Chapter 19: A special Flame

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Wyatt burst into Kimberly's room but found nothing except for a badly shaken-up Kimberly. He put his safety on and holstered his gun as he walked over and kneeled down beside her bed. She was trembling and crying and that's when he put two and two together and realized it was yet another nightmare about her stepdad. He held her and assured her that she was safe and he wasn't gonna get to her but that wasn't enough. He sat there for a few minutes not knowing what to do until he finally figured out what to do. The image of her laying in his bed replayed in his mind and it gave him the idea that maybe she would feel safer there and he could sleep down here.

He smiled at her and said, "Wanna sleep in my room? Would you feel safer in there?". She blushed and her mind went into dirty mode extreme".Seeing this, he blushed as well, finally realizing how that sounded. He quickly said " I-I can sleep down here" and you sleep up there". She quickly said n-no we can sleep together we'll just use separate blankets and sleep back to back with a blanket wall in between. Wyat turned away from her and said -t-that sounds fine" and she quickly said"G-great". Wyatt turned around patted his back and said"Get on". She said"W-what?" and he said, "Look, you're all shaky and nervous and I don't want you to trip going up the stars in the dark so hop on and I'll carry you".

Kimberly did as he asked and climbed on as her cheeks turned even redder. As she rode on his back she began to get overwhelmed and how warm he felt, how nice the scent of his hair was, and how soft yet mushy his tummy felt with her arms around it. She could feel her body relax and the next thing she knew she was out in less than a minute. She wasn't the only one freaking out, Wyatt was also experiencing some emotions. He could feel the heat radiating from her body and he could swear it felt as if electricity was being zapped from her into him.

He felt this wave of soft fuzziness and heat going from his back and into his chest and it felt good, it felt comforting it felt like pure bliss. Sadly as soon as it began,it was over as they reached his room. He bent down and said "Okay get off but he got no response so he tried shaking her and still no response. Finally, he sat on his bed and slid her off nice and gently before covering her with his blankets and leaving the room. He went back into his art room and put everything up before heading downstairs grabbing a spare blanket and coming back upstairs. He took off his shirt and changed into his pajamas, stored and stored his gun before quietly slipping into his bed and turning off the lights.

As he found a comfortable position and closed his eyes, he felt an arm hit him. He said "What" but got no response so he ignored it until he felt two arms wrap around him. He whispered"Kimberly" repeatedly but no response so he removed her hands and turned to face her and found she was asleep with a smile now. He turned back over and took some melatonin gummies, before resuming his sleep position. A few minutes later her arms wrapped around him again and this time he left them there. He thought to himself" There's no harm, we're best friends, we got separate covers and I'm just comforting her from a nightmare, so relax".

Wyatt's cheeks were red at first but after a few minutes, he calmed down and began to enjoy the feeling of being held. In truth, Wyatt had a few girlfriends in college so this wasn't new to him but this feeling was. This feeling made his heart jump, made him feel strong, made him feel complete like he was the happiest man on earth and it was all from just one girl's touch. Although to be fair, Kimberly wasn't your ordinary girl, even back then. While it was true she was indeed an asshole around her friends, he's seen her do some nice things, like the time she volunteered to show the elementary kids how to draw with him or the time she even lead cheer practice for the cheerleader at her old Middle school.

There was even one point where the two read to nursing home people and she helped out at Wyatt's cafe when he needed it. Though he felt she was only doing it to help him at the time, he now knew otherwise. Kimberly was two-faced but the surface could never compare to what was really embedded down in her heart. What's down there is something amazing he has yet to see but he already knew it was amazing he could feel it. Come hell or high water he was gonna help her regain her identity and stand on her own instead of in the shadows of her past, however long it takes. Wyatt finally fell asleep in her arms with a smile, though frustrating and complicated, he was glad to have this astounding girl by his side.

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