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            ~Lost in thought….~


“You shouldn’t have done that.” Hwasa said at the top of her voice, glaring right at her nephew.

“Why not? You are my aunt and that practically make you part of the Royal home so what’s the big deal if I put you in charge of the throne for now?”

“You are the next in line, Jimin. Not me. You are the rightful heir to that throne. Not me. Your father is the owner of that throne and not your mother, my sister. I have absolutely no right to take over the city or the throne.” She sighed. “You need to take back what you said to those ministers.”

Jimin shook his head in disagreement. “I can’t do that.”

“Why not?”

“You know exactly why, aunt.” He walked over to his bed and sat down at the edge, dropping his helping stick beside him just in case he will be needing it again. “I’m blind. And there’s no way the people will want a blind king to rule them. And if I don’t put you in charge then the throne will be taken away from our family. Dad wouldn’t want that. He has done so much to retain his throne and I won’t let his handwork go to waste.” He tried reaching out to his aunt but he was going the wrong way, Hwasa quickly reach out to Jimin’s stretched out hand and held it in between his. “I know you care for me and I’m so grateful for everything you’ve done for me. You stood by me during my most difficult moment and you are still standing by me…You love me and I love you so much too. But please do just this one favor for me. Rule the people until I regain consciousness.” Jimin pleaded.

Hwasa doesn’t know what to do. Should she accept the offer? She was confused. It was his nephew’s birthright they were talking about here and taking it over made her felt bad. But Jimin was right. If she refuse to take the offer then the throne will be passed on to another family because there is absolutely no way the people will want a blind king to rule them. Not every one even knows about Jimin.

She was right when she suspected the guest to have been the ministers. She was so scared when they questioned them about their next plan on the affairs of the city. She had nothing in mind to say to them but she was so shock when Jimin spoke up but that wasn’t what surprised her. Jimin handing over power to her until he regain consciousness was what surprised her more. Now she understand why he had told her not to worry herself about it and that’s because he had a plan already.

“Do you think that’s okay?” Hwasa asked.

“I trust you, aunt. And I know you will do a great job in ruling the people.” Jimin reassured, squeezing Hwasa’s hand gently. “So what do you say?”

Hwasa was a little bit hesitant before she shrugged her shoulder. “Fine.” She mumbled. “But you will take over immediately you regain consciousness, okay?”

Jimin smiled nodding his head yes. “I will.” He suddenly yawned earning a chuckle from Hwasa. “Did you just laughed at me?”

“I didn’t laugh, I only just chuckle.” Hwasa reasoned out, pulling her arms around her nephew’s body to help him up.

“What’s the different?” Jimin question with his brows furrowed in wonder.

“Just shut up and let’s go eat.”

“Ah, that reminds me” Jimin stopped walking just when they got to the door. Hwasa said nothing as she stare at Jimin. “Are you there?”

“My arms are still round you.” Hwasa pointed out.

“Oh, yeah.” He clears his throat. “I will be going to the beach tonight.”

Hwasa pulled away immediately. “Hell no. I won’t let you leave the palace by this time all in the name of going to dance and if you want privacy then I will ask the maids and guards to retire for the night but_”

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