1.Kick in the door

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Hi, my name is Liliana. I just graduated from high school and I'm presently waiting to be accepted by my school of choice, Everest University.

I'm a Nigerian girl.
I'm 18yrs old, I'm fair in complexion, long kinky African hair that takes almost an hour to detangle, I'm thin though unlike the stereotype that black girls are thicc, not all of us are okay?

I'm tall with long legs. I wanted to be a model when I was younger but let's just say education is really valued in Nigeria.

Now, have you ever looked at your friend and felt like "I need to beat this bitch up?"

That's what is going through my head as my bestie, Sarah kicks in the door "what's up ho" she beams at me happily

I pick up my metal ruler and run towards her. She immediately realizes that I'm coming to hit her because she takes off running down the hall to my brother's room.

She doesn't knock but instead barges into his room " Lucas! Lucas! She wants to kill me!"

I've told her countless times to never run into a boy's room without knocking. Who knows what he could be up to. I don't want to see nonsense.

I finally get to his door and see my brother on his bed, holding a controller. Beside him is my cousin that's staying for the holidays, Mike. I see my target hugging Lucas from behind on the bed.

"What is it this hot afternoon?" Lucas looks fed up

"It's Lili" she points at me childishly "she wants to kill me"

"Real mature, Sarah" I comment leaning on wall beside the door, my arms crossed

"Do you hear yourself, Sarah. She wants to kill you" Mike drops his controller facing her

"Yes. Look at what is in her hand " she pouts cutely at him. She has a really cute baby face and uses it to her advantage "it's that heavy ruler she wants to use on me"

Lucas sighs dropping his shoulders "what did she do this time"

My brother is my only sibling. He is 19years old and just finished his first year in university. He is tall dark and handsome and yes alot of girls like him, including my own bestie.

She runs to him whenever she's in need or trouble.

"She kicked my room door open , slamming the door into the wall" I report

"So if you had broken the door, what would you do" he turns his head to the side to address her

"But I didn't break it" she releases him from her hold

"That's it. Both of you, out!!" He points at the door.

She takes cautious steps towards me as I glare at her.

"And don't lay a finger on her" he adds

She flips her braids sticking her tongue out at me.

"You're lucky"

I walk back to my room down the hall. Sitting by my table, I continue designing my art book. "What is it?" I say as I notice her smiling at me from the door

"I thought you would never ask" she sits on my bed

I turn my chair to face her in curiosity "spill"

"Well I went on the jype site again"

"Uh girl I told you to forget about that"

"And thank goodness I didn't listen to you. They responded"

My eyes bulge out in shock "what did they say?"

"Allow me to read it out loud" she picks her phone "Dear Liliana, we are elated to inform you that you have progressed to the second stage of auditions. We would call you on the 25th of September to make a final decision. Make sure to learn various dances, songs and be well dressed. You will be tested on those categories. Take care of yourself, goodbye.

From jype"

My lips shake from excitement and words that can't express my joy. I just start screaming. Sarah runs to me and hugs me , also screaming.

"I'm so proud of you " she cleans the few tears that fall out of my eyes "now don't cry. This is just the beginning of this journey "

I wish I and Sarah could go through this together but she can't dance or sing to save her life plus her figure isn't accepted by the agency. She is part of the reasons why people think all black girls are thicc.

"Now. I suggest you rest for today. The audition is on Saturday, today is Tuesday." She sits back on the bed as I settle on throwing myself beside her.
"I say you use tomorrow to get yourself something really nice to wear then practice on Thursday and Friday"

"I agree!" I sit up "I have to tell Lucas"

I take her phone and walk towards Lucas' closed door. I knock and hear a faint 'come in'

I open the door, meeting them where I left them

"You see Sarah, that is how you enter a room" Mike tells Sarah

"Shut up " she stands by the door.

"What is it?" Lucas looks at me warily

"Chill man. Take a look" I hand over the phone

His eyes quickly glance over the phone "what? " He immediately drops the phone on the bed and pulls me , hugging my waist

"What happened?" Mike glances at us confused

"I qualified for the auditions"

"Oh okay..." Mike looks at me waiting for more information" and then what?"

"That's it" I respond disappointed by his response

"You aren't even a trainee yet. " He faces the tv continuing the game " when you become a trainee, tell me"

I pull myself from Lucas "you know, you are a real dick. " He ignores me. I snatch his controller from his hands, throwing it on a bean bag across the room. "Have fun playing your stupid game"

I leave the room with Sarah in tow slamming the door. I hear Lucas scolding him .

"Forget whatever he said. This is a big step. When you finally reach the top and get that moola, he'd still be here playing video games"

The funny thing is just because some people have hurt us doesn't mean they don't prosper. I don't mention that to her though.


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Stan twice for clear skin✨

Thank you for reading my book 💗

My bias wrecker is Jeong-in aka I

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My bias wrecker is Jeong-in aka I.N
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