Chapter 17: A Womans feelings

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Wyatt said, "Rule 1 don't decimate all my food, rule 2 clean up and finally rule 3 let me know if you have guests please". Kimberly looked at him and said "That's all? and he nodded and said" Yes, We are adults, we don't need a shit ton of rules anymore". She nodded and said"Well where am I gonna sleep? and he said, "I'll Clear out a room downstairs while you're out but first before you go, activate your new Pamsung I got you". She smiled and said, "You know that's the first thing I did".He giggled and said, "Of course, oh and make sure to call your job because starting on Monday you're back on the team and we've got yet another project".

Kimberly smiled and said "So you did want me around? He said "Yes but the company felt I didn't need you and that you should work with other clients but needless to say, I remedied that issue".She walked over, hugged him, and kissed his cheek before saying" Thanks for everything, be back soon, and darting out the door. Wyatt sat there, wide-eyed for a minute, touching the spot on his cheek where she kissed him. Her lips were soft and warm and this energy that he felt from that resembled a jolt of electricity. He didn't know how to explain it but that kiss supercharged him and he suddenly felt energized and riled up like he could take on the world.

He shrugged and said "Might as well put the energy to good use" before he opened the door and took off down the stairs. Within about an hour, he had the stuff in the junk room downstairs, moved into the basement with no problem. He vacuumed the room and put up curtains before finally sitting down but there was one problem; he was still feeling energized. He took this time to vacuum all the floors, mop the kitchen, dust, and clean his room but still the energy remained. In fact, it wasn't until he did that thing and released his pent-up frustration, that his intense feelings cooled to normal levels and he finally began to feel tired. Eventually, he laid down in his bed and fell asleep with a smile.

Meanwhile, Kimberly was out having the time of her life. She had just finished getting fitted and ordering some work suits and now she was headed to Elizabeth's Secret, to get her some new underwear and bras. After she arrived, she walked in as usual, loving the smell of fresh fabrics.Don't get her wrong, she loved the underwear she lost in the fire but now she wanted to spice it up. Strangely enough, as she looked through the special lacy types, she kept asking herself would I look good in this? She kept looking until a stray thought crossed her mind and it was; would Wyatt think it's cute?".

She immediately turned red and tried to shake the dirty thoughts but they only flourished. He told him to save herself for the right one not knowing that she had already lost her virginity, under pressure from her ex-boyfriend Charles. Since then, she hadn't had much of a sensitivity to males, but for some reason when she was around Wyatt, she just wanted to feel his big rough hands around her. It was more for a feeling of security & comfort rather than anything sexual. In fact, she sometimes still feared that her stepdad would find her and kill her despite being in different states now. However when he was holding her or less than a few feet away, she felt safe, secure, whole, and loved.

The rest of the time there, she kept those clean thoughts and was able to finish her shopping. She did pick out one or two that would catch Wyatt's eye while the rest were plain. She went shopping for casual clothes at slab-mart and picked up some pizza before heading home. When she walked into the house all she heard was silence and figured he was asleep or out in the studio. She did kiss him after all and it probably overwhelmed him she thought, so she hauled in her bags plus the ones he had left earlier. She now found herself feeling flustered as she finally brought the kiss she had given him, back up to the surface of her brain.

She remembered how soft his cheek was, in fact, it still felt as soft as the night she kissed him all those years ago. She giggled at how taller he had gotten and how he had physically changed yet he still hadn't changed in terms of his personality and that's okay as it didn't really need any tweaking at all. Perhaps that's the reason why even 6 years later, she's crushing on him after having re-met just 2 and a half months ago.

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