Chapter 29: Late night Commotion

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It was 3 Am when Lindsey, had pulled into town and woke Kimberly up. She said, "Kimberly tell me where's your house again". She rubbed her eyes, grabbed Lindsey's phone, and put in the coordinates.

Meanwhile, Wyatt was at his desk late, working in an attempt to scathe off his worry for Kimberly. The last 2 days were hectic and worrisome since she barely texted or called him. when he heard the hum of an engine close to his home. Curious, he walked across the hall, peeked out the window, and saw a car in his driveway. He watched it until the car turned off and 3 people got out, all women. He quickly grabbed his gun and headed to the front door, ready for whatever they were about to try. Even though they were women he wasn't taking any chances on it. He looked at his ring camera as they approached and knocked on the door. What he saw next caught his eye; there was a redhead woman with her arm in a pink cast, it was unmistakably Kimberly.

He quickly holstered his gun and unlocked and opened the door. Kimberly ran into Wyatt's arms and hugged him as best she could as her aunt and her cousin walked in. When he pulled away from the hug, his heart sank at the sight of all the scuffs on her face and arms. He said, "Okay, what's going on here, why haven't you been calling, why are you roughed up, and more importantly who are these two women?" Kimberly smiled and said, "This lovely brunette is my Aunt Margaret and this mean-looking blonde is my cousin Lindsey, her daughter...they drove me back since I was injured and couldn't fly or drive". Wyatt slapped his hand on his forehead and said "Before we do anything else here, at least tell me how you got all these bruises, so I know whose ass I need to go kick".

Kimberly smiled and said" It's impossible because he's dead. Wyatt looked at her; wide-eyed and said "Don't tell me you actually killed him?" and she said "No just let me explain". Bit by bit Kimberly explained the story from when she got home from the funeral all the way to her being put on a stretcher which shocked everyone in the room. Wyatt thumped her forehead and said, "don't ever do something that stupid let's get our guests to bed". Margaret ended up taking the couch and Lindsey ended up sleeping in Kimberly's room which left Kimberly and Wyatt to sleep together in his room, which by now didn't even bother the two anymore.

After showering, Kimberly got changed and walked back into Wyatt's room with a grin. He looked at her and said, "What is it?" And she said," I was just wondering Mr. Detective, why were you up so late huh? You always tell me to sleep early so why weren't you?". He rolled his eyes and said," Because a certain airheaded redhead basically ghosted me for the last two days after she left on what sounded like a murder plot...gee that's totally not worrying at all".She blushed and said," I'm sorry Wyatt but also, I want to thank you...seeing you and knowing how hurt you'd be, kept me alive".

She teared up a bit and said"It gave me the will to overcome the fear and fight for everything I believed in and held dear and in the end... your love and your belief in me helped me win". Wyatt blushed and said"L-love?" and she giggled and said, "Wyatt I think you know what I'm talking about but for now, let's leave that conversation for another day when this mess calms down ". He nodded and they both climbed into bed together and laid under the safe blanket that night, without a care in the world. She was relieved that her stepdad was gone and couldn't scare her anymore and he was relieved that she was once again back with him, safe and sound.

The next morning, Wyatt woke up early and headed downstairs to prepare a special breakfast for Kimberly and her family members. By the time he was finished an hour later, three hungry women came down the stairs and sat at the table. Wyatt shook his head as he prepared three plates and delivered them to their recipients. As he turned around to go fix his and sit down, Kimberly had nearly destroyed her plate while her aunt had already finished hers. He looked at them and said, "Yup you're definitely related". Margaret looked at him and said "Hey, it's rude to tell a woman she eats a lot" and he smiled and said, "It's rude to eat like that in the presence of a guest". Wyatt shook his head and picked up his plate, walked to his office, and ate.

After breakfast, Wyatt had to endure, question after question from Kimberly's aunt and her cousin before they finally let him go. After he slithered away and his in his office under the guise of being at work, things seemed to calm down. A few hours later, after hanging out a bit, Kimberly hugged her Aunt and cousin goodbye before they took off for home. Wyatt didn't know it but a few hours from now, he was going to wish they had stayed and spared him and Kimber from the awkwardness that was to come.

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