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       ~The identity of the boy~


“A servant?” He questioned, coming up to his feet. “I never asked for a servant, Lisa.”

“I told him that but he insisted on working for you so I asked him to wait till you get back.” Lisa stated.

Jimin stared at the boy, whose head was facing the ground. The boy was fiddling with his fingers. “Are you okay?”

“I…Yes, my prince.” He answered, raising his head up a bit.

“Listen, I don’t know how to say this to you but… I really do not need a servant right now. I have…”

Choi quickly went on his knees. “Please my prince. Please help me. My mom… she’s dying. She need to undergo surgery for breast cancer and I don’t have any money… please, my prince. Help me.” The boy pleaded in tears.

Jimin was taken aback by the boy’s tears. He never expected this reaction from him. In fact he didn’t know the boy’s mother was dying.

How was he suppose to even know that?

“Get… get up, Choi.” He instructed.

Choi shakes his head. “No. I can’t stand up, my prince. I really need this job. Please help me.”

Jimin hesitate for a moment before taking a few deep breaths and said. “I will help you.”

Choi jerked his head up to look at Jimin, his eyes were widened as if in shock. “You will?”

“Get up now.” Jimin said calmly. “You can start working in the palace. And as for your mother, I promise to take care of her surgery.”

“What? You will take care of my mother’s surgery?”


Choi shakes his head in disapproval. “You can’t, my prince.”

“What?” Jimin asked, surprised.

“I don’t want to be a burden to you, my prince. You’ve already given me the job as your servant that’s enough for me.”

“Choi… I want to help you. Trust me, I don’t see you as a burden neither do I see any of my servants as burden. You all are like a family to me. Now, get up.”

Choi slowly rose to his feet. “You are very nice, my prince.”

Jimin smiled. “I’m just doing my duty as the crown prince, Choi. Stop thanking and get to work.” He turned to Lisa. “Take him to his chamber and also visit his mother in the hospital… you know what that means.”

Lisa bowed her head. “Yes my prince.” She turned to Choi. “Follow me.”

Choi turned to Jimin and smiled then bowed his head before walking away with Lisa.

Jimin let out a deep breath, grabbing the note he’d received and the flyer then went up to his room.

He really need a good rest.

Jimin walked inside his bedroom and fell flat on his king sized bed, his gaze were on the white ceilings.

*I’m inviting you to my show. I’m actually the solo lead.* Tin’s words played in his head over and over again.

Would it be wrong if he said he was jealous?

Would it be wrong to wish Tin never had that opportunity?

Would it be wrong to wish Tin was the one who went blind instead of him?

Would it be wrong to wish he was never a part of the royal home?

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