Chapter 8: A Long Look

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After 2 hours of waiting, Wyatt was allowed to come back and the nurse spoke to him. The nurse was a short brunette of Hispanic descent and her name was Olivia. As she closed the door to the room and took a seat, she sighed before saying"You saved your friend's life...had you showed up just 10 minutes later, she would've been another dead-on-arrival case". She continued and said"We ran a blood test on her and what was found in her system was a combination of opioids and empathogens which on the street is called "molly Percocet".Wyatt nodded and said"So she willingly took them huh?" and the nurse said"yes but whether she intended to kill herself or not it's unknown, however, she will recover and she will be given papers to help her seek rehabilitation which I hope she does...I hate to see someone my age be devoured by something like this".

Wyatt smiled and said, "I feel the same, she's one talented editor, she improved my story more than I ever could in just one day". The nurse looked at him confused before he smiled and said"I'm sorry, I forgot to mention we work together on a popular web novel series and she's my editor".The woman smiled and said, "Aww well I hope she feels better and you guys get to finish that on time". Wyatt smiles and says "We have my promise that I'm gonna help her get one deserves to suffer like this". She nodded and said"Thanks; she should be up in an hour or two and once she's checked out, she'll be allowed to leave but until then, let me know if you need anything".

As Wyatt sat there staring at her body, he felt a wave of sadness wash over him. He started questioning everything he knew about her which wasn't much even back then and trying to make sense of it. Part of him wishes this was some elaborate prank so he could be angry and push her away and not have to worry about keeping his guard up but it wasn't. This was the reality and like those many years ago, he finds himself involved and doesn't have a heart black enough to leave her like this.

As much as he didn't wanna get all up and personal with her, he knew he was going to have to do it, she obviously had no one else to turn to if what she said was true so he will suck it up and be that person she needs...for the sake of her life and his lively hood. After 2 hours and as if on cue, Kimberly's eyes fluttered open as she began to groan from the massive headache she was feeling. She continued to groan for a few minutes as her vision fully cleared and she began to get her bearings. She noticed the sounds of the machines, the IV in her arm and the gentle sound of the AC and the smell of fresh gloves and medical equipment, and the feel of the soft but slightly hard bed she lay in.

Once she popped her head up, she froze at the sight of Wyatt and her hospital room, she immediately fell back down and lay there still as a rock, hoping he would ignore but he didn't. As her last memories came back, the embarrassment came with it and she closed her eyes and prepared for her life to fall apart. Wyatt walked over to her, grabbed her hand, and said, "I'm sorry for what I said to you Kimberly, perhaps you have changed and even tho I'm still dealing with the past, I should've given you the benefit of the doubt and heard you out".Wyatt looked at her and said, "Tell me why you started doing this? was this my fault or does this have something to do with the abuse you mentioned that day". 

She hung her head in shame and said"I wasn't bullied at home, oh no, it was pure abuse at the hands of my stepfather". Tears ran down her cheeks as she said"Every day he would tell me I was ugly, only good for sex and a complete failure as a human being and it was twice as bad when he was drunk. He would often beat me for making simple mistakes like coming in late, forgetting my chores or even wearing making or having the TV too loud. Every day I lived in fear and depression, not knowing if the next day would be my last or not". My mother would constantly make up excuses and blame me and cozy up to him or pretend she didn't hear anything...I don't know why but she held onto that bitter man but had no problem divorcing my real father for no reason".

Kimberly broke out into tears and without thinking, he walked over and held her. He sighed and said"So you were never really cocky, it was false confidence and you simply going power crazy and having resentment for men huh? Is that why you treated half of us like toys?" She shrugged and said"I just for once wanted to be the one in control okay? I did love you but I also loved the power and praise I got in that school that I couldn't find elsewhere and I let it drive me to one of the worst decisions I ever made. I don't expect you to forgive me or be my friend but I at least don't want you to hate me and I want to try to show you how sorry I am for what I did". Wyatt pinched the bridge of his nose and said" I think you've accomplished both but I'm not ready to forgive you that easy because although you had a reason, you still went too far. 

He smiled and said" But I am going to help you with this mess because I'm involved now and I don't want to see you're very talented and if you do die I think it shouldn't be due to your past, it should be when your old and worn and have lead a full life. He continued and said"Your parents were no doubt some pieces of shit and I refuse to let people like that achieve their goal...I mean you did everything you did to survive I guess, but from what it sounds like, that guy was just evil and your mom didn't have the balls to stand up and protect her daughter".Wyatt held her hand and said"You better get ready because as soon as you're out of here we're starting operation "happy's time for me to push you this time".

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