Chapter 16: Sex or Sanity?

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Kimberly said, "The last day we ever talked, I never meant what I said... it's just I didn't want word getting out that I liked you". It was bad enough my dad abused me at home but I couldn't take getting it from would've driven me insane". She looked down and said, "You're right though, I could've handled those situations a lot better but I didn't". The truth is when you called me those names, it hurt and I immediately had a flashback to my stepdad telling me I wasn't gonna be shit. I got so angry that I slapped you and decided to take my aggression for him out on you since you wouldn't hurt me like he would".

He grabbed her hands again and said"That's ok, we were still young, and even though it fucked me up for a bit, the damage wasn't permanent, I overcame it and here I am now". She pulled him into a hug before bursting into tears. He held her and said, "From this point on, we'll start where we left off, best friend". Kimberly stayed in Wyatt's embrace for a while longer before she pulled away and said " I-I don't know where I'm gonna live!". She said, "I mean I can find a new place but that's gonna take time that I don't have right now, especially If I gotta replace my car". Wyatt said, "Shh, how about we go look at the damage and see what we can recover before you go panicking".

Wyatt looked at her clothes and said"First let me go get you some clothes" and immediately rushed off, feeling embarrassed. In truth, he didn't want her measurements because he knew it would open the floodgates to a boatload of pervy thoughts that he knew he would not survive. He got into his car and pulled off, heading for the very store he left last night once again he had to take the back roads due to the main road having damaged water mains which destroyed the road indefinitely. As he passed the once proud apartment complex, what he saw was something that resembled a warzone.

Kimberly's building hadn't just burned oh no, the entire thing collapsed in the center and left only the corners still standing. It looked as if someone took a huge bite of a chocolate bar from the side without even opening the wrapper first . The other buildings had power lines that had fallen and others were missing roofs, it was pure devastation all around. Wyatt took off and headed back on his original route to the store with a sense of determination; he was gonna help her no matter what it took.

After reaching the store, He parked and headed in. First, he spent an hour grabbing everything he left last night before finally heading to the girls' aisle. When he got there he started looking at some simple sports bras and shorts for her to wear. Kimberly was short and slender, with a bit of an hourglass shape to her body. Her breasts weren't the biggest but they were rather perky and so was her butt so it wasn't hard to guess her size. While thinking about her size, he found his mind flashing back to the glimpse of her breasts he had gotten when he pulled her out of the tub. He could remember how soft her skin was and how warm her touch was too and he had this sudden desire to see more.

He shook off those thoughts as he picked up this grey sports bra but unfortunately, his filthy thoughts didn't stop. He imagined her wearing it and doing all kinds of weird yoga poses which left him to set it back down and speed out of the intimates aisle. He got to the regular clothes and picked her out two pairs of jeans, one T-shirt with a kitten on it and one with the word "sassy & classy "written on it in hot pink letters. After buying a few more things for her, he headed to self-checkout to avoid the embarrassment and scanned everything manually before leaving and making a dash to his car.

The entire drive home consisted of his thinking of Kimberly. In fact, it got so weird that when he pulled up in his driveway, unloaded Kimberly's clothes, handed her the keys, and said"Go nuts" before scrambling up to his painting room and closing the door. He knew there was something he had to do... something all men did from time to time in order to control lust and this was a time he had to do it, but not to her no, he would do it the old-fashioned way. Whilst Wyatt was upstairs having a testosterone crisis, Kimberly was downstairs looking through what he had bought her.

She blushed when she saw the outfit he picked out. They were nothing special but it was something that he picked out for her because he thought it would look good on her and that meant a lot. They were 1 size too big but it was fine, she likes baggy things because it meant men couldn't ogle her body. She didn't want anyone to see her body or ogle her, no one except Wyatt. She walked upstairs and knocked on the door before entering and finding Wyatt sitting at his table painting. She smiled and said how do I look?" And he said"Beautiful" which made her blush a bit.

He quickly said"I'm sorry I ran off without explaining, I meant for you to take the car and go get your uh "undergarments" since your home is completely destroyed".She smiled and said"So does this mean I can stay here? and he blushed and said "y-yes but there are some rules we gotta go over".

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