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“If you want the divorce then I’m fine with it but just know this, I won’t let you have Sumi!”

“Excuse me?”

“You heard me. Sumi is my daughter and I won’t let you or anyone take her away from me.” Mina said angrily.

“Good news, there is another one of her.” Peter, Mina husband said.

“Who? Dohwa?” She asked in irritation.

“Why do you sound that way?” He asked, glaring at her.

“Of course you know why. I don’t even know why those two decide to come into this world as twins. They are very opposite from each other.” She remarked.

“That’s normal, Mina.”

“I didn’t say it’s abnormal but…Sumi is better than Dohwa.” She stated, staring at the close door just to be sure that it was perfectly closed.

“MINA! Why will you say a thing like that?” Peter questioned angrily.

“What? Am I lying? Every term…Sumi comes back home with a good grade while Dohwa comes home with a bad grade, who will want a child as dull as Dohwa? I know she’s still my daughter but come on, let’s be truthful to ourselves. If that child doesn’t look so much like Sumi, I would have said she was switched in the hospital.”

“You can’t say something like this, Mina. What if the kids are hearing you?”

“They can’t.” She scoffed. “I’ve put them to bed.”

“You talk as if you are intelligent…last thing I remember, that child takes after you.”

“Impossible. She might take after some of my characters but there is no way she takes after my brains. Maybe it’s yours but it’s definitely not mine.” She said, folding her arms over her chest.

“If you think she’s dumb then put her in the right path, Mina. Make her find joy in reading her books and stop encouraging nasty behavior she took from you.” He said.

“Is she stupid? Can’t she tell right from wrong? Do I have to teach her everything?”

“That child is just five years old, Mina! How do you expect her to tell right from wrong?”

“But her sister can. And guess what, she’s just five years old!”

Peter shook his head in disappointment over his wife’s behavior.

How can she keep this kind of thought in her mind about her child?

How can she call her own child stupid?

A mother’s responsibility is to look after her child, show her the right way, put her through and help her differentiate right from wrong…but his wife won’t do anything like that.

Either she criticize Sumi for her niceness and ask her to be more like her sister who is very rude and mean or she criticize Dohwa dullness and ask her to be as intelligent as her sister.

What mother does that to her children!?

They are kids and they are easily open to hurtful words.

Comparing kids is very wrong and shouldn’t be practiced in any home because it might lead to hatred between the two kids, division and other negative things.

He have talked to his wife severally about how she treat the kids and how she always compare them to one another.

But being the stupid person that she is, she wouldn’t listen.

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