II: The One and Only

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Elise traversed the halls with a happy bounce in her step, running around Mori and Dazai with playful glee.
     The two walked at a steady pace behind the little blonde girl, both lost in a conversation of their own.

"So you're telling me, Red Spider didn't transform back after you-an anti-ability user-picked her up?" Mori questioned, the sharp tone in his voice stinging Dazai's ears.

"That is correct yes." Dazai responded, not looking at his boss. He kept his only visible eye trained on the hall he was walking down. Mori looked down the same direction, contemplating something.
   It was strange, how Red Spider's ability wasn't nullified the second she brushed up against Dazai. Was it because he liked the occasional visit from a cat? Granted, he did prefer cats over dogs. But he usually had his ability activated no matter what.
   Elise spun around Mori once again before stopping, her face lighting up with happiness. She took off down the hall with her arms wide open. "Kyouyo!!"

An older woman, around her mid-twenties, with bright orange hair pulled back into a neat bun. Her bangs fell over her left eye, and pink eyeshadow lined the lid of her right one.
    Her large pink kimono adorned a similarly larger pink bow which held it together, the layers falling beautifully around her and flowing gently as she walked.
   Kyouyo smiled as the little girl approached, opening her arms for Elise. Elise jumped into Kyouyo's arms, her red dress blending in with the pink ombré of Kyouyo's outfit.

"How are you, my child?" Kyouyo asked, her silky smooth voice echoing through the hall and soothing any worries any of the three had.
   Mori watched with a joyous and gentle smile, his eyes lighting up as Elise burst with excitement. Dazai stood behind the black haired man, watching with a slightly narrowed eye.

"Kyouyo, Rintaro said he was going to take me shopping, but now he's busy!!" The little girl whined, looking up at Kyouyo with puppy dog eyes and pointing her finger towards Mori.
    Mori choked on his own breath, holding his hands up in surrender. His face flushed a light pink at Elise's words, shaking his head. "Now, now, Elise dear, please-" but Kyouyo cut off his sentence with a single raise of her hand.

"No worries. I'll take you shopping." Kyouyo looked down at Elise with a gentle look, and the little girl beamed with excitement.

"YAYY!!!" She removed herself from Kyouyo's arms and ran around the halls once more, singing "I'm going shopping".
    The older woman chuckled behind her hand, standing up from her spot and glancing at Mori. "No need to worry, Mori. I'll take care of her."

"Thank you very much, Kyouyo. I've been very busy lately, especially with Dazai's case." He said a bit pointedly, a quick side glance to Dazai before his dark eyes slid back on Kyouyo.

"Oh yes, I know all about that. Chuuya wouldn't stop talking about how Dazai didn't complete his mission. He was very thrilled about it actually.." Kyouyo glanced to the side with a small grin, her hands folded in front of her as she turned back down the hall and watched Elise jump in the distance.
Dazai rolled his eyes and let the older adults talk like he wasn't there. He ignored it, becoming lost in his own thoughts.
Now what could he do to get Red Spider? She knew of his liking towards cats, that was made obvious last night. He wondered if she knew anything else about him? Probably.
If Dazai went to the bar tonight, there was a slim chance he might bump into Red Spider there. She would be off duty depending on the time she arrived. And Dazai would know her identity, woo his way into her heart, and capture her.
It wasn't as simple as that though. Red Spider was extremely perceptive and read people like a book. She would always do her research before going out into the field. She studied people in depth to understand practically their every move.
And she would almost never show her face to the public, even if they didn't know who she looked like beneath the mask.
Part of the reason why Red Spider was so dangerous was because of her inhuman ability to hide herself. She used the shadows to her advantage and disappeared. She was rumored to wear a black mask that hid her face.
The only ones who knew what she looked like without the mask were her victims; her targets. The ones she had assassinated.
It was rumored that the government official who hired her didn't even know who she looked like.

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