The Rescue

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Y/n's POV

A few minutes pass. Me and the girls were at the food court area sitting at a table eating. I kept looking at the entrance glass doors of the hotel. I would look at them hoping Daniel would come in through them really soon. I was nervous, I wasn't even eating my food and just played with it a little.

Jane: "Y/n is everything ok?" She said grabbing my attention. I didn't think I was making it so obvious.
Y/n: "No ya everything is ok." A fake smile appears on my face, but I made sure to it looked real.

I looked back at the door and I still didn't see him. What if he backed down and he's not coming at all. What if I'll never be able to escape from Tom. I started losing the hope. I looked away from the doors and looked down at my food.

Lisa: "Y/n why haven't u ate anything, didn't u say u were hungry?"
Y/n: "I lost my appetite" I said in a low tone
feeling upset.
Jane: "Ok well we have to leave already just take it to go" The hope I had was officially gone. I looked at the doors one more time just in case but again nothing.
Y/n: "ok" I close the lid of the foam tray my food was in and I place the tray in a plastic bag.

The girls were standing up from their seats, so did I. I grab the bag I had my food in. We started walking towards the doors and the men behind us. Suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder I turned and I see Jane.

Jane: "Are u sure your ok Y/n?" She whispered a little making sure I was the only one listening.
Y/n: "Ya don't worry about it" I fake smile again but this time it was pretty obvious.
Jane: "Ok clearly u don't want to talk about, and it's ok I won't force u to tell me, just want u to know if u need to talk it out I'm here for u." She said in a soft tone making me feel a little better but just a little.

We were getting to the doors. One of Tom's men goes in front of us opening the door for me and the girls. We were all outside now. We were about to continue walking. Until all of the sudden three black Cadillac Escalades pulled up right in front of us. We got startled making us freeze in our spots and I dropped the bag I had my food in.

About 10 men with black ski masks got out pointing guns at Tom's men. Some with AKs or pistols. Tom's men were about to take out their guns but it was too late and they were also out numbered.
???: "On your knees now!" One the men that can out of one of the trucks said out loud. Tom's men didn't have another choice but to kneel down and put their hands on their heads. People around started noticing, they were screaming and running for their life's.

Ashley: "pls don't do anything to us" I heard the fear in her voice.
???: "Ms. Y/n we've come for u" I noticed his Mexican accent. They are definitely Daniel's men.  He had one of the trucks door open for me still pointing his gun at Tom's men. I was about to jump in the truck but then someone grabs my arm guilty stopping me. I turned around and again it was Jane.

Jane: "Y/n please don't" we looked into each others eyes and I see hers were getting watery. It broke me seeing her like that.
Y/n: "I'm sorry" I whispered slipped my arm from her grip easily because she wasn't even gripping on me hard. I sit on the back seat of the truck and the guy that had the door open closes it.

???: "Alright let's go!" Said that same guy out loud telling the rest of the Daniel's men. He starts walking to the other side of the same truck I'm in and sits next to me. I was looking out the window seeing Jane and the girls looking at me. The driver starts driving off leaving them behind.

I was feeling relieved because I was finally free from Tom and the living hell he was making me go through. But at the same time I felt sorry for leaving the girls behind, including Ashley. Even if we ended our friendship in bad terms I still have a lot of wonderful memories with her. I was also thinking on what just happened with Jane. It really did break me seeing her like that I didn't think she was going to react like that.

I looked around the truck and I didn't see Daniel. Y/n: "Where's Daniel?" I look at the guy sitting next to me.
???: "You'll see him real soon, he didn't come personally because he didn't want Tom's men to see him." He said with a straight face.
Y/n: "oh ok" I said in a understandable manner because if he would've showed up Tom would immediately go after him for rescuing me and we couldn't risk that.

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