Chapter 27: The End of a Nightmare

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As he held her against the wall, choking her, then letting her catch her breath only to do it again, her life flashed before her very eyes. She thought about Wyatt's smile and the warmth from his hugs and how she wanted to start a life with him. It all overwhelmed her with sadness that she wouldn't make it home at this point. Despite being overpowered by a man twice her size and weight, she didn't lose hope, instead, she found her mouth opening and then closing as she heard a big "ouch". Kimberly had bit him without thinking which bought time for her to kick him in the nuts. She quickly dashed over and opened the door and rushed out into her mother's car with the keys her aunt had given her. She quickly started the car and took off, planning to first get away from him and expose him later.

Unfortunately, things didn't go that way as he had gotten into his car and started chasing after her whilst aiming his gun out the window. The chase eventually exited the neighborhood and onto a busy road where she had lost him. She didn't have her phone to call for help so she was just going to go to the nearest police station and see if his act changes then. When the red light turned green, she proceeded through as normal before everything went dark. When she regained consciousness, she saw her stepfather's red car had rear-ended her car. She quickly locked the doors and tried to move, but she was in quite a bit of pain. She heard a gunshot and her door opening and him dragging her out by her hair onto the sidewalk.

By now multiple people had called the police and others watched on as they feared to approach the armed and angry man. Others took the initiative and blocked off the road to keep people safe. Kimberly grabbed his leg, tripping with his feet right near her. He wasted no time in kicking her in the head which rattled her brain, dazing her. In her daze, she crawled on top of him and started punching him left and right. Her punches were so hard, they hurt her knuckles. She was blinded momentarily by rage and continued punching him until she heard someone say "he's going for his pocket ma'am". She quickly rolled off of him and got to her feet as he pulled out another gun.

Kimberly had gotten a few feet before she heard a bang and felt something hot pierce her arm, but she kept going and he kept shooting. A heavyweight man rushed over in the middle of the street and pulled Kimberly to safety before he himself got hit and fell with Kimberly. While he reloaded, the first police officer pulled up which only made her stepfather angrier. The two officers got out of the car in unison and said"Drop the weapon and lie down on the ground"." He yelled Kimberly you bitch I'm gonna kill you" before aiming and firing at the heavyweight guy who was shielding Kimberly on the ground. The officer radioed "Shots fired, I'm returning fire" before he took aim and shot her stepdad in the leg but it didn't stop him. He stood back up, leaned against the car, and continued firing at Kimberly and the guy, which forced the cop to shoot him in a vital area in an attempt to disable him.

Unfortunately, the two shots to the chest pierced one of his arteries and he bled out instantly. The cop yelled "Suspect down, securing the area" before he and his partner inched over to her stepdad and verified his condition. The paramedics had now arrived on scene and Kimberly felt two hands lift her off the ground and onto a stretcher. It was then in that moment that Kimberly finally noticed the extent of her injuries. She was cut and bruised all over and there was dried-up blood all over her as well. They questioned her whilst tending to her before calling the police over. The officer who identified himself as Officer Bradley said " I've been told that guy we nailed over there is responsible for your injuries, is that correct?"

She nodded and laid it all out from start to finish before Officer Bradley nodded and said" Well he can't hurt you anymore ma'am and I'm proud of you for trying to get to safety but next time, make sure to flee before it gets physical, we might've been able to save you a trip to the hospital. But all in all, I would say you're gonna be safe ma'am, so relax and they'll get you to the hospital and we'll notify your folks". Kimberly reached up and hugged the officer for literally ending her nightmare and giving her back her life. She rested peacefully on the way to the hospital because she knew she no longer had to fear him finding her and trying to kill her anymore.

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