Chapter 10: Developing Dynamics

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Wyatt cleaned a few more things before grabbing a throw pillow and a blanket, removing his shirt, and falling asleep on her couch. The next morning, Kimberly woke up first and looked around at her clean room. For the first time in a while, she actually noticed the shiny black furniture she had in her room and just how large her bed was, now that clothes weren't littered everywhere. As she got up and headed downstairs, she took in just how beautiful and large her 2 story apartment was and just how shiny it could be. It filled her with happiness and warmth and it almost felt like the day before was a distant dream. When she reached the living room, she froze at the sight of Wyatt sleeping.

Despite what he had said, she really thought he would slip out and go home but he didn't, he stayed and now that she thought of it, he must've carried her to bed too since her last memory was her doing laundry. He had the covers rolled down, revealing his lightly toned chest which again turned her on. She felt this wave of determination wash over her along with her heart throbbing yet she still didn't understand what that meant, she knew she couldn't have fallen for him because he simply saved her right? She ordered some pizza and once it arrived, she ate quietly, not wanting to wake him up but despite her best efforts, he jolted awake 20 minutes later.

He put his shirt on and walked into the kitchen and sat down next to her and said"Once you finish eating, we're starting the first class of "Adulting 101" because you clearly need it". She frowned and said"Ugh for a pretty boy you're really such a nag" and Wyatt said"What?" and she said, "Nothing, nothing, I'll get my shoes on". After coming back downstairs Wyatt said"Alright, we're going shopping" and she said," For what". He smiles and says, you got a giant refrigerator and a chest freezer over there, yet you're still buying restaurant food almost every day, and there's something wrong with that". If you want to feel better you need to eat better and give your body the energy it needs as well".

The two walked outside, got into Wyatt's car, and headed off to the store however it became awkward as she realized that this car was the very same car he had rescued her with that night. It was shiny and clean and smelled as nice as it did on that night all those years ago. This was the same place she had kissed him on the cheek and called him a pervert. He smiled and said, "I bet you're shocked I still have this car huh? I mean with my salary I could buy way better but eh this car's special to me". Kimberly blushed hard before saying"W-why is that?" and he smiled and said, "My mother bought it for my brand new after seeing how hard I worked my ass off to save up for one".

Kimberly sighed and said"Oh", attempting to hide her disappointment in his answer, and lucky for her it worked. She quickly put in her headphones and turned on her music before anything else awkward happened. After 20 minutes, they arrived at "Slab-Mart" and she quickly scurried out of the car to grab a basket while he parked the car. She was feeling embarrassed for thinking that he was referring to the night he met her as being the reason the car was so special and she wanted to shake that off before she caught feelings for him or something. After a minute or two, Wyatt joined her and grabbed the basket as they walked in together. Unfortunately for Wyatt, Kimberly's focus went immediately to junk food and she ran off when he wasn't looking.

He sighed before taking off to find the poor woman which didn't take him long because he knew exactly how to think like a child".When he found her, he grabbed her and said"That's way too many chips, put 3 back". After sorting through a basket full of junk food, he grabbed her hand and held it, causing her to turn beet red. He grunted before saying"if you wanna act like a kid then I'll treat you like one" as they marched over to the meats, hand in hand. Kimberly's brain momentarily ceased normal processing and all it could focus on was the soft warm feeling of Wyatt's hand, it felt nice and it overwhelmed her until he finally let go and waved his hand in front of her face.

He frowned and whispered, "You better be sober right now, it's only 11 A.m. in the morning".She nodded and said, "I am I just zoned out, now teach me Mr. Know it All".He smiled and said "with pleasure" before explaining to her about meats, the good sides and bad and how they could be used, and how long before they spoil or freezer burn. Next, he took her off to get cleaning supplies, detergent, clothes, and bed sheets for her since she needed them. By the time they left the store, it was 2 p.m. and Kimberly had a huge smile on her face. It turned out that shopping and buying new things to spruce up your home feels amazingly therapeutic, Kimberly thought to herself as they headed back home.

After getting home and finishing the unloading, Kimberly hugged him and said"Thank you for all of this,I know I haven't been the best person to you but I really am grateful for this and it means so much".Wyatt blushed hard at the warmth emanating from her body and the softness of her skin. Instead of malice, all he felt was warmth and a bit of happiness from her which confused him...for a person who put him through hell, she sure gives off a comfy vibe. He quickly assembled his best poker face and said"It's fine okay, I'm only doing this because I'm involved and don't want you to die...this arrangement will also improve our partnership and guarantee the success of this story".It was at that moment that as he struggled to complete that sentence, he realized that although he wasn't in love, something was threatening to develop between the two. 

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