Chapter 9: Mutual Partnership

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Kimberly was released from the hospital late that night and caught a Taxi back to her place. When she arrived, she found Wyatt sitting on her couch reading. As she closed the door he stood up and said"Look alive Ms. Reiss, we're going to clean this place from top to bottom".She frowned at him and said, "Why? What does this have to do with my mental health...everything is right where I can find it". He smiled at her and said, "Healthy space equals a healthy mind, trust me you'll feel way better and less worthless when you wake up every morning in a clean, organized space".She sighed as he ushered her over to the stack of boxes he had piled in a corner and said"Alright, let's sort through these".

As he sifted through them, his cheeks turned red as he realized these were boxes of adult novels she had stored. Kimberly giggled and said, "I forgot to tell you, that everything here is just old manuscripts of stories never released and I just never found the time to digitize them all".Wyatt frowned and said, "Very funny, now stack them before I start reading them on youtube".While she did that, he went into her kitchen, and god it looked like a group of children had lived there. There were TV dinner boxes everywhere and tons of dishes in the sink, yet to be washed and her refrigerator was full of nothing but junk food.

He sighed before rolling up his sleeve and getting started on the dishes as Kimberly walked in. She blushed at the sight of him wearing an apron with his sleeves up which revealed his toned arms. Noticing her shadow, she turned around and said, "Go tidy up your room, and do it right or I'll come up there and fold each and every one of your clothes and we both know how much women hate men rifling through their rooms".Kimberly blushed before scurrying upstairs hoping her room wasn't as bad as she remembered but that wasn't the case. Her room had clothes and undergarments all over the place and her laundry basket was overflowing.

Thinking that he would barge in any minute, she quickly hung the clean clothes up, but the dirty ones in the bin and organized the makeup on her dresser afterward". She didn't notice it but by the time she started vacuuming 2 hours had passed already and he still hadn't come to check on her. She was stuck in panic mode and she didn't know why...she didn't like him anymore yet suddenly while he was over she felt the need to make herself not look like a total slob but for why? its not like she still had lingering feelings for him after all these years right? The fact that she couldn't answer that scared her more but that would have to wait, for now she needed to look like a workaholic who doesn't have time to clean, instead of a slob who has plenty of time but chooses not to clean.

Meanwhile, Wyatt had finished the living room and was continuing to clean her office which was also piled to the brink with more stories that impressed him. She clearly had the talent to be way better than him so why didn't she try? He was caught off guard by her entering the room and fell flat on his ass which made her laugh. To hide his embarrassment he quickly asked"Why do you have so many stories if you hated writing so much and furthermore why are some of these bomb-ass plots just sitting here instead of being enjoyed by millions?" She rubbed her arm and said," After graduating well... I needed an outlet and after remembering how lost you'd get in your own world, well I sorta gave it a try and published a few online and was given an opportunity to earn a scholarship to a special school where I learned everything I know now and afterward I was given this sweet gig and I liked it so here I am".

She paused for a minute before saying"I would like to clear up this clutter and publish some of these but I just don't have the time and I'm honestly fine editing I don't want to profit off of this because then it wouldn't be too fun for me anymore". He smiled and said, "Well I guess we will save that for another day but for now, stack these in that closet over there". After finishing the cleaning of her office together, Kimberly was feeling drained, despite her nap in the hospital earlier. Seeing this, he told her to go to bed and that he would handle the rest but she refused. He sent her to do her laundry while he cleaned the bathroom but was distracted by a thud. When he went to go check on her, he found her lying across the tops of the washer and dryer with a pile of freshly dried clothes as a pillow. Even though he hated to admit it, the sight of that was very cute and even though he wanted to leave her there, he knew he couldn't. 

He picked her up, carried her into her room, and laid her down on her bed. Strangely enough, he found himself staring at the way her fiery orange hair flowed so naturally against her clear white skin. She was naturally redheaded but for some reason, her freckles never showed at all, not even during the sun.  To make things worse she had a slim frame with modest-sized features and all of this began to hypnotize him. He began thinking that maybe he should just forget it all and trust her but the thought didn't last long as he quickly brushed it off and headed out of the room but still the image of her sleeping, angelic form, flickered in his mind. 

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