XIII: Flow of it All

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  Dazai walked confidently away from the dock, the black SUV Red Spider was in skidding off from view.
    He snickered to himself, tossing the ring up in the air and catching it in his palm. He continued his trek to his residence, hoping the road barrier and high stepping it through the grass.
  He reached the entrance to his home, lifting up the metal door and ducking under the edge before it slammed shut.
Brushing off the dust that his coat managed to collect from the door, he walked through the living space, tossing his coat aside and falling onto the couch.
Dazai sighed contentedly, pulling out the ring and taking a good look at it. The ember stone shone, even in the barely lit room. Dazai could very much sense the power it held. He turned the ring over in his fingers, analyzing the sliver detailing and lettering inscribed onto the band.
It was Persian, for sure. This ring was a good hundred or even thousands of years old. It came from the Middle East, but who knows how long it had been in Yokohama before someone found it.
Dazai had found it on the black market for a hefty price of over 4o,000,000 Yen*, and knew that (Y/N) would want to get her share of this ring.
He glanced at the ring for another minute or so before he became bored of it. What was he even supposed to do with it? It couldn't give him the abilities it promised anyone else—His own ability would subside it before he even got a feel for what it could do.
It was merely worthless to him other than to sit on his finger and look pretty if he ever wanted to wear it. More than likely not.

  Dazai let out another elongated breath and tilted his head, his eye catching the time: 12:45 am. This night could not drag on any longer.
Dazai decided he might as well get some sleep. He might need it for tomorrow.


(Y/N) waltzed into HQ like she owned the place-she practically did-her mask covering her face like normal.
She brushed past everyone, speeding her way to Ango's office. She busted open the door, slamming it shut behind her. Her boots echoed off the walls as she came up right to his desk, hands placed aggressively on the wood.

"You know where Dazai is. Tell me." She demanded, her tone deep and threatening. Ango sighed and looked up from his computer.

"(Y/N), I'm busy right now, if we could discuss this later—"

"No! I need to know now!"

"You're at the same level of intelligence as Dazai, you already know don't you?"

"Yeah but I need you to confirm it for me."

Ango sighed once more, feeling defeated. He ripped a yellow sticky note from the stack and snatched a pen from the cup that replaced the gnome (Y/N) smashed a while ago.
   He scribbled on the paper, handing it to (Y/N) and went back to typing furiously on his computer. "There. Now go."
   (Y/N) grinned, victorious, spinning on her heel and heading for the door. "Bye Ango~."  The assassin sped to the door, eager to get out of HQ quickly and find Dazai.
   She didn't need to look at the paper to know where Dazai was. She just wanted to bother Ango, and he seemed to take the bait just by a nibble.
     Keeping her eyes narrowed, (Y/N) weaved her way through government agents and their assistants, and the assistants subordinates, and so on so forth how you may.
    (Y/N) felt her phone buzz in her pocket. Rolling her eyes, she pulled the device out, looking at the screen. It was her uncle asking what time she was going to be home. Typical. (Y/N) didn't feel like dealing with her Uncle's antics right now, hiding her phone back into her pocket.
   Her mind was running along its train tracks, idea after idea forming in her head. Along with those ideas were questions. How? What if? The works.
The different scenarios played out, one by one, each with different interpretations, other ways to interpret, many factors falling into place.
Her thoughts kept on spilling out of its boil pot, her footsteps bouncing off the walls and alarming everyone around her. She wasn't focused on them at the moment, however.
A half comprised plan, an empty plot point, and a desire for some food took up her conscious attention, her subconscious leading her out into the parking lot.
Snapping out of her daze for a moment, she searched for her ride, walking toward her sleek black motorcycle.
   (Y/N) kicked her foot over to the other side of the vehicle, sitting comfortably on the leather. She snapped her head 120 degrees in each direction, making sure she was by herself before pulling down her mask.
   She knew there were no cameras since (Y/N) had smashed them a good few months ago, and the area was pretty secluded anyway.
(Y/N) took a nice breath of long awaited fresher air, smirking to herself and slipping the motorcycle helmet over her head, flipping the visor up so she could see clearer.
Looking down to the console, she stuck the key into the ignition, letting her ride roar to life and vibrate beneath her. She had to admit this was probably one of her favorite parts about owning a motorcycle.
She gripped her hands around the handles, the visor flipped down, and kicked her heel on the metal stand on her left.
(Y/N) revved the engine pushing off her feet and taking off slowly at first, positioning her balance correctly out of habit.
She began to approach the exit of the parking garage, looking left and right before turning right into oncoming traffic.

The destination she had in mind would not be Dazai's living space. Instead, she would visit the casino, double checking on all of its residents and helping her uncle out again.
Tonight had no surprise plans, no assassinations, not rise in death tolls, no destruction of property.
Tonight, (Y/N) would go about it like a "normal" life cycle, play the role of an innocent young maiden, though she had to try her best to not lead any of the men on; unless, of course, Dazai was there.
Their last encounter was 72 hours ago, and (Y/N) was feeling antsy about seeing him again. Her mind buzzed with the intention of baiting and antagonizing him, and keep doing so to the point of Dazai giving back the ring that rightfully belonged to her.
Of course, it wouldn't be that easy, but she was confident he would give in eventually. Dazai had even said himself that she was his spider.
That's not quite something you say to someone you're supposed to hate, in her opinion, but it was still something that had been said.

(Y/N) zipped through the bustling cars and trucks, the engine maximizing its volume to neighboring vehicles and buildings.
She felt the wind against her body, smirking at the freedom she got every time she went for a drive.
Tonight was going to be a fun night for her, she could tell.

*Roughly equals $29,000,000 USD
[ 1 Yen = ~0.0067 USD ]

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