He Found U

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(This part is a little different, there will be Spanish speaking if u know Spanish then that's perfect but if u don't it's ok because I'll translate it in English. Just a quick reminder)


We got to the party

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We got to the party. It was decorated really fancy. The people that attended the party were dressed elegantly. There was waiters all around offering champagne to people. There was also people guarding the entrance and the party.

Tom was still grabbing me from the waist. Then I see a guy around his 50s coming our way. He had a beautiful woman that looked way younger then him in a elegant royal blue dress next to him. Two other guys behind him, they looked like bodyguards.

???: "Tom Kaulitz, so glad u were able to make it" I noticed he had a Russian accent. I turned to look at Ashley and she was already looking at me. We knew that we were thinking the same thing.

Tom: "Of course I wouldn't miss it for anything in the world" Tom and the guy shake hands.
The guy turns to the guys.
???: "Bill, Georg and Gustav right" they nodded and they started shaking hands too.

???: "Let me introduce u my wife, Elena."
Elena: "Nice to meet you." She gives Tom a smile and reaches out her hand.
Tom: "Nice to meet u too Elena" he gets her hand and kisses it. I noticed he had a smirk while looking at her. The guy didn't notice because he was looking at me.
???: "And who's this?" Referring to me
Tom: "This is my girlfriend Y/n." I didn't like that Tom introduced me as his girlfriend, because I'm not and I will never be.
???: "It's an honor to meet Y/n I,m Mark Moskal" he reached his hand out to me with his palm face up.

Y/n: "It's an honor to meet u too" I put my hand on his and he leaned in to kiss my hand. I looked at Tom and he didn't look to happy, he had a jealousy look. What is he jealous of if he just did the same with Mark's wife.
Mark: "Do u guys want anything to drink"
Tom: "ya sure" Mark snaps his fingers. And a waiter starts rushing to us with glasses of champagne and we all got a glass.
Mark: "alright I'm going to have to leave u guys. I need to welcome more guests. You guys can have a seat anywhere and enjoy the party."

Mark and his wife walked away with his bodyguards behind them.

Tom looks at me.
Tom: "I want u to stay here, don't move from here or try to leave the party. Me and the guys have to go do something, we'll be back." he lets go of my waist. Him and the guys walked off leaving me and the girls alone.

I turned to the girls. I see Lisa and Jane were talking. Which was a good thing because I just needed to talk with Ashley.
Y/n: "Finally they leave us alone"
Ashley: "I know right, but Y/n were u thinking what I was thinking.
Y/n: "Ya, I'm pretty sure that Mark guy is the owner of this hotel and the leader of a cartel."
Ashley: "Ya, I kinda noticed from his accent"
Y/n: "Me too, we need to be really careful especially with that guy" Ashley nodded with agreement.

Ashley: "Y/n"
Y/n: "hmm"
Ashley: "Is it just me or is that guy staring at u way too much." I looked at the direction she was looking at and she was right there was a guy staring at me from far away. He was staring at me like as if he knew me or something. He was pretty attractive, but his stare was a little to heavy which made me a little uncomfortable and looked back at Ashley.

Ashley: "Do u know him or something?"
Y/n: "No I've never seen that man in my life"
I turned back to the guy and I see him standing up. He took a sip of his champagne glass and started walking towards me and Ashley.

Y/n: "Fuck, Ashley if he's coming over here and tries to talk to me, I don't know what Tom will do but it won't be good."
Ashley: "Ok look just try to make him leave as soon as possible before Tom comes back"
I was about to answer Ashley but it was already too late.

(The translation is under this paragraph just scroll down⏬)
???: "Hola Bonita" I heard him behind me. I was confused that he was speaking to me in Spanish. Ashley looked as confused as me especially because she doesn't understand Spanish. I turned around and he was looking straight at me. He was pretty tall so I had to look up.
Y/n: "um Hola?" He gives me a smile. He seems pretty nice.
???: "Me llamo Daniel" he reaches out his hand for me. I didn't want to be rude so I give him my hand and he kisses it.
Y/n: "Yo me llamo..." he interrupts me
Daniel: "No necesitas presentarte, ya se quien eres"
Y/n: "y tu como me conoces?" I was confused on how he supposedly knows me.
Daniel: "Digamos que yo era un buen amigo de tu papa" I didn't believe him.
Y/n: "Perdon pero creo que tienes a la persona equivocada" I turned back to Ashley hoping he'll leave but then I hear him say.
Daniel: "No lo creo, Y/n" I was in shock on how he knew my name, probably he was saying the truth and he is a friend of my dad's.

(???: "Hello pretty" I heard him behind me. I was confused that he was speaking to me in Spanish. Ashley looked as confused as me especially because she doesn't understand Spanish. I turned around and he was looking straight at me. He was pretty tall so I had to look up.
Y/n: "Um Hi?" He gives me a smile. He seems pretty nice.
???: "My name is Daniel" he reaches out his hand for me. I didn't want to be rude so I give him my hand and he kisses it.
Y/n: "My name is..." he interrupts me
Daniel: "U don't need to introduce yourself, I already know who u are"
Y/n: "and how do me?" I was confused on how he supposedly knows me.
Daniel: "Let's just say that I was a good friend of your father's" I didn't believe him.
Y/n: "I think u have the wrong person" I turned back to Ashley hoping he'll leave but then I hear him say.
Daniel: "I don't think so Y/n" I was in shock on how he knew my name, probably he was saying the truth and he was a friend of my dad's.)

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