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           ~His aching heart….~


“You can go spend time with your boyfriend.” He reassured.

Lisa shook her head in disagreement almost immediately Jimin suggested that. “I can’t leave you all by yourself, my prince. It’s so late.”

Jimin let out a sigh as he tried reaching out to his maid’s hand but he was going the wrong direction, Lisa quickly grabbed hold of Jimin’s hand and held it in hers. “I know you are worried about me. And I also know you miss your boyfriend and that’s why I’m giving you the opportunity to go to him..” He squeezed Lisa’s hand gently. “Don’t worry Bobo is here to look out for me and besides when you are done you can come over here. I will wait up for you.”

“But Miss Hwasa will be so mad at me if she gets to find out that I left you all by yourself here.”

“Well she wouldn’t know anything if neither of us say a word to her.” Jimin raised a suggestive brow at her, waiting patiently for her reply. He really needed this. He wanted to have this moment and time to himself. He was blind but dancing to the wave and waters brought calmness to his stormy night. Being watched by Lisa will only make him feel….less good of a dancer. He was blind after all and wouldn’t even get to see Lisa's facial expression when he begin dancing and he was still afraid of being mocked or being looked down upon. He knows he was nothing compared to those talented Ballerinas up stage. The day he lost his sight was the beginning of his failure.

After hesitating for awhile, Lisa finally accepted. “Alright. I promise to come back on time.”

“Don’t end the date too quick because of me.” Jimin yelled after Lisa, who was already walking away.

“Okay. Bye!” Lisa yelled back.

Jimin's li-ps stretched into a smile as he sunk into the sandy ground and hugged his knees against his chest. Bobo laid beside him and snuggled closer to him for warmth. Jimin chuckled as he wrapped his arms around the poor dog. He started playing with its furs as he looked ahead of the calm waters. Though he couldn’t see anything but hearing the calm waves comforted him.

He had initially came over here to think and not dance. He needed time alone and obviously the palace won’t provide him with that. Did he make the right decision? Putting Hwasa in charge of the throne wasn’t a bad idea, right? He trusted his aunt and that’s one reason why he made her take over for now but something in him was doubting this decision of his. He hope he hasn’t make any sort of mistake. But it was better this way, he doesn’t want royalty to depart from his father’s lineage, his father and great grandfather had worked so hard to retain the throne, so who was he to change things. He was blind and can’t possibly rule the people in that state…yes, he made the right decision. Hwasa will take good care of the throne and the people. Besides she had been the one taking care of him after he became blind, Hwasa was reliable and trustable. He was stupid to have doubted her in the first place.

He tucked a strand of hair from his face to the back of his ear and let out another breath. He stood up to his feet and dusted the dirt off and slowly began to dance to the rhythm of the waves. It felt magical how the waves sounded like music to his ear. But he loved it.

He pirouette once, did a temps leve as he hopped from one foot to the same foot. Tears pricked at the corner of his eyes. Dancing reminded him of his parents. They were the first audience to ever watch him dance when he was just five years of age. He pirouette again and slowly lifted his legs off the ground doing a saute. The wind caresses his skin, he felt pleased. Most importantly, it felt as though his parents were here, watching him, guiding him, encouraging him like they always do. This was the only way he could connect to his late parents. This was the only way he could think. Yeah, he really didn’t come here to dance but to think….but dancing is what help him think.

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