Chapter 24: Hard pills

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After 2 hours of driving, they finally made it back to Kimberly's childhood home. As they pulled into the lower yard and parked, she started seeing the memories of the last time she was ever here. A wave of doom seemed to hang over her as well but nonetheless, she walked into the house and was greeted with nasty looks from the entirety of her relatives. She continued walking past them and up the stairs to her room. She unlocked the door that her mother had sealed all those years ago and found everything in place. Her bed was neatly made, her TV was still there and her cubbies were clean and dust-free.

It was obvious that her mother had been cleaning this room and keeping it locked as if she never gave up hope that Kimberly would come back home. Sadly, that day never came until she was dead. Thinking about all of this reduced Kimberly to tears. She looked at me and said "I'm home mother, before finally breaking down into tears and crying silently into her pillow. At the request of her aunt, she came out a few hours later and joined the party in the furnished basement and ate with the family. While she was eating, her two cousins, Linsey and Kate walked past her and whispered, It's totally her fault her mom died"

Kimberly threw her plate down and said"Excuse me, you wanna try saying that to my face?" Her two cousins stopped and stared at her along with everyone in the room. Finally, Lindsey said, "Everyone knows you abandoned her when all she did was care for you and what did you do, walk out after she pleaded you to stay and then ignored her because you were too good for us".
Kimberly frowned and said, "You don't know what the hell really happened so I'd advise you all to shut the fuck up right now or there will be a problem".Lindsey walked over and shoved Kimberly, who stood up and punched her square in the face and walked back upstairs".

Kimberly's Aunt Margaret came down and drew everyone's attention and said "What happened here? and Uncle Lester came over and said"Kimberly punched her because she confronted her about mistreating her mother". Margaret said"Listen up, 'cuz I'm only going to say this once". I don't care what you know or think you know because it's all wrong...I know what was going on in my sister's house and let me tell you something". I promised I wouldn't tell the truth but fuck her wishes, she's dead. I'm not gonna say who did what but that child was beaten, abused, and put down...there were times she called me fearing for her life.

Margaret teared up and said, "She left this house for her safety and her sanity from the abuse. The child still has nightmares and she struggled with drugs afterward so no one in this fucking room has the right to say shit to her". As much as she loved that woman, she knew if she didn't leave she was gonna die by their hands or end up killing herself...she did what the hell she had to since her mother refused to leave that man and periodically blamed her instead of him".

By now family members were looking at each other and talking about what they heard before Margaret interrupted them. She said," Even though he beat on her, no one better call Miles out when he gets back from drinking or at the will treat him with respect until this mess is done is that clear?" Everyone nodded as she walked back upstairs and headed for Kimberly's room to check on her. When she walked in, she found Kimberly asleep and her phone ringing. The phone read: Wyatt with a heart by it and she answered it with Hello". Wyatt said"Kimberly? and Margaret said, "No this is her aunt, Kimberly is sleeping right here, she's been going through a lot but she is safe". Wyat said, "That's good to her, thanks ma'am".

Before Wyatt could hang up Margaret walked outside of Kimberly's room and said"Hey? I was wondering if you happened to be the guy who's been looking after my niece here?" Wyatt said"Y-yes I have " and she said, "Well thank you...I know she's a handful and it's been a lot of work but thanks for fixing the mess my sister left her in". Wyatt said" Well It was nothing plus she really is fun to be around". Margaret laughed a bit before saying" She said almost the same thing but don't worry she'll be back soon and from what she told me, she's got something really important to say when she gets back but anyways I'm going to let you go but one last thing". Wyatt said " yes ma'am?" and she said" when she comes back you take good care of her and never let her out of your sight, never make her feel like anything less than a queen". Wyatt said," you have my word ma'am and it was a pleasure speaking with you, bye".

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