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“You asked to see me.”

“Yes. How have things been going?” She asked with a soft smile on her face.

He shrugged. “Good? Why do you ask to see me?”

“It’s about my nephew…”

“The prince?”

She nods. “Yes. I might not be able to protect him forever but I know you can.”

“What do you mean by that? Are you going somewhere?”

She hesitate for a while before saying. “Probably. But I won’t be at ease if Jimin isn’t in good hands. And obviously you are the only one I can trust for now.”

“Wait, what’s going on? Isn’t your coronation tomorrow? So why exactly are you saying all this?” He asked in confusion.

She reached out for his hand, smiling. “Yes. My coronation is tomorrow and that only signifies one thing…My end.” She paused. “The coronation might not hold but that doesn’t guarantee Jimin’s safety. Whoever killed my sister and her husband will definitely be after my nephew but since I’m the one who is about to fill in the vacant throne…I might be next before him. I don’t want anything to happen to him, he’s the only one who can be able to bring justice to his late parents death and protect the people from harm.”

He pulled his hand from her grasp and gave her a weird look. “Are you trying to say someone is after your life and the crown prince life…or no, are you trying to say the late king and his wife’s death wasn’t an accident but on purpose?”

“This shows that you are following up. Well, yeah.”

“Ho….how come you never said anything to anybody? This is huge, Hwasa and the crown prince life isn’t safe.”

“Exactly my point and that’s what brings me to the reason why I called you out here.” She opens her bag and brought out a flash drive then handed it over to him. He collects and stared at it for a while before looking up at her. She could see the questions written on his face as he held the flash drive. “If anything happens to me give that drive to Jimin, he will need it when the time comes. And make sure he comes to you first.”

“Wait a minute, who are this people that are after you guys? And do you know who killed the late king and queen?”

“I don’t know for sure but I have my suspects…”



*Don't trust anyone, not even me. Okay?*

His aunt’s words kept echoing in his head. Should he be worried? Should he be scared? He doesn’t even know what he should feel. And to make matter worse, he was blind and can’t possibly do any fucking thing!

Jimin let out a sigh as he sunk into the ground and leaned his back against the cold wall, he hugged his knees to his chest, placed his chin on his knee and shut his eyes closed. His thoughts were moving in circles, his heart were beating really fast and quick, his legs were shaky even his hands. Tomorrow was his aunt’s coronation, he should be happy for that, he should be glad for the fact that his father’s throne will be secured but instead all he could were…fear.

*If anything ever happens to me during the coronation.... I want you to be strong. Don't relent or feel hopeless and don't ever see yourself as a cursed prince, rather see yourself as someone strongBe happy. And make sure to detect who killed your parents…*

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