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Y/n's POV

I see Kate coming out from the back again. This time she had a tray with two glass cups with tequila in them and the tequila bottle in the middle. She gets to us and places the tray on the table in front of us.
Kate: "If u two need anything else feel free to ask me, enjoy" she gave us one last smile and walks away again.

Daniel grabs one of the glass cups and takes a sip.
Daniel: "You don't drink alcohol or what?"
Y/n: "No ya I do but I've never tried tequila before" I said while looking at the glass cup of tequila that's on the table.
Daniel: "Go ahead u should try it, and we can continue our conversation.

Y/n: "oh ok, well then if we're having a conversation, can I ask u how u and my dad met, like how do u guys know each other and all that."
I said while grabbing the glass of tequila and placing it in front of me.

Daniel: "Me and your dad were friends since we were little. We both went to school together and we also lived in the same barrio (neighborhood) that was really poor. We were both trouble makers. We would get in a lot of trouble together but we didn't care cuz we had fun." He said with a little laugh.

Daniel: "I remember me and Jose (that's your dad's name) in our teenage years we would talk about how one day we'll be successful and get our families out of the pobreza (poorness) and we both did." He said with a proud smile.

Y/n: "Oh, but hold on I have something that's still not clear to me. My dad never talked about u around the house and I still don't know how u knew me."

Daniel: "Me and your dad lost contact when he moved away to California. One day way before he got killed he reached out to me and sent me a note with pictures of his family, talking about how happy he was with the family he created and how great the company was going and stuff like that."

Y/n: "Oh that makes sense" I take a sip of the glass cup. I place the cup back down on the table.
He takes one last sip of his cup and refills it with more tequila.

There was a little silence in between us for a minute, until I decided to break it.
Y/n: "So um Daniel, I'm sorry for being annoying but I have one more question for u?" I started feeling a little dizzy but I just think I'm getting a little air sick. It might fade away in a little bit.
Daniel: "U can ask me what ever u want"

It was taking me a while to answer him. My eye sight was getting blurry but I managed to see he had an evil smile forming on his face.
Y/n: "Do u know who killed my..." I managed to word out slowly and in a low tone before all of the sudden seeing pitch black.

Tom's POV

I was back at Mark's hotel

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I was back at Mark's hotel. I was in my room with Bill and Georg. I sent Gustav and my people to look for Y/n in all of Las Vegas.

Tom: "Georg did u already do what told u."
Georg: "Ya the dudes are already at the place."
Tom: "Alright we'll go right now when Gustav comes back with Y/n and after that we're going back to Tokyo, Bill get the Jet ready."

Bill nods a yes and walks away from us taking out his phone and making a call. I was trying so hard to stay calm but deep inside I was full of anger and frustration. I couldn't stand the fact that Y/n managed to escape from me. From every girl I've ever had in my life they never dared to humiliate me like this. Well mostly because they would always fall for me easily and I would just kill them when I get bored of them but Y/n is different. Thats one of the things that attracts me to her. I loved the way that she would play hard to get. I also loved her long dark brown straight hair. Her pink full lips, her big brown eyes, her perfect body, her voice, everything. Yes i'll admit it, I am obsessed with her but that doesn't mean I'll let her slide this time, I warned her.

I see Gustav coming in expecting Y/n to be coming in too behind him, but I didn't see her.
Tom: "Where's Y/n?" My anger started building up inside me again.
Gustav: "We couldn't find her, we checked in every hotel and no sign of her. Tom do u really think she might still be here in Las Vegas. I mean Y/n is pretty smart she knows she wouldn't be able too last one more day here knowing you'll be look for her right away and no offense but she did manage to escape from u."

I grabbed him from his collar not taking what he said ok. Even if he said no offense it did end up being offensive, I felt like he was making fun of me. As if he was saying that I wasn't able to handle Y/n, an 18 year old girl.
Tom: "What the fuck are u tryna say by that!" I raised my voice at him. Bill and Georg rushed towards us.

Bill: "Tom chill this is no time to be turning against each other, let go of him!" Him and Georg were trying to loosen my grip from Gustav's collar by grabbing my arms and pushing me back but I didn't budge. I gripped on him harder and looked deep into his eyes with anger.
Georg: "Bill's right Tom this way we won't be able too find her, is that want u want!"

What Georg said got into my head and I let Gustav go.
Tom: "The three of u get out, I'll be out in a little bit" I said in the calmest way I possibly could.
They walked out leaving me in the room alone.

I was getting frustrated not being able to find her.
I went up the dresser and threw everything on it to the floor trying to get my frustration out. I sat down on the bed placing my hands on my head looking down for a while. I was breathing in deeply trying to relax but it wasn't working. I turned towards the whisky bottle that was on the small table between the two chairs. I got up and walked towards it. I was about to grab a glass cup but I changed my mind and just grabbed the bottle instead. I opened it and took a sip. It calmed me down a little but not completely.

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