The Call

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(This part would be similar to the other part titled "He Found U". How I said in that part there will be Spanish speaking if u know Spanish then that's perfect but if u don't it's ok because I'll translate it in English. Just a quick reminder)

Y/n's POV

I waited for someone to pick up the phone, until I hear a familiar deep voice answer in Spanish.

(The translation is in the third paragraph down or just scroll down until u see translation⏬)
???: "Bueno?" It took me a while to answer him because of how nervous I was.
Y/n: "Hola, estoy hablando con Daniel?"
Daniel: "Si soy yo, puedo saber quién habla?"
I heard the confusion in his tone.
Y/n: "Soy Y/n la chica que estaba con Tom en la fiesta, te acuerdas?
Daniel: "Y/n, si claro que recuerdo, estoy sorprendido de que me estes llamando" His tone changed in a positive way.
Y/n: "Si ya sé perdon por molestarte y llamarte así de repente pero necesito tu ayuda"
Daniel: "Si por supuesto linda puedes contar conmigo para lo que sea, pero que pasa te escucho un poco nerviosa?"
Y/n: "Es que no tengo mucho tiempo para hablar, pero necesito tu ayuda para alejarme de Tom. Te explicaré todo si aceptas ayudarme y venir por mi."
Daniel: "Ok, no te preocupes te ayudare, dónde estás?"

I started freaking out because I didn't know the name of the hotel I was in. I looked around and I see on the restroom stall door a sign that said "Bellagio Hotel". That must be the name of the hotel.
Y/n: "Estoy en el Hotel Bellagio, Sabes dónde está?"
Daniel: "Sí, necesito que te quedes allí hasta que llegue, de acuerdo?"
Y/n: "ok, pero por favor date prisa y con cuidado porque tengo 5 de los hombres de Tom siguiéndome. Y tambien estoy con mis amigas por favor prométeme que no les pasará nada malo a ellas."
Daniel: "Ok te lo prometo, y no te preocupes de los hombres yo me encargo de ellos."
Y/n: "Gracias Daniel, y tambien no llames a este teléfono porque no es mío. Ya tengo que colgar bye"

(???: "Hello?"  It took me a while to answer him because of how nervous I was
Y/n: "Hi, am I talking with Daniel?"
Daniel: "yes it's me, who's talking?"
I heard the confusion in his tone.
Y/n: "It's me Y/n, the girl that was with Tom at the party, remember?
Daniel: "Y/n, Ya of course I remember, I'm just surprised you're calling me" His tone changed in a positive way.
Y/n: "Ya I know, I'm sorry for bothering you and calling you all of the sudden, but I need your help."
Daniel: "Ya of course beautiful you can count on me for whatever. But what's happening cuz I hear you a little nervous?
Y/n: "It's cuz I don't have much time to talk, but I need your help to get away from Tom. I'll explain everything to you if you agree to help me and come for me."
Daniel: "Ok don't worry I'll help you, where are you right now"

I started freaking out because I didn't know the name of the hotel I was in. I looked around and I see on the restroom stall door a sign that said "Bellagio Hotel". That must be the name of the hotel.
Y/n: "I'm at the Bellagio Hotel, do you know where that is?"
Daniel: "Yeah, I need you to stay there until I arrive, okay?"
Y/n: "ok, but please hurry up and be careful because I have 5 of Tom's men with me. And I'm also with my friends so please promise me nothing bad will happen to them."
Daniel: "Ok I promise, and don't worry about the men I'll take care of them."
Y/n: "Thanks Daniel, and also don't call this number because it's not mine. I have to hang up bye")

I hang up the phone. I opened the stall and I see the woman that let me borrow the phone. She was leaning against the sinks waiting for me. She notices me and I walk up to her with the phone on my hands.

Y/n: "Once again thank u so much for letting me borrow your phone." I hand her the phone.
Women: "Ya of course no problem, well I have to go now I hope u have a good rest of your day" she smiles and I smile back. Then she walks out the restroom.

I turn on the sink and wash my hands. I was thinking on how I'm going to convince the girls and Tom's men to stay here in the hotel a little longer. I finished washing my hands and walked out the restroom.

I see the girls and men outside waiting for me.
Y/n: "Sorry I took so long, I had stomach problems" I smiled awkwardly kinda embarrassed but that's the only thing I came up with on the spot.
Lisa: "It's ok"
Jane: "I think we should go back to our hotel now"

I hear Jane say that and I start freaking out a little in my head. I start looking around the hotel and I see what seems to be like a food court.
Y/n: "Wait, I'm kinda hungry we should go check out the food court over there" I point to the direction of the food court.

Ashley: "Ya I'm hungry too we should go"
Jane: "Ok, let's go then" we all walked towards the food court including Tom's men.

◈I'm His Obsession◈Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang