Chapter 18: Lending a Hand

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Kimberly quietly looked for her room and moved all of her clothes and belongings into it and managed to set up her air mattress & television with zero help. She felt proud of herself and was happy all around. Even though she didn't voice it, she was happy her apartment was gone, she would've traded it all for being with Wyatt any day and she was in no rush to move out, so long as he tolerated her there. She headed back into the living room and put the cleaning materials under the kitchen sink and the food in the pantry, the rest she left on the couch for him to put up.

While doing this, she noticed the house had been cleaned and still smelled a bit of citrus which put a smile on her face. He had definitely been working hard while she was gone and he deserved that even though he needed the sleep, she still slipped in to see him. His hair was all in his face and he was cuddling his pillow like a teddy bear which Kimberly found cute. She wanted to take a picture but figured that she best not risk it having just got out of the dog house with him.

It was as she was walking down the steps that her brain hatched a plan. Since he was asleep and it was 2 pm and he probably wouldn't wake until 4, she could use this time to cook him some food like a girlfriend would. She wanted to show him what she could do and maybe outdo him at his own game a bit. She headed into the kitchen and checked both the fridge and the chest freezer, before going over to check the cabinets. When she was done, she had concocted the perfect meal which she could cook properly; Spaghetti and garlic bread, with a side of breaded Parmesan chicken.

It was perfect and best of all, she knew how to make it well. She quickly started with the already unfrozen chicken breasts she had bought. She had created a marinade and put them in there and then created the breading mixture before setting that aside. Next, she seasoned the meat and molded the spaghetti balls, mixed an egg in, and put them in the oven to bake for 10 minutes while she boiled the spaghetti. After the meatballs were done she seasoned the chicken, dipped it in its breading, and put them in a foil-lined pan in the oven. After about an hour, she had some crunchy breaded chicken Parmesan and a now completed meal. It was all fun to cook and it made her feel almost as if she was married, which gave her confidence that she could be a useful wife. She wrapped everything up and walked back into the living room put on a movie and laid down in wait for her sleeping bestie to wake up.

Wyatt woke up just as the sun was on its decline. As he looked at his phone the time read 5:06 Pm and he knew it was time to get up. As he opened his door, the smell of Kimberly's cooking hit him and he found himself giving into his curiosity, just as she planned. When he entered the kitchen and turned on the light, it alerted Kimberly who immediately got up to meet him there and wasted no time in serving him a plate. As the two ate together, Wyatt began eating like a madman until his plate was empty. At first, she started to feel bad as she thought he was chugging it because it was horrible but that was far from the truth. He looked at her with wide eyes, held out his plate like a kid, and said"That was sooo good, gimme more please". She giggled and said, "Why of course sir".

They both finished it together before sitting on the couch, watching different shows and writing notes to aid on ideas for the upcoming story they'd be working on together. The mood was light until later that night when the two went to their respective rooms and got settled for bed. Kimberly fell asleep first around 12 Am and Wyatt couldn't get to sleep much had happened today and he was still processing it, so he decided to draw for a bit before taking some aids later. He was happy about her being around and them finally starting over but his feelings for her were confusing him. In truth, Wyatt by now, knew how he felt, I mean he writes stories, it's his job to know.

What he couldn't understand was why he felt this way and if it's just temporary feelings because he was just a lonely man deep down or is it something special about Kimberly. Either way, he didn't plan on telling her anytime soon...he didn't want to seem like a loser or pathetic. Instead, he would just let things play out and what happens just happens and he'll work from there. He continued drawing until he heard a loud crash and Kimberly screaming "Please don't hurt me". Having heard that, he quickly dashed next door to his room, opened his nightstand drawer grabbed his gun, and took off down the stairs, ready to handle what needed to be handled if necessary.

Written With LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon