Where's Y/n?

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Tom's POV

I was sitting down on one of the chairs thinking about Y/n

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I was sitting down on one of the chairs thinking about Y/n. I still had the bottle of whiskey in my hand half full.

All of the sudden I realized something. The girls, they need too know where Y/n's at. Y/n would always tell them everything. I'm pretty sure Y/n even told them about the whole plan. They are inseparable so they have to know.

I started walking to the door with the bottle of whiskey still in my hands. I go out to the hallway and I see the guys with some of my men.

Tom: "Where are the girls?"
Bill: "They're in my room, why?"
Tom: "Bring them over here, I need to talk to them" Bill noticed the bottle.
Bill: "Are u drinking?" He said in a serious but also concerning way.
Tom: "Bill just do what I told u, I'll wait for u guys in my room."

I go back into the room to wait for them. I place the bottle back down on the small table and sat down.

Jane's POV

Me and the girls were in Bill's hotel room. Me and Lisa were sitting on the two chairs and Ashley was sitting on the bed. We weren't really talking the whole time mostly because the three of us were still trying to comprehend what just happened a few hours ago. Suddenly we see Bill coming in the room.
Bill: "Come on girls, Tom wants too see the three of u"

I kinda figured what he wants us for. He wants to see us to ask us about Y/n and if we know anything. But I'm no snitch, I won't say anything but I'm not so sure about these two especially Ashley.

Ashley: "For what?" She said getting nervous. I'm pretty sure she's thinking about the same thing. I turn to Lisa and she looks at me too, that's when I knew that she was thinking it too.
Bill: "I don't know but hurry up because he's not happy"

We stood up and started walking behind Bill. We got to the hallway and see Georg and Gustav. They started walking with us towards Tom's room. My nerves started kicking in, I just hope these girls know not to say anything or at least not say something that will put ours and Y/n's lives at risk. Well I know Y/n's life is already at risk but I mean to save her a little bit more time.

We were outside Tom's hotel room already. Bill opens the door and walks in with the guys. We then walked inside after them.

Bill: "They're here, what do u want them for?" He said moving aside showing Me, Jane and Ashley

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Bill: "They're here, what do u want them for?" He said moving aside showing Me, Jane and Ashley.
Tom: "I just need to ask them some questions"

Tom gets up from his seat and walks towards us.
Tom: "Now tell me, where's Y/n?"

I knew that was the question he was going to ask. I don't even know where she's at and even if I did I wouldn't tell him. None of us said anything.

Tom: "I asked a fucking question, one of u better answer!" He raised his voice getting us startled.
Jane: "W-we don't know." I said looking down. I tried saying it with no emotions but my nerves and fear got the best of me.

Tom: "I don't believe u, Y/n always told you girls everything. I'm giving the three of u a chance to tell the truth before something tragic happens."
He gets in front of me making look up to him. All I saw in his eyes was a beast trying so hard not to come out.
Bill: "Tom u better think about what your saying." Tom ignores him.

Lisa: "Jane is telling the truth, we really don't know where she's at." I heard the fear in her voice but I was happy that she spoke up and had Y/n's back.

Tom backs away from me and looks at Ashley which was next to me. Ashley was silent and looking down the whole time. Then Tom gets in front of her the same way he did to me.
Tom: "What about u Ashley, Y/n was the closest to u. She must've at least told u what she was planning."

It took her a while to answer. She better not screw this up. I know her and Y/n didn't end up in good terms but the least she can do is say the right thing. She has too especially because she was pretty much the one that got Y/n into this whole thing.

Ashley: "No, I don't know anything either" I was so relieved, for a second I really thought she was going to rat Y/n out. I just hope Tom bought the whole thing and leaves us alone already.

Tom: "Fine, let's just say I believe the three of u but I'm only saying that because I have some stuff to handle right now." He backs away from Ashley and walks towards one of the tables next to the bed. I noticed a gun on the table, he grabs it and places it in his pants. Then he gives the guys a signal telling them that they have to go. They understand and started walking to the door except Georg.

Georg: "Wait I need to talk to Jane about something, I'll catch up with u guys in a bit

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Georg: "Wait I need to talk to Jane about something, I'll catch up with u guys in a bit." He said walking towards me and the other ones going out the door.

Georg gets in front of me looking into my eyes and places his hand on my cheek gently caressing it.

Georg: "Are u ok baby? I'm so sorry u had to go through that." He said in a soft and concerning way.
Jane: "Ya I'm ok and u don't have to apologize for anything babe." I give him a soft smile making him smile back at me.
Georg: "Ok I'll be back, here's the card for our hotel room and also start packing up because we're going back to Tokyo tonight. I love u" He says handing me the card.

Jane: "I love u too" He gives me a quick but passionate kiss and rushes out the room.

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