The Real Villain

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Y/n's POV

I was opening my eyes slowly feeling a little dizzy. I placed my hand on my head because of the big headache I got. My eye sight was still a little blurry so I rubbed my eyes. As soon as my eye sight got better I see myself in a large luxurious bedroom.

 As soon as my eye sight got better I see myself in a large luxurious bedroom

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I immediately sat up confused, noticing I was on the bed.
Y/n: "Where the fuck am I?" I said to myself still confused looking around the room.

The last thing I remember was me with Daniel in his private jet drinking some tequila. That's when it hit me, he must have put something in my drink. This can't be happening again. First Tom now Daniel, when the fuck am I going to have a break. My blood started boiling at the fact that I fell right into Daniel's trap. He made me believe I could trust him. He made me believe that he was going to help me finally be free from the life I was living with Tom those past few days. Now I can see that all of that was a joke and that Daniel is just like Tom or maybe even worse.

I hear noises coming from the door. I see that the door knob was moving. I didn't think twice and laid back down pretending I was still asleep. I hear the door opening and then footsteps entering the room. I'm sure it's Daniel who else would it be.

Daniel: "Stop acting stupid I know your awake" I heard his deep voice with his Mexican accent. Just by hearing him I felt shivers going down my spine. How did he know I was awake, I just ignored him and continued pretending.

Daniel: "I have a camera in the room spying on u, get up now" he said with a demanding tone. I had no choice but to just get up. I look straight at him with anger. He was standing in front of the bed already looking at me.

Y/n: "Why are u doing this too me? I haven't done shit too u." I glare at him. He didn't answer me right away and I see a smirk forming on his face.

Daniel: "U should be asking that question to your father not me. oh wait I forgot he's dead" he said mockingly making me even more furious.
Y/n: "Don't u fucking dare bring my dad's memory into this!!" I yelled at him and when I realized what I just said that's when it hit me.

Y/n: "It was u, u killed my dad!" My eyes started getting watery.

Daniel: "Finally took u a while. Your dad could've still be alive till this day if he would've picked the right decision. U do know the full story right?"

Y/n: "U asshole, I was 15!" I let a tear out. I couldn't believe I had my father's killer so close to me this whole time.

Daniel: "I'll take that as a yes, but now your 18.
3 years, 3 fucking year looking for u. I was already getting over u, until I found u. But I never thought I was going to find u at the event where the most dangerous cartel leaders around the world attended. I couldn't believe I had u so close to me that day. At first I wasn't really sure it was u, so I had to figure it out somehow. I called Mark over at my table and he confirmed it. I just asked him what your name was and he told me. I had to go up to u and see u up close. When I did I fell for u all over again and I knew I couldn't just let u go just like. But then Tom comes over and starts claiming u, talking about u being his girl. That got me so jealous but then I noticed u weren't comfortable with it and knew he was forcing u. That's why i took advantage of that moment. I gave u my number cuz I knew that u we're going to need my help sooner or later and u see I was right."

He starts walking my way. I scoot back from him not knowing what his attentions were. He sits down on the bed in front of me. I look down trying to avoid seeing his face.

(Scroll down for translation⏬)
Daniel: "Pero mira Y/n, yo la neta si te quiero bien. Y pues yo se que mate a tu papa y eso si estuvo muy jodido de mi parte. Pero te quiero pedir perdon por eso, yo se que no me vas a perdonar así de rapido y te daré todo el tiempo que necesites. Y si tu me lo permites te quiero demostrar que te puedo ser feliz." He gives me a soft smile.

(Daniel: "Look Y/n, I really do like u for real. I know that I killed your dad and that was very fucked up of me. But I want to apologize for that, I know that you are not going to forgive me that quickly and I'll give you all the time you need. And if you allow me, I want to show you that I can make u happy." He gives me a soft smile.)

When I heard him say all of that all I felt was disgust. He really had the audacity to ask me to be with him when he was the one that killed my father. That got me sick to my stomach.

I ignored his whole confession still looking down lost in my thoughts. Out of nowhere he leans in to kiss me. I acted fast pushing him away and slapped him across his face. I slapped him pretty hard that my hand turned red and started hurting. I knew that was the biggest mistake I've done but I didn't regret it because of how aggravated I was.

Y/n: "U really think ima be with the monster that killed my dad. What kind of daughter will that make me!" I yelled at him.

He took a deep sigh. All of the sudden he grabs my neck slamming down onto the bed harshly and he hovers over me. I felt his grip getting tighter making me have trouble breathing. Then he gets closer to my ear.

(Scroll down for translation⏬)
Daniel: "Si no va ser por las buenas entonces va ser por las malas." He whispers to my ear.

(Daniel: "If it's not going to be for the good way then it's going to be for the bad way" He whispers to my ear.)

He starts sucking on my ear lobe. I was disgusted by the feeling. I couldn't let a word out at all. I get the hand he had in my neck trying to make him loosen the grip but he didn't budge. I felt his grip getting tighter and tighter every second. I was already thinking the worst. Is this is going to be the end of my life? I stop trying to loosen his grip. At this point I'm just going to let kill me. If death is the only way out then so let it be.

Until he lets go.

I took a really deep breath as if all the air on earth was going to go away. I place my hands on my neck from the pain he caused. He gets off of me while looking at me. I was still trying to catch my breath.

Daniel: "Don't think I'm done with u. I don't let no one disrespect me. U won't have any other choice but to accept being mine. You'll see how, but I'm letting u know now that u asked for it." He walks out the room leaving me alone.

I couldn't help it but to burst out in tears.

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