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Jane's POV

As soon as the truck Y/n got into drove off a tear ran down my cheek. I know for sure that this whole thing had to do with the Daniel guy. I didn't think Y/n was going to actually manage to escape. I thought it was a phase she was going through and that she'd get over it soon. I guess I was wrong.

???: "Fuck!" Said one of Tom's men out loud. I see him running his fingers through his hair in frustration. The other men were frustrated too, it was obvious. That same guy that said "fuck" takes out a phone and starts dialing a number down. He places the phone on his ear. I know he's definitely calling Tom. I wouldn't want to imagine Tom's reaction. I feel like this is going to be the last straw for Tom. I think this time Tom will consider killing Y/n. Well if he finds her, hopefully she gets lucky and he doesn't. But let's be real Tom will definitely find her, it might take a while but he will. This is what I was worried about. This is why I didn't want Y/n to leave. I also don't have a good feeling about this Daniel guy. I just have a lot of thought's running through my mind right now about this whole situation.

Tom's POV

I was with Elena just fucking around

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I was with Elena just fucking around. We were at a different hotel. We managed to sneak out of Mark's hotel without him noticing.

We were both on the bed naked. She was laying down and I was on top of her. I was in between her legs inside of her. I kept thrusting in her, making her moaning mess. I pulled out and I turned her around on the bed changing her position. Now her back was facing me and I was about to enter her again until I hear my phone ring.

I turned to the table next to the bed where my phone was at. I got so annoyed and grabbed the phone. I see it was one of the men calling me and I answered.

Tom: "what the fuck is so important that u have to bother me right now!" I raised my voice pissed, I don't like when people interrupt me.
Man #1: "um boss sorry to interrupt but Y/n just escaped." I immediately sat up getting off Elena.
Tom: "Are u fucking kidding me, how the fuck did that happen!" I said in anger.
Man #1: "Three trucks pulled up on us. Then She got on one of them and they drove. We don't know who they were and how they knew where we were."
Tom: "Fucking idiots. U all had one simple job and u guys couldn't handle it. Hurry the fuck up and go back to the hotel!" I hang up the phone not giving him a chance to speak again. I got up the bed and grabbed my clothes. I started putting them on in a hurry.

Elena: "Tom what happened, why are u leaving?" she whines.
Tom: "Don't worry about it" I said while putting on my shirt still furious.
Elena: "It's about Y/n huh, that little brat seems to be causing u a lot problems, what did she do?"

I didn't like that she called Y/n a brat. I turned back to her and grabbed her hair getting her closer to me.
Tom: "First of all don't ever talk about Y/n like that again, and second of all mind your fucking business." I spat at her.

She had a smirk on her face as if she enjoys me pulling her hair. I let go of her and continued buckling my belt.
Elena: "Ok fine I won't say anything about her but stay a little longer please." She pouts in like a sexual way too. She wraps her arms around my neck getting her naked body close to me. Her exposed breast were against my chest and I place my hands on her waist.

Tom: "I wish I could stay a little longer but I can't sweetheart." I smashed my lips onto hers kissing her roughly and she gave me the same energy back. I break the kiss and she breaths heavily.
Tom: "I'll call u later ok" I start walking out the door leaving her in the room alone.

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