Chapter 20: Closing on Target

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The next morning, Kimberly woke up and discovered her arms all around Wyatt and did her best to slip out of bed without him noticing. Unfortunately, she failed horribly and he woke up and turned over to face her. He said, "I'm glad you slept well but I'm too lazy to cook so how about we order some of your favorite foods?" Her eyes practically glowed and she smiled and ran downstairs. When she got downstairs she dicked into the bathroom and locked the door as she panted. Did he know she latched onto him? Was he buying her favorite food so he could let her down? Either way, she was scared of what he was going to say and thought it best to try and figure out an excuse to go somewhere.

She was interrupted from her thoughts by a knock on the door. She said "Yes in a shaky tone" before Wyatt said, " I really thought I could fool you about last night but I guess I should stick to writing...anyways please come out and we'll talk". Kimberly was beet red once again and said" I-I don't think my body will let me right now". Wyatt sat down on the other side of the door and said "I guess here is better than any". Kimberly was now trembling, until finally he spoke and said "Kimberly, I'm not angry about last night, I don't think it's weird or any of that. You were having a nightmare and I was there to comfort you and get you back to sleep which is what we did. It's not like we hooked up or anything, we're best friends, we trust each other and we help each other you goofball".

He giggled and said," If I'm being honest, I liked having somewhere there next to me, your arms were warm and comforting a-and I felt even better knowing you were safe and secure right n-next to me and if I had to go through last night all over again, I would". Despite trying to play it cool, just saying those things were embarrassing for him as they weren't dating but he knew it was best to be honest than to let her shoulder all the embarrassment. after collecting himself once more he said "Kimberly, I love having you around and you mean so much to me, so there's literally nothing I wouldn't do for you, your happiness means everything, and one way or another, we're going to you outta his shadow and into the sunlight where you belong... I promise that". Kimberly found the strength to get up and exit the bathroom and immediately pull Wyatt into a hug. She smiled and said"Please fix me" and he said you don't need fixin' you just need some support and I'm here for it all the way".

The next several weeks went by uneventfully minus the cute couple moments between the two. Wyatt's original story"Dream Detectives" which he'd worked on for half of the year re-released and was a mega hit instantly which brought in more cash than he'd ever been paid for his other stories. It was so popular that merch was released in the following weeks after had sold out as well. It was so crazy that he had been informed that the new story he proposed was put on hold in favor of a direct sequel in order to capitalize on the new franchise. Despite the commotion life continued on as usual for everyone except Kimberly. Under Wyatt's care, she'd made incredible strides by completely kicking her drug habits and coming to terms with some of her past.

Wyatt continued to take her on outings,show her how to cook new dishes and they even taught each other how to draw in their own personal art styles. Since Kimberly had got there, the two started trying new things together like surfing, fishing, and school events and lectures. Wyatt was a closed book and so was Kimberly but when the two were together, it was like something combined to make them better as a duo than two separates. As all of this was happening the two were unaware that their feelings for each other were growing even stronger, in fact, they had moved beyond the level of physical or sexual attraction.

The two barely knew much about each other when they had met those few years back in high school. All they knew was from what they saw, without a backstory. The beauty of living together was they now learned each other inside out from observation and interaction. Wyatt knew everything about Kimberly from her favorite style of panties to her secret love for Male on Male romance stories and she knew everything about him now as well. Now that they knew more about each other, they could tell what they liked about the other and why they liked it, there was nothing left to hide except their feelings. However, unbeknownst to the two, Kimberly's past was about to catch up to her and she would now be forced to fight for everything she's built so far or literally risk dying at the hands of her family.

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