The Risk

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A few minutes pass and I was already calming down. I noticed I still had the peace of paper Daniel gave me in my hand. I needed to take care of this paper even if my life depended on it which it kinda does. So I put the paper in my purse.

I got out the stall and went up to the sinks. I looked at myself in the mirror. I started touching up my makeup because I stained myself with a little bit of mascara.

I turned on the sink and started washing my hands.
???: "Are u ok?" I got startled, I turned to where the voice was come from and see Elena, Mark's wife.
Y/n: "oh um, ya I'm ok"
Elena: "U sure, because I saw u coming in here pretty upset?" I turned off the sink.
Y/n: "Ya I'm sure, I'm sorry this might come out as rude but why do u care about my feelings, u don't even know me"

Elena: "U seem like an interesting young woman, by the way how old are u?" I wasn't buying her little act, I knew she trying to do something.
Y/n: "18"
Elena: "Oh wow, I knew u were young but not that young. What about Tom how old is he?"
That's when I realized what her real attentions were.

Y/n: "Look Elena I'm not in the mood for this bullshit, if u want Tom go ahead u can fucking have him. I just wish u luck and hopefully your husband doesn't find out what kind of whore u are, because it's so obvious that your just with him for the money." She was offended and speechless. I walked past her bumping my shoulder against hers roughly on purpose and walked out the bathroom leaving her alone.

I got back to the party and started looking for Tom so I can go back to the hotel room

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I got back to the party and started looking for Tom so I can go back to the hotel room. I didn't see him anywhere.

I really didn't want to see or talk to Ashley right now. I see a waiter passing in front of me but I stopped him and got a glass of champagne. I took a sip of the champagne and I see Jane by herself coming my way.

Jane: "Ashley told me why u got so upset" I turn to her.
Y/n: "I guess u agree with her because u look so calm about it" I said annoyed.
Jane: "That's not the point Y/n. I mean u don't even know this guy. U just met him, how do u know u can trust him?"

Y/n: "Ya your right I don't know if I should trust him but I'm willing to take the risk just to get away from Tom. So if your here to try to stop me I won't listen"
Jane: "Don't worry Y/n I won't. I know Tom's a jerk to u but as the oldest of this group I feel like it's my duty to look out for u girls especially u because you'r the youngest from all of us."

Y/n: "I appreciate that Jane."
Jane: "I just want u to think about this carefully before deciding on what u want to do." She gives me a warm smile.
Y/n: "Ok I will" I smiled back at her and I couldn't help it but to give her a hug. She hugged me back.

It's been a while me and Jane had conversations like this. They're nice because she never tries to argue. She's really understanding and always uses a soft tone. Even if it doesn't seem like it right now but she's like a big sister to me.
Before this whole situation about the guy's kidnapping us and everything, me, Ashley, Jane and Lisa always had a great close friendship. Now after this situation we've been pretty distant lately.

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