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            ~Change of plans…~


“What do you intend to do now?” A lady asked, sitting down beside another young lady who was busy smoking and drinking.

“Find another way.” She said, puffing out another smoke of cigarette.

“I think I know what we can do.” The lady said with a smile on her face.

“You do?” She questioned, dropping down the almost finished cigarette on the floor and stomping on it to quench out the fire. “What is it?”

“Hwasa must have read our moves while she was with us. If we still wait up for the next coronation then she will be another step ahead of us.” She sighed. “There is only one way we can be a step ahead of her.” She said.

“And how can that be?”

“We change our plans.”


“My prince” Lisa called out as she got closer to Jimin, who was facing the same spot Jungkook was earlier before. “How are you?”

Jimin shook his head slowly let out a deep sigh. “I… don’t know.” He answered honestly. “One minute I was feeling good. I was less angry. I forgot about my anger and just focused on the wave and atmosphere but the next minute… the feelings were all gone and replaced with the anger that had brought me here.” He said, furrowing his brows in confusion.

“Are…you okay, my prince?” Lisa questioned again not sure of what to do now.

Jimin didn’t say anything before a while, but said afterwards, “Did you see him?”

Lisa look around them to see if she would see anyone around but she couldn’t find anyone. “Who, my prince?” She asked.

“Him.The gentle fellow.” He said.

“My prince… there’s no one here aside from you and I. Are you really sure you are okay?”

Could it be that Lisa didn’t see him?

Could it be his mind had made him up in his head?

Was he even real?

But does an imaginary person talk?

What was wrong with him?

Why can’t he have a normal conversation with someone without having the fear of it being an illusion?

He doesn’t even know whether or not he exist as well.

It’s crazy. Very crazy.

He shook his head quietly, bringing a smile that obviously wasn’t reaching his eyes to his face. Let’s go home.” He began walking away.

“Yes, my prince.” Lisa wrapped his arms around Jimin and began guiding his steps. “What happened between you and Aunt Hwasa?” She asked, breaking the silence that fell between them both.

He wanted to talk. He wanted to tell someone, just anyone about his anger and frustration but he couldn’t. He can’t.

The words were so heavy for him to let out.

Or maybe he was only just being so stubborn and close not to tell anyone.

He doesn’t know who or what to believe. If his aunt could keep secrets from him then anyone can as well.

“It’s nothing.” He whispered. Lisa didn’t push it, she just nod her head with a gentle smile on her face. If her prince doesn’t want to tell her anything then it’s probably for the best.

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