rode in silence, the only sound of the engine and (Y/N)'s nails on her jeans filled the air.
(Y/N) was lost in thought, her brain racking through her mission over and over again. Something was odd about how it played out. It was easy, almost too easy, even for her.
She closed her eyes, flipping through each scene and playing it out like a movie. She examined each part of her mission, and that's when it hit her.
Her eyes flung open, wide with rage. She scrambled in the seat, hands digging through each pocket for the ring.
She flipped them all inside out, yet no ring. "Son of a fucking bitch!!" She exclaimed, falling back into the seat with a thud, hands covering her face in anger.
Ango glanced quickly over to (Y/N) as she yelled next to him. "What?! What's wrong!?" He asked, panic filling his head.

"Dazai took the fucking ring."

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