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Y/n's POV

I found an outfit and I close the suitcase

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I found an outfit and I close the suitcase. I started putting on the outfit. It was just a nice simple outfit.

The outfit:

The only thing I want more then anything in this world right now is to escape

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The only thing I want more then anything in this world right now is to escape. I want to get away from Tom as soon as possible. I needed to come up with some way to contact Daniel, without getting caught. I was think on trying to convince Tom to let me go out with the girls. Yes including Ashley, I would've preferred just me, Jane and Lisa. But I knew Tom would ask why and I can't tell him why. It'll ruin everything. Since we're here in Las Vegas why not walk around the city. I can just tell him that we can take some of his men with us so he'll let me and some how find a way to contact Daniel. I'll find a way.

I go back to the room. I see Tom already dressed. He was spraying some cologne on himself. I guess he's going out with the guys or something, so I have to convince quick.

Y/n: "um Tom are u going out?" I said to get his attention. He turns to look at me.
Tom: "Ya why?"
Y/n: "Well then if your going out, can me and the girls go out too. I don't want to be here in the hotel room all day and if u want we can take some of your men?" He didn't seem convinced right away.
Tom: "What are u up too Y/n?" He crosses his arms and raises his eyebrow. Fuck I hope he doesn't suspect anything.
Y/n: "what do mean, I not up too anything. I just don't want to be in here all day bored. Plus we're in Vegas, I've never been here and I want to look around a little."

That was kinda a lie. I've been out here a few times with my parents and little brother, but I've never really walked around the city. Most of the time I would've just stayed in the hotel room taking care of my little brother. Don't worry of course we had bodyguards back then too.

Tom starts walking closer to me.
Tom: "Actually I'm in good mood right now. I'ma let u go, but I'm warning u Y/n if u try to do something stupid..." he pauses for some reason getting me confused.
Tom: "U know what I'm not even going to threaten u with your own life cuz clearly u don't give a fuck about it but I will make u suffer. I guarantee you'll be begging me to kill u. I still don't know how yet but don't worry I'll find a way, understood."

Shivers went down my spine after hearing what he said. I nodded my head slowly in agreement.
I didn't know what he meant by that but what I do know is that it won't be a good thing and it scares me.

Tom looks at his watch.
Tom: "Alright I have to leave already. I'll let the guys know u and the girls are going out."
Y/n: "ok" I said in a low tone. He walks out the room. I was just standing there still trying to comprehend what he said to me a while ago.

I managed to snap out of it and I started walking out the room. I see at least 5 of Tom's men out side the room waiting for me. Like Dam not even my mom.

I decided to go get Jane first. I walked up to the hotel room door she was staying in. It wasn't a long walk cuz it was literally right next to mine and Tom's room.

I knocked on the door and waited for Jane to answer. The door starts opening and Georg appears on the frame instead.

I was confused on why he answered the door cuz I thought he was with Tom

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I was confused on why he answered the door cuz I thought he was with Tom. So if Georg isn't with Tom then Bill and Gustav aren't with him either. That means Tom went out alone. I found it weird because him and the guys are always together especially now that I know they are part of a gang. But I might be wrong probably Bill and Gustav are with him and Georg just has a reason why he didn't go with them.

Georg: "Hey there kiddo" he gives me soft smile.
Y/n: "Hi Georg, is Jane ready? We're going out."
Georg: "Ya I know Tom told me." This is my first time talking to Georg and he seems pretty chill.

Y/n: "By the way do u know where Tom went, cuz I thought u were with him?" I questioned
Georg: "Oh um" I noticed he got nervous. He definitely knows but he doesn't want too tell me.

I see Jane running from behind Georg and gives me a big hug.
Jane: "Hi Y/n" she smiles
Y/n: "Hi Jane" I smiled and hug her back.

She breaks the hug and goes up too Georg. She give him a hug.
Jane: "Ok babe I'll be leaving already" she looks up to him because he was tall but not as tall as Bill or Tom. It was mostly because she was short. She's even the shortest from the friend group and it's funny because she's the oldest.
Georg: "Ok baby, u girls be careful" he leans down and gives Jane a kiss.

It was awkward for me cuz I was just standing there waiting for them to finish their little romantic moment. They finally break the kiss and Jane turns to me.
Jane: "Let's go get the other girls."

Georg closes the door. I was a little upset that he avoided my question but whatever.
Y/n: "Jane can I go get Lisa and can u go get Ashley cuz, well u already know, pls."
Jane: "Ya sure and don't worry I understand" she smiles and walks to Ashley's hotel room.
Y/n: "thanks"

I start walking to Lisa's hotel room and knocked. Again I waited for someone to answer the door. Then the door opens and this time Lisa appears on the frame.
Lisa: "Hi Y/n" she gives me a hug.
Y/n: "Hi Lisa" I hugged her back.
Lisa: "where's Jane?"
Y/n: "She's getting Ashley"
Lisa: "Ok let me just say goodbye to Gustav" she goes back into the room.

That's when I realized Gustav isn't with Tom either. I see Lisa coming back to me.
Lisa: "Ok let's go" she closes the door behind her.

We turn and see Jane and Ashley.
Lisa: "Hey girls" she hugs them and I just stood there. Then Ashley notices me.
Ashley: "Hi Y/n" she smiles softly while looking at me.

I ignored her and her smile faded away.
Lisa: "Um I think we should be going now" we all started walking to the elevator.

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