4. ETA

115 11 2

My mom, dad, and I stand in the hallway, waving goodbye to the JYPE representative as she gets into her car and drives away

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My mom, dad, and I stand in the hallway, waving goodbye to the JYPE representative as she gets into her car and drives away. After she's gone, my dad turns to me, his brows furrowed with concern.

"Liliana, are you sure about this?" He asks, his voice tinged with worry.

I look him in the eye and nod, doing my best to reassure him. "Yes, dad. It's a fantastic opportunity, and I believe in it."

He lets out a defeated sigh, as if he's wrestling with his own doubts. "If you say so," he mumbles and slowly trudges upstairs, his shoulders slouched.

Meanwhile, my mom grabs my hand and urgently pulls me into my room. She opens my wardrobe and starts tossing clothes out onto the bed. Her tone is a mix of excitement and urgency as she says, "You heard the lady, you leave on Monday, Liliana."

I can't help but express my concerns, "Isn't everything happening too fast and rushed?"

She pauses, taking a deep breath and turning to face me, "Honestly, yes. But it's the pace the company wants, and we need to adjust to it."

The JYPE representative had talked about the company's plans for us to debut in just a year. She also mentioned that the company would fund the trip and take care of my accommodation, food, and other expenses for the first three years.

I lean against my bed, still trying to grasp the whirlwind of changes, "I know. It's just a lot to take in. Feels like it was only yesterday when I sent that initial audition video."

Mom steps closer, holding my hands with a reassuring smile, "You're a responsible, mature young woman, and that's why I trust you to go there and make me proud. Do you understand?"

I look into her eyes and reply, "Yes, Mom, I understand."

She pulls me into a warm, comforting hug, tears welling up in her eyes. "I know you'll make me proud. Do you promise me that?"

"I promise," I whisper.

She releases me from the hug, a few tears escaping from her eyes. "Great! Come down for lunch in a few minutes. I'll prepare your favorite meal to celebrate."

With that, she leaves the room, shutting the door behind her. I immediately text my friend Sarah about the exciting development, and she promises to visit tomorrow to help me pack. In just four days, I'll be embarking on this incredible journey, and the reality is sinking in.


A few hours later, I drag myself downstairs, my stomach rumbling like crazy. Totally spaced on lunch, and Mom didn't even bother hollering to summon me to grub.

As I stroll into the kitchen, I spot Lucas hanging out with his friends, looking for something to eat.

My eyes land on Lukman, who's over by the fridge, slapping magnetic stickers on it like a little kid. Lukman is very tall, very dark but has a killer sense of style. I can't help but shake my head in mock disappointment, "Lukman, do you ever grow up?"

He shoots me a sly grin, "I might not be growing, but you sure are. Look at you all thicc."

Lucas instantly clears his throat from across the kitchen, shooting Lukman a stern glare.

Lukman rolls his eyes, unfazed, "Chill, man. We all know your sis is lepacious (skinny)."

I roll my eyes right back at him, then turn to Martins, nodding in greeting, "What's up, Lili."

"I'm good. How was the game?"

Martin's deadpans, "Sh*t, lost 2k for nothing."

I can't help but shake my head at him, "I told you to stop betting, man."
I look at Lucas with hopeful eyes, "Lucas, you know where my food at?"

Lucas shrugs, "Nope, there's nothing to eat in this kitchen."

"But Mom promised me jollof rice, chicken, and salad."

Lukman, in his usual carefree style, tosses the kart magnet at the fridge and turns to me, "Ooh, your favorite. What are we celebrating?"

With a playful twirl in my short skirt and floral top, I reply, "You're looking at the newest trainee of JYPE."

Wearing short clothes around Lukman and Martins doesn't make me uncomfortable. They're practically like brothers to me.

Lucas gives me a tight hug, "What?! I'm so proud of you."

"Thanks," I smile back at him.

Martin points a teasing finger at me, "Dayum! Lili, following those Korean boys actually paid off."

I roll my eyes, "Oh, shut up."

Lukman chips in, "At least he didn't call them Chinese this time," he laughs, then gives me a warm side hug, "Congrats."


"So you're going to Korea" Martins says


Lucas finally rescues me from my growling stomach, "Found something to eat!" He holds up a small sack of garri (cassava flakes taken in form of cereal)

"Finally," Lukman exclaims, a triumphant grin spreading across his face as he triumphantly produces the jar of sugar and a bag of nuts, perfect companions for our garri feast. I quickly grab four bowls from the cupboard, and without hesitation, Lucas skillfully transforms the plain garri into a delicious concoction.

We enthusiastically dish out generous portions of sugar and nuts into our respective bowls and then migrate to the cozy living room. Martins grabs the remote and expertly navigates through the channels, finally settling on a thrilling movie.

Casually, Lucas sets his bowl down and breaks the ice with a question, "When are you leaving for Korea?"

I take a deep breath and respond, "On Monday."

Lukman's eyes widen in surprise, and he exclaims, "Woah, that's in just four days. Isn't that super soon?"

Martins chimes in, clearly concerned, "What's the rush, man?"

I shrug, trying to downplay the whirlwind of emotions, "The company wants us to debut as soon as possible."

Lukman jumps in, curious about the logistics, "Crazy. What about your visa and plane tickets?"

I nod, "That's gonna be taken care of tomorrow."

Lukman, looking thoughtful, leans back and adds, "This is a lot to take in."

Turning to Lucas, I notice his silence as he quietly munches on his garri. His gaze is fixed on the TV screen, but I can tell his mind is elsewhere, likely processing the unexpected news. I'm still in shock myself, trying to come to terms with the reality of leaving for Korea so soon.


I know not much has happened in the book and the skz members have not been introduced but the story is still building up so pls be patient.

Stay healthy 😙

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